
How Global Jewry Exerts Power: The Case of Iceland

LET’S LOOK at how global Jewry exerts pressure on Western countries to advance Jewish interests. To illustrate this, we’ll need to travel to Iceland…

On February 1st, 2018 Iceland’s parliament introduced a bill to outlaw circumcising children younger than 18-years-old. The bill was sponsored by 8 of Iceland’s 63 parliament members, who spanned 5 different political parties, which represent 48% of Iceland’s parliamentary seats.

Within just 48 hours, 422 doctors (25% of all doctors in Iceland) and 1,325 nurses signed a declaration supporting the bill. This wasn’t surprising since Iceland already outlawed female circumcision in 2005 and only 21 male children have been circumcised in Iceland since then.

The relatively small number of circumcisions performed is due to the fact that of the 340,000 people living in Iceland, there are only 35 Jews and less than 1,000 Muslims. For both religions, circumcision is a religious rite, but it is obligatory and central to Judaism.

While we’re on the topic of demographics, I’d like to take this time to mention that Iceland is rated the safest country in the world by the Global Peace Index — a position it’s held since 2011. Did I mention Iceland only has 35 Jews?

Despite massive support from over 25% of the healthcare industry, at least 48% of parliament, and passing a preliminary reading, Iceland’s Judicial Affairs Committee decided to scrap the bill before MPs could even participate in their own so-called “democracy” and vote on it.

So why did Iceland’s Judicial Affairs Committee decide to scrap the bill before parliament voted on it? Obviously, it wasn’t because Icelanders wanted to scrap the bill. In fact, it was purported to have a good chance of passing despite the lying media reporting otherwise.

Well, the issue was important to Jews because kosher slaughter is already illegal in Iceland and the move to ban circumcision would be the nail in the coffin for Jewry. With only 35 Jews (many of whom are American) and no Synogogues, the death knell for Jewry had started.

So after the circumcision bill was presented in February, Chabad Rabbi Avi Feldman, 27, of Brooklyn, NY, moved to Iceland with his daughters and wife “to bring awareness of the relevance and importance of brit milah (circumcision).”

Rabbi Feldman’s Judaic rituals quickly proved incongruent with Icelandic lifestyle when the Rabbi was forced to explain to an Icelander why he couldn’t eat from utensils that were touched by a goy (goyim are considered goats per the Talmud and anything goyim touch is un-kosher).

Mike Levin, a Jew who moved to Iceland from Chicago, hopes the presence of Feldman, Iceland’s first Rabbi, will encourage state funding for Jewish causes within Iceland. That’s right, chiseling tax dollars from native Icelanders to fund Jewry like their new proposed Synogogue.

So how did Jews pressure Iceland to scrap the bill that would ban circumcision? Per Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt: a) pressure from Jewish groups b) build coalitions with other faith groups c) “appeal” to international economic and political interests But it was mostly (c).

Pressure for scrapping the bill came by way of World Jewish Congress, Agudath Israel of America, the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, & Orthodox Union — the org that charges US food manufacturers to certify half of all of US food products as fit for Jews (kosher).

The pressure came in the form of protests and a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital city, where Rabbis flew in from parts of Europe to speak with members of parliament (MPs) in Iceland.

The second approach Jews used to thwart the bill was building coalitions with Muslim and

Catholic groups like the Catholic Church of the EU, Islamic Cultural Center of Iceland, and the Catholic Church of Iceland. Catholics only represent 4% of Iceland’s population, Muslims 0.3%.

But what was most effective in scrapping the bill was Orthodox Union enlisting the help of a Jew who sits in US Congress — Eliot Engel of N.Y. — to personally pen a letter of warning to Iceland’s Ambassador, alluding to the bill jeopardizing Iceland’s relationship with the US.

Now, was Eliot Engel acting in America’s interest or using his political office as leverage to bully Iceland for Jews? The MP that drafted the bill felt it was odd that a member of US Congress wrote an official letter commanding that she abandon legislation for her country.

Eliot Engel has a long history of working with Orthodox Union (OU) to advance Jewry. Here he is attending a recent OU conference discussing how to outlaw BDS and use Americans’ tax dollars to fund security at Jewish schools through the Nonprofit Security Grant Program.

And who was the shabbos goy that co-signed Engel’s letter to the Ambassador? That’s Ed Royce, an unapologetic, Jew-sycophant Congressman from California that spent his entire career prostrating himself for Israel. Even Jews mock him for his indefatigable support for Israel.

The ADL even got in on the action, sending a letter directly to Iceland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs threatening to smear the country as a modern-day Nazi Germany should the bill proceed to a vote. The ADL even alludes to how it will use its control of the media to do it.

And the Jewish media control isn’t only isolated to the the US.

The ADL — a tax-exempt, “civil rights” organization — clearly threatening to destroy Iceland’s reputation if they don’t bend the knee to Jewry. Smearing Iceland’s reputation would hurt its thriving tourist industry which recently surpassed 2 million visitors per year.

So how did Jews justify keeping circumcision in Iceland? a) it’s healthier b) religious freedom c) it’s anti-Semitic to ban it. And of course, they invoked the legend of the Holocaust™.

Is it really healthier? The two major studies Jews cite to prove it’s healthier to remove the penis foreskin are from the CDC and AAP. Interestingly, both reports are authored predominantly by Jews. No conflict of interest there, goy.

According to Jews, we’re just correcting a health risk that hasn’t been corrected by 6 million years of evolution.

Want to tell these kids how healthy circumcision is?

The reports further claim that severing the sensitive, living flesh from a child’s penis also reduces transmission of STDs like HIV. So circumcised folks should feel free to have unprotected sex with infected women because your chances of contracting HIV is reduced by .05%.

Jews claim banning circumcision is a contravention of religious freedom. But shouldn’t a child get to choose their religion before their physical body is forever altered by a Jewish parent intent on forcing their religion on their infant son’s penis?

And while we’re on the subject of religious freedom, should Jews have the freedom to stone children to death because it says so in the Hebrew Bible?

Of course, Jews claim banning circumcision is simply anti-Semitic. This would make the Europe Council, the Nordic Ombudsmen for Children, and the UN General Assembly anti-Semites for stating circumcision has no benefits for children and is in violation of their rights.

Now, in addition to the religious contradictions we see between stoning and circumcision, it’s also curious why a girl’s bodily integrity is protected but a boy’s is not. Listen goy, we can only have gender equality as long as it doesn’t conflict with Jewish interests.

Jews are quite proud of preventing Icleanders from legislating their own country’s laws. Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt even bragged about it to an Israeli news station.

This is ironic considering that circumcision is completely alien to all of Europe, especially Nordic cultures. Have you ever seen any Classical, Neoclassical, Renaissance, or Baroque art from Europe featuring a circumcised man? Probably not.

So what did we learn? We learned a country is not entitled to its own sovereignty if it conflicts with Jewish interests. God forbid countries don’t consult Jews before introducing any legislation for their country, regardless if there are only 35 Jews living there.

And now Iceland’s circumcision bill has been indefinitely shelved out of fear of Jewish retaliation, not because native Icelanders want circumcision. Will the same thing happen in Denmark and other countries considering a ban?

Will Denmark and Iceland go the way of the US where circumcision is paid for by taxpayers (Medicaid), laws prevent circumcision bans from even appearing on the ballot, and Governors abolish laws preventing Rabbis from sucking blood from infant penises without parental consent?

If Jews continue to use the United States as their personal battering ram, then yes — every country will bend the knee to protect their relationship with the US. I have no idea how people can think Jews control America…

Hopefully, when Iceland’s parliament reconvenes after the summer, they will ignore Jewish intimidation and proceed to a vote on the bill to ban circumcision. And remember: only the intolerable espouse that tolerance is virtuous. Which way, Iceland?

* * *

Source: Curse

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12 April, 2020 12:54 am

Dismantling the false holocaust ends all the power of international Jewry.

12 April, 2020 1:59 am


12 April, 2020 8:13 pm

Sick bastards ! Soon Iceland will be swarming with these inbred cockroaches. One by one they infiltrate, subvert, and take over. Soon there will be nothing left of Iceland. If they were smart instead of just another country full of PC cowards, they’d kick those filthy rats right the hell out of there NOW, while there’s still hope.

12 April, 2020 9:09 pm

Jew are causing their own burial. How long will it be before retaliation against Israel begin? I am sitting back and watching them destroy themselves. Forget about pointing out the Bible to them, even they don’t practice the commandants, particularly, love they neighbor as yourself. How can they love themselves if they don’t even love each other. They love human law above everything else. I have been reading Kings and believe me, they were bad people then, and time and time again God gave them a chance to change and didn’t. HE had the Babylonians, Armenians, Macedonians and Romans come and destroy Israel for their evil ways. All the the prophets predicted jewish demise, time and time again. Nothing is forever.

Reply to  Geli
13 April, 2020 11:47 am

I agree with your conclusion to the bible. One subsequent exception : ” They love human law above everything else.” What law do you mean? Washington and the churches have same false confession, Worship the lie, Crucify the Truth. I can not find any law, natural nor divine. Human presumptions or invention is to circumvent law. This is why most “law makers” are lawyers. Is it not?

Reply to  Geli
13 April, 2020 7:27 pm

how are jews destroying themselves ?

Reply to  Howard
14 April, 2020 11:51 pm

Well, if they only how to destroy and not to build, how can they (jew) build up their race when all they do is destroy other races? They are like communist they don’t think about the future far enough to understand that if they let the people go hungry as they did in Russia during the Bolshevik movement, yes they will kill off the rebellions (farmers), without comprehending they are killing off everything (agriculture-food) too. They have no logic, and with diminish IQ, they only know how to be evil, hence destroying their own race. It doesn’t help the enemies they have acquired.

Reply to  Geli
18 April, 2020 7:51 pm

Greetings Geli. In the USSR farmers who produced too much were vilified because they had more than their neighbours and therefore must have stolen it from the state. The ‘geniuses’ in charge of the USSR, led by Stalin, killed nine million of these Kulaks on whom agriculture depended.

Reply to  Geli
16 April, 2020 11:40 am

I respect your opinion – but how do think jews are losing? they seem to be destroying white countries
with ease

Reply to  Howard
18 April, 2020 12:00 pm

A tyrant father only knows how to raise tyrant sons. Do you recall the part in the movie, “The Hobbit,” where the Dwarfs reach the Lonely Mountain to reclaim it. It was after they defeated Smaug where Thorin the leader was obsessed with his gold and he couldn’t see anything beyond the future but his gold. In the movie, he was able to snap out of his trance to help fight against the evil that threatened his home. In reality, that’s not what happens. Greedy people are unhappy people, their thinking pattern is destructive, everybody is their enemy even another fellow jew because they become paranoid. I, myself met a jew who’s cousin made gold jewelry for rappers. If they were so knit and loving towards each other why didn’t… Read more »

Reply to  Geli
18 April, 2020 6:49 pm

“paranoid” is a jew log-ism . They love making words for things that, do not exist . But it does reply with casuistic arrogance when someone questions them and get a diagnosis for their unbelief. They create an artificial reality from thier endless lies. The tragedy is : life is good and holy and real. But it has incorruptible qualities. The jew born from corruptions and lawless can not have it —– so no one else can. Egalitarismus — the lie of our age. It seems the jew is the only voice in this space and time . Is it enjoying its glory. May it be short lived. It is the only anthropoid granted a purpose —to deceive. And many believe them to their own destruction.

G. B.
G. B.
12 April, 2020 10:27 pm

Why don’t the Icelandic legislators just tell these Jews to go to hell? It’s their country and they can make their own laws. Who cares what the international community thinks?

Reply to  G. B.
13 April, 2020 11:49 am

Why does Washington not or any state ?

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
13 April, 2020 1:25 am

Excellent article and well done thorough expose’. Ah, but wouldn’t it make a great
lesson in a Jew Awareness course taught at, say, the junior college level. Someday !

Mencken's Ghost
Mencken's Ghost
13 April, 2020 2:54 am

“Chabad Rabbi Avi Feldman, 27, of Brooklyn, NY, moved to Iceland with his daughters and wife “to bring awareness of the relevance and importance of brit milah (circumcision).” ”

Think of the audacity of these people going to a country 3,000 miles away telling them about the importance of a disgusting practice of your own culture. That’s like a Chinese official going to Italy to tell them about the importance of drinking bat soup.

Over the next decades we will witness once beautiful Iceland go down the drains through ADL-Sponsored brown immigration, feminism and socialism.

16 April, 2020 11:36 am

“While we’re on the topic of demographics, I’d like to take this time to mention that Iceland is rated the safest country in the world by the Global Peace Index — a position it’s held since 2011. Did I mention Iceland only has 35 Jews?” Jews out there know this and they are probably interested in finding out a way to reverse the fact that Iceland is basically a white country. You got to understand that they got an agenda that they must fulfill which is the destruction of white men everywhere and anywhere that you find them and we can’t certainly allow a nation that is peaceful as Iceland to remain in a peaceful state . So I would guess that probably within a few years Jews in Iceland… Read more »

Reply to  Howard
8 December, 2020 4:48 am

Diversity causes division…….obviously. Both words are one and the same.

mr eye
mr eye
16 April, 2020 5:50 pm

Good grief. These culture vultures can’t even leave tiny Iceland alone?? What a scourge they are to the world, but white western societies in particular. I really, really hope Iceland stands up to them, but not holding my breath, given how terrified many whites are of being called “anti-semitic.”

18 April, 2020 7:41 pm

Would the ADL support the religious freedoms of Dyaks and allow them to migrate to Israel? The Dyaks religion is based on head-hunting?

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
19 April, 2020 4:33 pm

Whew! TISSSOT, and plenty of complacent goyim who put up with it. Eventually they must see the necessity to organize for Aryan interests, free of alien influence.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton

Such a small number of Jews infesting an Aryan nation
thousands of times their number. How are they getting
away with it? The love of that dead-Jew-on-a-stick they
call “Jesus Christ.”

Reply to  Walt Hampton
8 December, 2020 5:07 am

Christianity has been a disaster for the West. It’s a Semitic, desert religion that doesn’t even suit our nature.

8 December, 2020 12:47 pm

Iceland could ban circumcision but with religious exemptions granted to jews and muslims. And then ban all immigration.

James Clayton
James Clayton
7 January, 2024 3:46 am

Brooklyn Black blogger on “Everything Iceland” promotional piece includes her photo:

I moved from Brooklyn to Iceland 7 years ago. It may be tiny, but it’s cheaper and I feel safer…
Story by [email protected] (Grace Dean) • 11h [01062024]