WLP86: William Pierce’s Mission — A Eulogy

In honor of the 86th anniversary of William Luther Pierce’s birth, we present the eulogy of William Pierce delivered at his memorial service in 2002.
by Kevin Alfred Strom (August 3, 2002)
IT’S MY SAD DUTY to inform you that my mentor and my friend, William Pierce, died a few days ago. He and I founded American Dissident Voices ten-and-a-half years ago, and it was his wish that I continue the program now that he is no longer able to do so. I humbly accept that responsibility.
Dr. William Luther Pierce, founder and Chairman of the National Alliance, died on July 23, 2002, after a battle with cancer lasting less than one month. Prior to his sudden disability, Dr. Pierce maintained his 80-hours-per-week schedule of writing, broadcasting, publishing, and organizing on behalf of people of European descent around the world, a regimen that he continued almost without interruption for 36 years. Standing far above his contemporaries, history will rank William Pierce with Shaw and Nietzsche as a visionary who saw clearly what European Man could become; and he will also be recognized as a great man of action who made his ideals concrete in an organization, the National Alliance, which will continue his Mission beyond his physical life.
Sixteen years ago, Dr. William Pierce spoke these words from the Havamal:
Cattle die, kinsmen die, and so must one die oneself. But one thing I know which never dies — the fame of a dead man’s deeds.
The writers of the Edda did not mean fame in the sense in which that word is now commonly understood. Today, when the semi-literates of the press utter the word “fame,” what they mean is notoriety — the notoriety that one gets by marrying or divorcing a Hollywood starlet or harlot, committing a sensational crime, or extracting tears and cash from the public by writing or filming a “best-seller,” which will be quickly forgotten when next season’s heart-rending thriller comes along.
“Fame,” to the ancients of our race — and even to our great-grandparents — carried with it an implication of acclaim and high honor and repute for great deeds well done. And, of course — and this is crucial — for the “fame of a dead man’s deeds” to live on and “never die,” the dead man’s people, his race, which unlike a man can truly be immortal, must live on and never die.
Ensuring the immortality of our European race was one aspect of William Pierce’s purpose — of William Pierce’s deeds.
No man saw more clearly the threat to the continued existence of our people than did William Pierce. No man strove more mightily to avert our enemies’ genocidal plans than did William Pierce. No man exhorted our people more compellingly to tear the blinders from our eyes and to see the world as it really is than did William Pierce. No man called forth nobility from the White men and women of our time as did William Pierce. No man hammered the truth home again and again as did William Pierce: from this, his mountaintop pulpit, he called out to his people to stop our insane and suicidal course, to stop worshipping our deadliest enemies, and to take the hand he offered to help us return once again to what he called the Upward Path.

Racial survival is absolutely necessary, the sine qua non of William Pierce’s purpose. Insisting upon European man’s right of survival, and creating a vital and growing organization to bring that about was enough to make William Pierce some very powerful enemies. And to his friends and comrades that great goal was enough to bind them in loyalty for a lifetime. But understanding racial survival, racial continuity, even racial immortality is just the beginning of an understanding of William Pierce’s purpose — of William Pierce’s deeds.
Dr. Pierce saw the future looming, dangerous yet infinitely promising, before us. He saw that man, and even our race, and even the highest among our race are not ends in themselves but a bridge to something higher.
The Jews like to caricature us by saying that we are “White supremacists” who believe that we are superior “Supermen” who therefore deserve to lord it over other peoples and enslave or kill them at our pleasure. Although that more accurately describes Ariel Sharon’s attitude than it does anyone else’s, unfortunately there are some among us whose racialism is an act of ignorant hubris like that, and who therefore bring great discredit upon a Cause they do not understand.
William Pierce’s vision was less of what European man is than of what European man could be in the future.
Yes, by our own standards we are superior — the best among us markedly so. The Aryan race, by dint of its intelligence and creativity and character has managed to drag itself up to a state of civilization and some degree of scientific understanding of the universe about us. But what Dr. Pierce could clearly see, and what the more jingoistic racialists cannot see, is that that state of civilization, impressive as it may be, and though none has exceeded it, is but a few inches above the slime of universal savagery. We are a few inches above the dirt on a journey to the stars. The journey has just begun and the danger of falling back is very great.
European man is, in two senses, very much like the first amphibians that took their first faltering steps upon the land and tremblingly and inefficiently (and certainly without comprehension of what they were doing) took their first breaths of air.
As the amphibians broke through the previously unpassed boundary of the surface of the sea, so Aryan man has in the last microsecond of geologic time touched the surface of another world. I should not need to tell you what implications that has — for building a new civilization of the selected few — our selected few — on another world, for giving Life itself a second chance on a new world should circumstances or bad choices render this one unlivable, and for a thousand other things.
Even more important than colonizing other worlds in the macrouniverse of space, we also are stepping into a new world in the microuniverse of our own DNA. Since the time of Gregor Mendel, every year we have increased our fund of knowledge that will allow us to accelerate and direct the course of our own evolution. Since the fall of Europe in 1945, no nation has yet fully grasped the implications of this knowledge. Today it seems likely that the less Jew-ridden elites of Asia will embrace this truth and so gain world-ruling power and superiority in a few generations — power to destroy and enslave us if they so choose. Now, more than ever, it is important for White men and women to regain control of our governments so that the power of applied eugenics will be ours to wield during the time that human life is still restricted to this planet. And I should not need to tell you of the monumental implications of eugenically increasing our intelligence and understanding — for avoiding cosmic or biological catastrophes, for greater understanding of natural processes and the technological power that can bring, and a thousand thousands more, most of which our limited minds cannot even imagine at this stage in our evolution — just as the first amphibians could not understand the implications of their first shaky steps upon the Devonian sands millions of years ago.
Critics with very little insight called William Pierce an “anti-Semite” and lumped him together with ignorant provincials, religious fanatics, and conspiracy-obsessed lunatics, of which he was more nearly the opposite than anyone else.
William Pierce knew that for our people to achieve their potential greatness, we must regain control of our own destiny. That means that our ruling elite must be of our people and for our people. And he saw the Jews from a realistic, objective, and biological perspective. He perceived that, as a race, Jews are unique — very strange parasites that replace our race’s elite and leadership with themselves.
Jews deprive our race of what it must have if it is going to survive and prosper: the leadership of the best among us. In a Jew-led society, the best are suppressed, vilified, hated, imprisoned, exiled, killed.
As Dr. Pierce pointed out to me almost 20 years ago, what Jews do to other races is not unlike what certain parasitic ant species do to their hosts.
There is a parasitic ant species whose queen invades a colony, climbs atop the colony’s queen, methodically gnaws her head off, and thereafter displaces her. The parasitized workers then feed and raise the immigrant queen’s eggs, which mature and go off to invade other colonies.
Apparently, chemical signals (much like television or radio signals are to us) prevent the colony’s workers from recognizing the parasite as an invader.
An even more dramatic example of immigrant parasite “chemical signal” use is the species which, it is theorized, uses such signals to induce the host workers to murder their own mother. As Richard Dawkins describes it in The Selfish Gene:
But sawing off heads is a bit of a chore. Parasites are not accustomed to exerting themselves if they can coerce a stand-in. My favourite character in Wilson’s The Insect Societies is Monomorium santschii.This species, over evolutionary time, has lost its worker caste altogether. The host workers do everything for their parasites, even the most terrible task of all. At the behest of the invading parasite queen, they actually perform the deed of murdering their own mother. The usurper doesn’t need to use her jaws. She uses mind-control.
How she does it is a mystery; she probably employs a chemical, for ant nervous systems are generally highly attuned to them. If her weapon is indeed chemical, then it is as insidious a drug as any known to science.
For think what it accomplishes. It floods the brain of the worker ant, grabs the reins of her muscles, woos her from deeply ingrained duties and turns her against her own mother. For ants, matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it. In the world of the extended phenotype, ask not how an animal’s behaviour benefits its genes; ask instead whose genes it is benefiting.
Indeed. One reflects that the Jewish media elite also use “antennae” of a kind to induce us to commit suicide.
Their parasitic, money/pleasure earthbound existence, the highest goal of which is merely to manipulate their hosts to provide all the material needs of the ruling Jews, is anti-Faustian, anti-evolution, and will ultimately result in the final and irreversible termination of our long journey on the Upward Path toward greater consciousness and understanding and mastery. Despite its glitter and its temporal power, the path of the Jews is an empty and bleak one, an evolutionary dead end whose final stop is extinction and death. William Pierce knew, with more depth of understanding than any other man, that they must be removed from their position of power over us, or all is lost.
He knew that the survival of everything we love, everything we know as noble or beautiful, depends on our victory.
If we lose, every sacrifice made by our ancestors will be turned into nothing — like dust blowing across Ozymandias’ dead empire, they and we will be utterly forgotten, and the universe will know us no more. Only a very few men of vision could see that those are the stakes — and because William Pierce lived, we can see that too. Time will tell if we were worthy of that knowledge.
It is hard for me to believe that William Pierce is gone. For twenty years he was my teacher. He was my mentor. He was my friend. Just a few days ago, he was still joking with me as he made plans for a future he knew he would not see. Just a few months before that, after my wife and I had dinner at his home, he surprised us with his vigor and life-force at the age of 68 by sweeping his lady friend off her feet and kissing her as they laughed and swirled around the room to the music on her stereo. Dr. Pierce lived — truly lived — and gave his all for his people every day for 36 years after his awakening. I’m glad I was able to know him and learn from him.
Yesterday I received a note from Joseph Pryce, the man who gave us the beautiful music of Call of the Blood, and he said good-bye to Dr. Pierce in these words:
Rest in Peace until you need no longer rest, o William! Be of Good Cheer, You Are Still What You Have Always Been, And What You Were You Shall Remain: Our Doctor! And that is going to be true through all of time for you, and through all earthly ages that will come for all of us who live within you, we, reflections of your glory!
William Pierce, as I have said before, had his eyes on the stars. I am not a mystic and I do not believe in magic or the supernatural. I believe we live in a purely material universe, and the objective study of it should bring us all the awe and wonder we need, an awe and wonder all the greater for its source being real and not in the prosaic imagination of some con-man or mystery-monger. But I do not think that I exaggerate when I say that William Pierce is looking down at us from those stars.
The unimaginably immense universe shines down upon us, an infinite field of galaxies and the blackness of the void. In its structure and in the nature of Time itself, operating not according to chance as some would have it, but according to absolute laws in which one moment is the inevitable and unavoidable father of the next, there was an inherent pattern that led to the development of Life from non-living matter. Just as inevitably, consciousness developed among living beings and, eventually, there arose among conscious beings our Kind — our race — on planet Earth. And among our Kind, there occasionally arises a Great Man, a man who can see the Future beckoning, who knows that we face a choice between Infinity and Nothingness — a man like William Luther Pierce. That such a man could arise among us — that the birth and life of such a man was inherent in the structure of this universe of stars from the very beginning of Time — should give us hope, should banish fear, should bind us together for the rest of our lives and call us to give those lives so that our journey to those stars, our ascent upon William Pierce’s Upward Path, can begin.
* * *
Source: Free Speech magazine, September 2002, Volume VIII, Number IX
I don’t agree with everything William Pierce said in the ADV broadcasts, but I agree with his general idea that whites need a separate living and growing space free of jewish and liberal influences that now touch everything from space travel to middle school textbooks, and that idea cannot be compromised for popularity or expediency. Civilization’s creative advancement and what’s left of the Western tradition are at stake.
You’re right, and I agree with your comment that total separation is a necessity. None of us can do it alone, but together we can achieve anything.
To agree with Dr. Pierce’s radical goal of geographical separation of racially conscious Whites in our own homeland, free of alien influences, when achieved, pretty much resolves whatever other problems our people face. So, I’m curious, Seth, what specifically did he say in his ADV broadcasts that you disagree with? What else can the Alliance say to attract more Whites to agree with what you describe as Dr. Pierce’s “general idea.” I’m serious. What would it take to improve our message to attract someone like you to join with us? What, for example, do you disagree with in this description of the National Alliance’s ideology, program and goals, here, that would make the Alliance more appealing to you?: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ Those who join the Alliance have accepted as their own these… Read more »
I listened to ADV episodes on WRNO shortwave, and a public access cable station. In one episode, Dr. Pierce stated that he wanted to hunt down every jew he could (it was more detailed but I can’t remember it, so won’t repeat it). This was likely between 60 Minutes appearances with jew Mike Wallace. After the Murrah bldg. bombing, I thought Dr. Pierce did not fully distance his views from McVeigh’s, at least in the mainstream media when he had quotable access; that time frame was an opportunity to bring in many more whites as part of a new, less-accusatory direction. That avenue was not exploited, and couldn’t, based on his ADV comments and books. As for now, there has to be broad appeal, yet a targeted campaign. If White… Read more »
You’re delusional if you think there will be a peaceful solution to this. This has been a premeditated attack against our race. Sure, the time for full-out war against the System is not here yet, but if you think that somehow the majority of Whites will miraculously band together and be a peaceful movement against the genocidal jewish elite and their puppets – ESPECIALLY while the mass media remains in control of said jews – you are just kidding yourself.
The so-called Hitlerism here is important because National Socialism is the only political system that jews can’t subvert. And it doesn’t take 51% of the population to overthrow an oppressive regime, that’s for certain. You greatly overestimate the power of the US military and underestimate the effectiveness of guerilla warfare.
Thank you, Craig. You “get it” and you have responded to Seth succinctly. Seth might better try to radicalize the Republican Party to deal with the JQ and race problems than push for compromise on the National Alliance’s long term approach of building a mass movement of will and determination around the core minority of responsible Whites who actually agree with the Alliance’s approach. We will build our own mass media to bypass Jew-controlled mass media to reach our people with the Alliance’s message. It doesn’t help to have people like Seth telling folks on NV.org that the Alliance’s message is faulty and will never work because it doesn’t reach out to the masses like the Stupid Party tries to do. Criticism is all right, if constructive. Seth’s criticism is… Read more »
As my original post to this thread says, I agree with Dr. Pierce’s general idea but don’t agree with every point he made. He was not infallible. I shouldn’t have referenced 60 Minutes, but there was a contradiction between his comment on getting the jew in a visceral way and appearing on a TV network in front of one (with many more behind him holding a philosophical knife, as he knew). My criticism may reflect what a lot of people who visit NV are thinking; with over 1 million visitors, more should be donating or joining the NA, I’m presuming, based on your responses here. Another opportunity for NA growth exists now as alt-right has been expunged from social media. But the large alt-right mass who followed “shitlords” on Twitter… Read more »
This type of thinking led to the Murrah building bombing, simply because a few individuals thought it was time for a full-out war and acted upon it. Where did that get us? OTOH, sitting at a computer or handing out leaflets is insufficient when it is clear a time-frame for influencing the mainstream may again be approaching, requiring more creative outreach than that. Everyone agrees the “two-party” system is failing at the hands of those who abuse the Constitution and concoct ever more party-based, autocratic congressional rules. Try passing a resolution simply criticizing Israel for its West Bank settlements. However, the most recent of such time-frames ( social media expansion) has closed with jewish groups shutting down debate and snarky criticism, a sad outcome. But jews cannot shut down the… Read more »
>National socialism doesn’t need to be the legacy of AH
It kind of is, what with him being the guy who codified large sections of its ideology. (unless you are a strasserite, which means you are just a Bolshevik in a fancy brownshirt).
Earlier you said
>The Hitlerism practiced on NV is a slap in the face to hundreds of thousands of whites whose relatives fought for the US in WWII, regardless of what is presented .
So the solution is to just act like WW2 was “le good war”, and not criticize the fruits of our “victory”?
That is beyond stupid.
Trying to coddle cuckservative boobs and their dumb ideas is not a good path, a big reason why racial nationalism has grown dramatically in the past ten years is because more and more people are regarding the allied victory in the second world war as a big part of the reason why we are in such a mess today.
It’s what a site that analyzed my picture said (16% latino, 2% unknown?). Hitler was a man of his time. Stalin and FDR were war criminals, but GeneralPlan Ost could have become a reality, a tragedy if it did. Hitler is the main villian geopolitically now because first and foremost he was a German chauvanist and expansionist (we all know the other reason). National Socialism does not need Hitler, but vice versa. And he’s not right to alt-right and other snowflakes who are busy converting FS OHV tracts into ” forever wild preserves” with a list of NO’s longer than a high school lunchroom’s, when not selling artisinal breads, beard oil, and restored old Schwinns. Such sensitive types are natural for racial separatism, living in the PacNW, concealing their personal… Read more »
>GeneralPlan Ost could have become a reality, a tragedy if it did. People who think that was a actual policy can never define what “Generalplan OST was. Was it germanization and assimilation? Complete ethnic cleansing of all eastern Europe? Ethnic cleansing of individual Slavs that showed mixture with Asians? Was it installation of a Germanic ruling class in the east, similar to the tsar (who was Germanic)? Or something else? Or maybe it didn’t exist? Why is it that the loudest supporters of this theory also scream about the shoahcaust of 6 million jews in gas ovens? Even if there is some modicum of truth to it, ethnic groups get conquered and/or assimilated all the time. They also get kicked out of regions by other ethnic groups. It is the… Read more »
Greetings Jones.
We should remember that the ‘Polish Corridor’ was being ethnically cleansed by Poland of Germans who had lived there since prehistory. Polish government stole their land and 58,000 were murdered by Judeo-Bolsheviks before WW2.
Regarding “We fought racism in germany, just to have segregation and racism at home?”, they actually fought successful German commerce and self-sufficiency.
Let me revise, National Socialism needs Hitler as the example of a leader who utilized it to great success for his nation’s economy, social structure and international standing, prior to Allied interference, 80 years ago. The answer to those who say that taints NS by association, is to note that if Hitler said the sky is blue, should we condemn blue skies? But we all know there was a dark side. So NS’s problem is that it is tied in to occupation of neighboring countries and mass deportations. Will that be repeated? Many if not most whites will oppose such violence. Detaching NS from Hitler, leaving just a political-social-economic system to convince whites, won’t have to wrangle with “will we be invading other countries to obtain the commodities we need?”,… Read more »
Sethmoto101: …Hitler was a man of his time. Stalin and FDR were war criminals… And [Hitler is] not right to alt-right and other snowflakes… — On that subject it might be helpful for these alt-right snowflakes to read this: https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/04/the-measure-of-greatness-3/ — For future white leaders born in the 2000’s; a web site like NV cannot undo all the brainwashing that public and most religious-based schools have done to young white minds on race… so stressing a proper future is preferable to debates about Hitler and even the Holocaust… — Oh, you mean like here: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ I do not recall reading anything about Hitler or the Holocaust there. You might see me as biased since I currently lead the National Alliance, but I’ll say Building a New White World stresses a… Read more »
I defer to your better judgement. My last point on this, which is counter to William Pierce’s standard, is that mass appeal of a new (or renewed) idea in the US requires watering-down the triggering philosophy, at least since the Civil War. Labor unions were a socialist idea, and alone they could succeed as long as the other requirements of socialism were dropped – including desegregation up until recently. The insane ideas of feminists are largely ignored, e.g. “comparable worth”, but many aspects of it have become acceptable in the US, such as so-called working moms. Racial separation in the foreseeable future requires mass appeal among whites and many non-whites to cooperate with the process, and it must happen within the next 20 years. That is reality. 1000 articles on… Read more »
>Racial separation in the foreseeable future requires mass appeal among whites There already is a mass appeal, even if they won’t admit it. White flight is a good indicator. >many non-whites to cooperate with the process You must be delusional. Whenever whites do separate from nonwhites, there is nothing but seething anger and hatred from the nonwhites. Just take a look to the nonwhite reactions to the white flight out of major urban centers in the united states, the flight of whites from the former rhodesia, and Orania in South Africa. Almost all nonwhites think that access to white people is a right, and that we need to gibs our cash, our daughters, and our land to them, while smiling sweetly. To think that there well be even more than… Read more »
Jones: ...To think that there well be even more than a handful of nonwhites who accept white separatism is folly… Besides the aging Louis Farrakhan, how many non-whites/nonwhite leaders advocate separatism? — We aren’t concerned how non-Whites feel about our separating from them. Farrakhan’s NOI are racial separatists, oppose race-mixing, and are tuned in to the JQ. Should they and we decide racial separatism is a logical, reasonable solution the racial strife, and we leave out the Jews, that’s a good start. You might enjoy this ADV that discusses the possibility: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/10/forward-vision/ — Didn’t Mr. Strom say in one of his ADVs that this site got something like 750,000 hits a month? That is mass appeal, but the National Alliance, at least to my understanding, is more of a educational/informational… Read more »
Non-whites embrace separatism every day in the US by the millions. Look who they associate with, pray with, play with, and disparage. Whites just have to say, “Now you get your chance, no more white-privilege to stand in your way. Just leave us the land we feed the world with, access to ports and infrastructure to keep it possible. But you know who to call to do the important work while you enjoy your TV-inspired, jew-administered, multi-racial orgy. Work like building that canyon-spanning power-line, or safely transporting those spent nuclear fuel rods, or flying that buggy Boeing 737 without incident, or repairing those darn dam cracks, etc, right? We still boyz like dat.”.
This is an excellent eulogy. However and
more importantly, it predicts the rise of
Mainland China as the global superpower
of this century. The prospect does not please
me. However as unpleasant as it may be,
a world economic order based on sound
economic principles WILL come about –
with or without the participation of Caucasians.
A most important point to ponder: There
are NO “holocaust museums” in China. The
Chinese know a swindle when they see one.