
National Socialism and Christianity are Incompatible

by Martin Bormann (1941)

NATIONAL SOCIALIST and Christian concepts are incompatible. The Christian churches build upon the ignorance of man and strive to keep large portions of the people in ignorance because only in this way can the Christian churches maintain their power. On the other hand, National Socialism is based on scientific foundations. Christianity’s immutable principles, which we laid down almost 2,000 years ago, have increasingly stiffened into life-alien dogmas. National Socialism, however, if it wants to fulfill its historic task, must always guide itself according to the newest data of scientific researches.

The Christian churches have long been aware that exact scientific knowledge poses a threat to their existence. Therefore, by means of such pseudo-sciences as theology, they take great pains to suppress or falsify scientific research. Our National Socialist worldview stands on a much higher level than the concepts of Christianity, which in their essentials have been taken over from Judaism. For this reason, too, we can do without Christianity.

No one would know about Christianity if pastors had not crammed it down his throat in his childhood. The so-called loving God by no means reveals his knowledge of his existence to young people, but amazingly enough, and despite his omnipotence, leaves this to the efforts of a pastor. When, in the future, our youth no longer hear anything about this Christianity, whose doctrines are far below our own, Christianity will automatically disappear.

It is also astonishing that prior to our own era nothing was known to mankind about this Christian God and even since then the great majority of the inhabitants of our Earth have known nothing about Christianity. Because of this, according to the arrogant Christian dogma, they are damned from the outset.

When we National Socialists speak about a belief in God [Gottglaeubigkeit = Non-Christian theism], we do not understand, as do the naïve Christians and their clerical beneficiaries, a manlike being who is sitting around in some corner of the spheres. Rather, we must open the eyes of mankind to the fact that in addition to our own unimportant Earth, there exist countless other bodies in the Universe, many of them surrounded, like the Sun, by planets, and these again by smaller bodies, the moons. The force which moves all of these bodies in the Universe, in accordance with natural law, is what we call the Almighty or God. The assertion that this world-force can worry about the fate of every individual, of every bacillus on Earth, and that it can be influenced by so-called prayer or other astonishing things, is either based on a suitable dose of naïveté or on outright commercial effrontery.

In contrast, we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible – that is in keeping with the laws of life. The more thoroughly we know and attend to the laws of nature and life, the more that we adhere to them, the more do we correspond to the will of the Almighty. The deeper our insight into the will of the Almighty, the greater will be our success.

* * *

Source: Martin Kerr

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Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
6 July, 2019 10:21 am

It is a strange phenomenon that the more one looks into the writings of the Bible, the less one is convinced that they are accurate. Robert M. Price and Bart Ehrman used to be dedicated believers. They thought that since they had found the truth, that they would plunge into it, entirely, dedicating their lives. What they found dismayed them. The one problem I have with the article is this statement: “In contrast, we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible . . .” This brings to mind the migrants in Europe and America or even some of our own people . . . they appear to think it is perfectly according to nature to use a woman for their own purposes. Their societies seem to… Read more »

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
6 July, 2019 1:58 pm

ARVIN N. PREBOST: The one problem I have with the article is this statement: “In contrast, we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible . . .” — Rather than putting the ellipsis in that sentence that is problematic for you, the part you omit — “that is in keeping with the laws of life” — explains why compatibility of European man’s living by laws of Nature is superior to living by the Jew’s “pseudo-scientific” biblical law. Surely Mother Nature would approve of how National Socialist men and women regard and treat one another and would reject the Jew’s profane Bible stories. Thank you for this piece by Bormann, Mr. Kerr. My favorite line: “No one would know about Christianity if pastors had not crammed it… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Will W Williams
6 July, 2019 11:03 pm

“In contrast, we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible – that is in keeping with the laws of life.” WWW, I don’t know what this means. Are some of us to be like a male lion, and have a harem of six or so women? After all, nature designed human males to go about impregnating and spreading their genes, it seems. Are we to go about stealing horses or women, or whatever, from other people, just because we can? That is what I understand the ancient Aryans to have done, especially in Persia. Other people have acted in this manner also. Are we to be like the Vikings, and go a-viking? That was not so good for England and France. I really don’t understand what… Read more »

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
7 July, 2019 3:03 am

It is living in a way that is best for family and race, rather than to fit the civic nation’s fads and norms. This means not supporting a son’s decision to join the military, now that it is wrapped up in politically correct missions or pointless mid-east conflicts (although you can support the weapons-training and networking with other whites there). It means not supporting a daughter’s decision to date a non-white, even if he is a fine person and it pains to see the hurt such rejection creates. It means giving up a career whose bylaws expected integration of diversity and inclusion of those who are clearly alien to whites, for a life as self-sufficient as possible without sacrificing well-being, explained further. It means home-schooling or group-schooling so children receive… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Travon Martinberg
7 July, 2019 11:38 am

I agree with all that you have said. Life is messy, and the picadillos of certain individuals (whether in Christianity or National Socialism) are best left to the individuals involved.

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
22 September, 2021 6:30 pm


George Wilson
George Wilson
Reply to  Travon Martinberg
4 January, 2024 10:59 am

First of all, “White” is capitalized when used in a racial sense.

Also, Jews almost never join the Military (do not even count on Jews being loyal to the Israeli Military). Military service is honorable and should be supported no matter what nation is being served, as the Jews and their collaborators are the ones at fault. Jews are willing to sacrifice their strongest collaborators and even their own.

Of course, I agree with you that it is unacceptable for an Aryan to date or marry a Jew or non-Aryan.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  George Wilson
5 January, 2024 5:37 pm

George Wilson: Reply to Travon Martinberg 4 January, 2024
First of all, “White” is capitalized when used in a racial sense.

Thanks for that, George. Our top writers have observed that rule. We who follow them naturally conform to that standard and we notice when those claiming to be White racial nationalists do not.

Perhaps Travon now capitalizes White when using the word in the racial sense. After all, it was 2019 when he didn’t.

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 July, 2019 8:37 am

Are some of us to be like a male lion, and have a harem of six or so women?

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects

the aristocratic principle of Nature

and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf
Aryan men have a divine right to breed . . . much more so than others . . .“the aristocratic principle of Nature.”
Heil Hitler!

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Will W Williams
7 July, 2019 8:20 pm

Who can say what NS would have become in Germany if Hitler had won the war; if it became not merely defensive against communism but actually became the supreme assertive philosophy? Can we compare Hitler to the authoritarian Christian fascist leader, Herbert W. Armstrong? After Armstrong’s death, the Worldwide Church or God cult splintered into about 300 hostile (to each other) offshoots. The authoritarian Armstrong did not groom, or pick, a good successor to his claims of being “God’s End-time Apostle” who was the shepherd/prophet/final authority of “God’s True Church.” Is it possible that NS would have gone the same way, after the death of the Fuehrer? There would have been libertine groups, family-oriented groups, ritual groups, occult groups, Catholic groups—all claiming to be the true successors of what the… Read more »

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
8 July, 2019 9:13 pm

Monogamy is a hackneyed tenet of religion, an unnatural order created by zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over female procreativity and individual male posterity… All men are born of a woman, married or not. . Why not polyandry or polygyny ??? . Nothing is more misogynistic than a male homosexual, not even Islam . . . The Islamists want to control female procreativity just as much as the Christians and Jews, the homosexuals, Marxists, and feminists want to destroy it, especially for Caucasians. . We can’t afford healthcare for white American children because we need to be bombing somebody else’s for the love of Jesus and Israel. . “The Germanic inhabitant of the American… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Clarence Spangle
9 July, 2019 6:55 pm

Clarence, according to the book, “The Naked Ape,” the evolution of monogamy had nothing to do with religion. The author says it had to do with men going hunting. The young men would go hunting for weeks at a time; the older men would stay behind with the women. In order for this to happen, and for the young men to trust the older men with their wives, monogamy had to evolve, or else the tribe would starve because none of the young men would care to leave his wife behind with a pack of Bill Clinton-type lechers.

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 July, 2019 8:25 am

Lebensborn . . . one word that proves the Jewish lie of monogamy wrong . . .
“The highest aim of human existence is not preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the race.”—Mein Kampf
Animals do not get married . . . All men are born of a woman, monogamy is a Jewish lie codified into the secular law.

Herr Soundso
Herr Soundso
Reply to  Clarence Spangle
15 August, 2019 6:35 am

You seem to believe in the Jewish fables about Lebensborn. Lebensborn were NOT breeding facilities for Aryan Superman, but, originally, facilities situated outside of cities where young women who became pregnant unwanted could carry the child to term and which also arranged the adoption of the child. Later during the war these facilities became popular among the wives of SS-men because they were relatively safe from the allied bombing terror since they were hidden in forests. Besides, monogamy does not require one to get married, but to be loyal to one another. And it is definitely not a Jewish lie, since monogamy was already common in Europe long before Jews entered the scene, as, for example, Tacitus tells us in his work “Germania”. Monogamy is the highest form of sexual… Read more »

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Herr Soundso
15 September, 2021 12:23 am

More Jewish lies . . . no thank you . . .

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 July, 2019 8:35 am

“The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength with the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies personal worth, contests the significance of folk and race, and thereby withdraws from mankind premise for its existence and culture.”—Mein Kampf
Aryan men like me have a divine right to breed . . . it is “the aristocratic principle of Nature.”

Douglas E. Heeren
Douglas E. Heeren
6 July, 2019 11:48 am

AS a practicing Odinist, I can tell you that any religion that doesn’t reflect the ethnicity of it’s followers is false. Christianity is a Jew invented religion or creed meant to enslave the follower. The pagans had no concept of sin, only honor and dishonor. The National Socialist lives his life in an honorable way, not as a slave to rules made of stone by Jews. We Odinists walk with our gods, we do not bow to foreign peoples or their lies.

Chris L
Chris L
Reply to  Douglas E. Heeren
7 July, 2019 9:01 am

Well said

Reply to  Douglas E. Heeren
10 August, 2020 7:54 pm

i respect your belief,because all men have the liberty to believe as they want.i personaly believe in the Divine Spirit Father and the Son Jesus Christ who was never a jew as to be a jew would mean he was of this world. Ancient aryans believed in the Divine Father manifesting in man form, they even left the Gita and vedas. i don’t hold your beliefs against you,for it is up to the Divine Father to cleans anyone of ignorance. For we are all ignorant in some points.i trust in the Divine Father because He is only all righteous. For if you say you can become “god” that literally proves the bible store of eden true . Robert E Lee and thomas jackson believed and it led them to be… Read more »

6 July, 2019 7:12 pm

“…must always guide itself according to the newest data of scientific researches.” Yeah…no, sorry. Ironic, that the author is arguing in favor of scientism; a Jewish design that is one of their main weapons in getting us to the dire place we are now. “Science” is mostly infiltrated today by Jews, and the majority of the scientists in the past (like Isaac Newton) were devote Christians. Science today has simply replaced religion because of this idea that society “must” bend to the will of science. C.S. Lewis, during the second world war, noted a marked shift in education (thanks to science) that was destroying society. In “The Abolition of Man”, a series of 3 lectures, Lewis pointed out this worrying trend in modern education exemplified in a textbook he called… Read more »

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Holyphonic
6 July, 2019 10:32 pm

HOLYPHONIC: [delete sermon] The ACTUAL reasons why Christianity is incompatible with NatSoc are the same reasons Christianity is largely incompatible with all types of ethno-nationalism — it is universally-inclusive and demands greater devotion to the church or idols than to one’s race.

OK. I can stipulate to that much, and to the inverse.

8 July, 2019 1:07 am

I’m not a sophisticated man, and I came to the idea of National Socialism after already having done serious study in the areas of theology/spirituality and coming to a conclusion in my own life. Rather than missing the forest for the trees, I see a richer, truer, and fuller Christianity through the lens of National Socialism than I ever did before, as Christianity taught me to seek the Good, the True, and the Beautiful; and National Socialism elucidates the will to survive, the instinct for health and strength, and the desire for beauty in my own life. Mainstream modern “Christianity” to me seems more a Sunday book club, rather than a lifestyle. Apart from any intellectual reasons I may have for clinging to Christianity, I also have insurmountable emotional barriers… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  ElectroMechanicalBear
8 July, 2019 9:27 am

Asatru had a concept of life after death, although they did not dwell on it as much as Christianity because they wanted the focus on this life.

From what I know of Cosmotheism, and it is not much, it makes no such assurances.

I think that a convincing amount of psychic research supports the concept, without any religious framework.

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
8 July, 2019 9:31 pm

ARVIN N. PREBOST: …From what I know of Cosmotheism, and it is not much, it makes no such assurances [of an afterlife].

You’ve come to the right place to enlighten yourself about Cosmotheism, Arvin. Write ‘cosmotheism’ in the search block at the upper right corner of this page and a hundred articles will come up that will help you to better understand this reality-grounded belief system. I just did that and on the 11th page of articles about cosmotheism is this one by William Pierce, written for his National Alliance members in 1982:

Our lives after we die — our “afterlife” — continue on through our people. Only if our people are here to continue on, that is. Our struggle is to see that they do.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Will W Williams
9 July, 2019 11:04 am

Thanks, Will. I took a cursory glance, but unfortunately, when I try to scroll down the list, the list disappears!

I will figure it out when I return from another day working out in the hot sun.

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
9 July, 2019 7:22 pm

That sux. Not the working in the hot sun part — some heliotherapy, in moderation, is good for us melaninly-challenged palefaces — but that all of those articles about Cosmotheism would disappear like that. I was listening the other day to Dr. Pierce’s talk from 42 years ago: “Cosmotheism, Wave of the Future.” Amazing stuff. Where did I see someone here a day or so ago equating Cosmotheism with atheism, claiming that both lacked the necessary “spirituality” that Christianity offers? What a crock! Atheists don’t believe in much at all, especially in the other fellows’ spooks. Cosmotheists, on the other hand, hold strong beliefs, very strong beliefs, spiritual beliefs — but we’re not talking belief in spooky “spirits,” like imaginary ghosts and angels and devils, but highly intellectual and… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Will W Williams
9 July, 2019 9:05 pm

But, Mr. Williams, does this not mean that Adolf Hitler was a failure since he did not pass on his genes to any offspring?

Why would this exemplar of Aryan excellence (as indeed he did strive to be, no doubt!) not pass on his genes to someone who could continue his work?

I am only being forthright in asking this question—the light of truth does not allow cowards to hide in the shadows or under rocks, among the cockroaches!

William White Williams
William White Williams
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 July, 2019 7:45 pm

I’ll defer to an expert in cowardice and cockroaches, or whatever, to answer your question, Arvin. Whether Mr. Hitler fathered children or not, I do not know. The truth is that he was married to a cause and fathered a movement that bought our race some time, lives on today and will live on for centuries to come. A failure? I think not.

I don’t see what your question has to do with the incompatibility of Christianity with NS, or the compatibility of NS with Cosmotheism.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
11 July, 2019 9:37 am

I asked the question about Hitler passing on his genetics because of the great loss involved if he did not.

Is not that what Cosmotheism says that it is ultimately all about?

As important as this one physical life is, and as important as passing on one’s genes continues to be, I think that Cosmotheism will be a bird that flies with only one wing if it leaves out any possibility of personal survival after death.

In this materialist aspect of Cosmotheism, it makes a break with the beliefs of our European Ancestors, both Germanic and Celtic. I am talking about our ancestors even before any Christian influences.

Herr Soundso
Herr Soundso
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
15 August, 2019 7:12 am

We live on through our children and/or our works. Hitler, as many other great men, apparently did not father any children of his own, but he still lives on through his work. Us talking about him is proof of that!

William White Williams
William White Williams
Reply to  ElectroMechanicalBear
8 July, 2019 11:26 am

Good luck reuniting with your dearly departed up in the sky when you die, ELECTROMECHANICALBEAR.

In your own spiritual journey you may enjoy reading William Gayley Simpson’s struggle from devoted Christian to realist, and Dr. Oliver’s review of Simpson’s magnum opus, here:

Reply to  ElectroMechanicalBear
14 July, 2019 6:39 pm

To me, Christianity was just believing what was in the Bible. And believing what was in the bible was just like believing in the contents of a history or science book. Once I began to believe in evolution and the big bang, I’m almost not a Christian anymore. I only cling just barely on because it was the only one faith that all Europeans have a connection to.

8 July, 2019 11:08 am

When and where is Bormann supposed to have said this?

It is very impolitic.

Hitler certainly would not have made a public statement like this. He might have said something like it privately.

dave westerlund
dave westerlund
8 July, 2019 4:10 pm

So true about NS and religion……

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
8 July, 2019 8:41 pm

“Morality” and any associated ideal is rooted entirely in a presupposition that some higher power defines what is correct for human behavior…
Progressives, Libertardians, and Cuckservatives all want a theocracy with its own “epistemology,” from either London Jew Karl Marx or from Russian Jew Ayn Rand, both were progenitors of the godless open borders multiculturalism plaguing the West today.
Mammonism and Bolshevism are Jewish stepsisters.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
8 July, 2019 9:42 pm

How can a godless universe, for lack of a better term, produce a scientist who can then look back on that universe and explain it? If his mind is just the result of atoms blindly colliding with each other, over billions of years? How is he able to, as it were, rise above the universe which produced him, and say, “This is how it happened, this is how I came into being”? How is that kind of consciousness produced, that can then turn around and explain the forces that produced that consciousness? How are atoms going it blindly and without purpose or causation, then able to produce a mind able to see and explain purpose or causation, even to the extent of saying that there is no purpose or causation?… Read more »

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
9 July, 2019 7:28 am

Søren Kierkegaard’s Sickness Unto Death can be especially helpful here . . . . Religion and fantasy are mediums of infinitization essential to scientific discovery… it is how we theorize and extrapolate, it stimulates our imaginations so we can dream. . I am a Buddhist… Everything is Zen to me… the Hindus say everything is Shunykranti (शून्य क्रांति), nothing to power, or zero revolution… 卐 . For example . . . If the Israelis are “God’s chosen people,” as they say, then God will protect them and doesn’t need the United States to… but, their Golden Calf has Grown up to be a hollow Bronze Bull… It was the Jews who gave the communists their first atomic bomb, so any rational solution to Islam would include a final solution to… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Clarence Spangle
9 July, 2019 6:59 pm

But if there are no distinctions, is it a distinction to make distinctions?

If only as a token to survival in the material world?

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
10 July, 2019 8:44 am

Everything dies.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Clarence Spangle
10 July, 2019 10:45 am

That sounds like nihilism. As I read the Dhammapada I do not get the impression at all that Buddha was a nihilist. Do you think so?

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
15 September, 2021 12:25 am

I don’t care . . . I am an Aryan superman . . .

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
12 July, 2019 2:14 pm

The Dhammapada is irrelevant to me. I’m a Zen Buddhist who practices martial arts daily . . . Buddhism is defined by the user, like the Allfather defines himself.

“It is not a good fancy,’ said the llama. ‘What profit to kill men?

‘Very little – as I know; but if evil men were not now and then slain it would not be a good world for weaponless dreamers.”― Rudyard Kipling, Kim

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Clarence Spangle
13 July, 2019 9:42 am

The teachers have said that once you realize the Buddha within, you do not need to read the Dhammapada and follow the actual Buddha, because you also are a Buddha.

But I must say, Buddha Spangle-san, you are the first polygamous buddha that I have encountered.

Is this the start of a new, modern trend in Buddhism? Has the Dalai Lama weighed in on this innovation?

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
15 September, 2021 12:26 am

I don’t care about your Jewish fraud.

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr
11 July, 2019 4:16 pm

Hadding: This short essay was sent by Martin Bormann, as head of the NSDAP chancellery, to the party’s gauleiters in June 1941, as a confidential memorandum. Presumably, it was intended as advance justification for anti-church measures which Bormann had in mind. Somebody in one of the gau offices sent the memo to the churches, who then forwarded it to contacts abroad, where it was published and caused a minor stir in the media. Hitler was displeased, and instructed Bormann to rescind the memo, which he did, although without disavowing its contents. On July 31, 1941 – also on Hitler’s command – Bormann issued another circular to the gauleiters telling them that Christian churches were not to be bothered or harassed. The contents of Bormann’s essay reflect the views on Christianity… Read more »

11 July, 2019 8:33 pm

Not even Hitler met the condemnation of the Jews that Jesus did.

Maybe im wrong, but Herr Adolf didnt call jews “liars, murderers and Satans children” its the greatest condemnation in the whole of the bible. There are many angles and contexts to read the bible, in short the bible is a condemnation of the jews. Every body misses this.
The catholic church is a jewish machination that changes scripture. All warned about in the bible. You are tested in the bible to see if you are paying attention. Fact is ultimately the science of NS failed Germany. The medical science of AH’s jewish doctor, destroyed Hitler and Germany.

Clarence Spangle
Clarence Spangle
Reply to  Maxx
13 July, 2019 6:45 am

Part IV. Of the Kingdom of Darkness Chap. xlvii. Of the Benefit that proceedeth from such Darkness, and to Whom it Accrueth . [1] CICERO maketh honourable mention of one of the Cassii, a severe judge amongst the Romans, for a custom he had in criminal causes, when the testimony of the witnesses was not sufficient, to ask the accusers, cui bono; that is to say, what profit, honour, or other contentment the accused obtained or expected by the fact. For amongst presumptions, there is none that so evidently declareth the author as doth the benefit of the action. By the same rule I intend in this place to examine who they may be that have possessed the people so long in this part of Christendom with these doctrines contrary… Read more »

12 July, 2019 2:27 am

I like the comments in reply to mine so far, and after having read them and looked more into cosmotheism, I wonder how it fares against a Kalam Cosmological Argument: P1. Everything that begins to exist has a cause. – Virtually irrefutable P2. The Universe began to exist. – Hard to refute. It’s opponent must show that the Universe is eternal and infinite in the past, directly contradicting everything we know about the conservation of energy, an impending heat-death of the Universe, the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Way too high for me to be able to defeat. C. Therefore the Universe has a cause. – Because the Universe had a cause, and the because the Universe contains both time and space, whatever created the Universe must exist outside both time… Read more »

21 December, 2019 3:20 pm

Jesus was a total JERK.

Matthew 8:21-22 21 Another disciple said to him, “LORD, first let me go and bury my father.” 22 But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”

12 January, 2021 12:36 am

The basic idea of science is very simple: scientific thinking is basically the testing of
assumptions – that’s it! For example, if I say “There’s beer in the fridge” and I go and check, I’m behaving like a scientist. Big difference to “theology”: in theology assumptions are usually not verified, so if I say “There’s beer in the fridge” and don’t check – I’m a theologian. (If I check it out, I’m a scientist.) If I look into the fridge, find no beer and still say it’s there, that’s “New Age”.

26 October, 2021 3:44 pm

I leave it uncommented. Think about it my newbies.

Jesus is satan.

Ich lasse es unkommentiert. Denkt darüber nach, meine Neulinge.

Jesus ist Satan.

4 November, 2021 9:10 pm

no comment

Ace Mec
Ace Mec
5 October, 2023 7:47 am

The real god permeates all things and beings. It would never have a personality nor do something ridiculous like choosing a group of people over another. God is energetic law. It doesn’t have a name and never asked anyone to write a book.
All Jewish lies to gain diplomatic immunity to rule the world.

Reminder Christians worship a Jew on a stick who didn’t even come for Europeans or die for Europeans. He came for Jews and died for Jews to try and redress them on their right path.

Christianity should in fact be the Jews religion as they need it to balance their genetic errors.

Whites should abandon all desert religions and create ethnostates with high moral ideals, racial awareness and brutal immigration laws punishable by death when infringed.