On Christianity
In this 1982 article, Dr. Pierce offers his perspective on the religion that came to dominate our culture for more than ten centuries.
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
THE NATIONAL Office has received a few complaints (fewer than expected) from members about what has been perceived as an anti-Christian bias in recent issues of National Vanguard (NV). One member has resigned.
The complaints fall into two general categories: 1. “I am a Christian. Why are you attacking my religion?” and 2. “I am not a Christian, but many White people are. We must all stick together. To attack Christianity is divisive.”
It should first be noted that the National Alliance is not primarily a religious organization –at least, not in the usual sense of the word, although most members are able to recognize the strong spiritual element in the Alliance’s message. Second, it should be noted that the National Office is fully aware of the sensitive nature of the Christian religion, and for that reason NV avoided the question for a long time.
This avoidance, however, was in conflict with the Alliance’s fundamental obligation to deal forthrightly with all issues of vital concern to the welfare and progress of our race. This obligation where Christianity is concerned has become especially difficult to ignore during the past few months, with the growing strength of the Moral Majority and other right-wing Christian groups and their active participation in political matters. The leader of that organization, the Reverend Jerry Falwell, has been outspoken in his support of Zionism, and he was recently given a Zionist award by Jewish leaders. There exists a clear conflict of interests for any Alliance member who supports such an organization, and the Alliance member should not compromise in matters of this sort.
This is not the place to deal at length with details of religious history and doctrine; NV will continue to have articles on these topics from time to time, and there will be such an article in the April issue. Here, however, a few things will be mentioned briefly for the guidance of Alliance members.
The most important single fact concerning Christianity with which the Alliance must deal is that all the major Christian churches, Catholic and Protestant, liberal and fundamentalist, have openly aligned themselves with the enemies of the White race. The Catholics and the liberal Protestants are vigorously supporting racial mixing, while the fundamentalist Protestants are strong boosters of Zionism. These alignments will become increasingly important factors in our struggle in the years ahead, as the churches become more and more involved in social and political issues. The Jews have already announced their intention to mobilize fundamentalist Christians in their effort to maintain control of the U.S. government. The Alliance cannot remain silent in the face of such developments, for the sake of White unity or anything else.
No honest, conscientious Alliance member can maintain his membership in the Alliance and also in an organization which is fundamentally opposed to the goals and principles of the Alliance. The former member who belongs to the Moral Majority acted correctly in resigning from the Alliance, and the same applies to others: Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism should decide now where he stands, and he should then resign either from his church or from the Alliance.
In fact, the great majority of Alliance members who originally had some Christian church affiliation have already made their decisions and left the churches. Those members who continue to consider themselves Christians either have no church affiliation or belong to very small, independent churches which have pro-White doctrines. It is primarily these members who have objected to the recent treatment of Christianity in NV. “It’s all right to attack the big churches,” they say, “because those churches have been subverted by the Jews — but don’t attack Christianity itself. What the churches are preaching today isn’t really Christianity.”
Well, far be it from the National Alliance to decide what is really Christianity. Christians have been fighting with one another over that question for the better part of the last 2,000 years without arriving at an answer acceptable to all parties concerned. From a strictly practical viewpoint, however, we must use the word “Christianity” in NV in the sense in which it is understood by the general public and by the great majority of readers. In that sense, “Christianity” means the lumped together doctrines of the major Christian churches, without regard for all the little quibbles which separate Catholics from Protestants, or ultra-liberal Presbyterians from Holy Rollers and teetotaling Baptists.
Beyond this question of whether it is the race-mixers and Zionists or the pro-Whites who are the real Christians, there are the troubling issues of the non-European origin of Christianity: of the great body of Christian ethical doctrines which are accepted by nearly all the churches but which conflict with White spirituality and the needs for White survival, such as the Sermon on the Mount; and of the body of Old Testament and its Jewish mythology — such as the creation myth of Genesis; the “chosen people” myth, and Isaiah’s ravings against all non-Jews, together with his prophecies that the Jews will eventually rule the world and all other races will serve them — which comes along with most versions of Christianity.
All three of the aforementioned issues are relevant to the mission of the National Alliance, and they cannot be ignored: We must look to our racial roots, and we must rid ourselves of alien influences, including those from the Levant; we must govern ourselves by White values and ethical doctrines, and by no others; and we must concern ourselves with truth alone.
A number of men and women who have understood the first two of these issues but who have, nevertheless, still considered themselves both Christian and pro-White have attempted to resolve the contradiction by denying the Jewish origins of Christianity and by choosing interpretations of Christian ethical doctrines which differ markedly from the commonly accepted ones. They have asserted that not only was Jesus not a Jew, but neither were the people living in Palestine during the Old Testament and the New Testament periods Jews. These people, they say, were actually the ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons and other peoples of Europe.
One can argue either way about Jesus, because the historical evidence is insufficient to support a firm conclusion. But the assertion that the people of the Old Testament or the people of Palestine among whom the Christian movement began were Anglo-Saxons, or anything but Semites, for the most part, is demonstrably false. Such assertions can only be maintained by persons who close their eyes to the clear historical record, just as a belief in the creation myth of Genesis can only be maintained by persons who refuse to accept the clear scientific evidence to the contrary.
If, despite everything above, there are Alliance members or prospective Alliance members who still consider themselves Christians, then it must be in the sense that they value the specifically White elements of Christianity which have been added since its origins — the great art, the great music, and the great architecture produced by White men during the centuries in which the Christian churches ruled Europe — and that they also share the White spiritual feelings which have been eloquently expressed by many men and women who were Christians and who applied the adjective “Christian” to feelings which, in fact, came from deep within the White race-soul and existed long before the advent of the Christian church.
Such Christians we can call our comrades and be proud to have in our ranks.
No one knows exactly what Christianity is and “Christians have been fighting with one another over that question for the better part of the last 2,000 years without arriving at an answer . ..” Apparently, the gospel writers were not sure either because there are startling differences in their accounts. For instance, just read the resurrection accounts–Mark has a simple empty tomb in which a young man is sitting, and he simply says, “He is not here–he has risen.” This story gets embellished until we have Roman guards struck down by angels (Matt. 28:1-4), and an army of Jewish zombies tottering into Jerusalem! (Matt. 27:51-53) Surely, if these things had been historical, Mark would have mentioned them? This is like some sort of ghetto rumor that got out of hand,… Read more »
[…] https://nationalvanguard.org/2010/10/on-christianity/ // Published: October 29, 2010 | This entry was posted in North American New Right […]
This is bullshit. You allege to have interest to preserve the white race. But you and your neopaganism want to erase two thousand years of history… of the white race. You’re fakes! Shame on you. You allege to be patriotic American. But the historic Americans from the 17th to 19th Century, that are frequently mentioned by you, were all Christians. A little of respect to Protestant religion by the Alliance before this fact would be very appropriate, at least. But you’re so intellectually lazy to mix Talmudism with Christianity! Isn’t it significant for you that Christ and the Ancient Saints be portraited like Aryans in Christian Iconographies? Wouldn’t it be because Christ, His Sacred Family and those to whom He come, are REALLY Aryans according the Tradition? So, why does… Read more »
Funny that the angry christians are always some kind of hispanic, or actual non-white…
[Y]ou and your neopaganism want to erase two thousand years of history… of the white race..Why do you want to follow that sick neopagan fantasy? — WTF are you talking about, Rodrigo? I’m familiar with the membership of the National Alliance and I am aware of none who fit this definition of a neo-pagan: — Neo-Pagans are a community of faiths bringing ancient Pagan and magickal traditions to the modern age–including mostly Wicca but also Druidism, Asatru, Shamanism, neo-Native American, and more. Neo-Pagan is an umbrella term for various and diverse beliefs with many elements in common. Some Neo-Pagans find no incongruence practicing Neo-Paganism along with adherence to another faith, such as Christianity or Judaism. — The National Alliance stands apart from any “umbrella” group that includes those named above.… Read more »
Mister Barros, I am of Orthodox origin and have read Christian literature more than many priests had. I have read New Testament four times throughout and thanks to this knowledge I have become anti-Christian. Any person having some analytical abilities would become anti-Christian after reading Bible. The problem is that many people are unable to think for themselves and accept ready-made opinions and templates. In the Middle Ages they accepted necessity to kill “witches”, now they are assured that the multiculturalism is the only way and that all those who oppose it are “extremists” that should be somehow dealt with. It was always so; stupid people are always a majority and wise people are always few and the prophets like Bruno are few for a thousand years. By the way,… Read more »
Rodrigo, supremacism (another religion) is dangerous and defeatist given the small numbers they represent. Most important rather, stop being a goy cow, and regain control of our lives.
As for Isu-Isus-Issa-Iesa-Ieshoua-Yehshoa and the origins of ‘Christianity’, search for thenazarene dot com for the answer. The Nazarenes of the NT were the Essenes of Qumran. You may be surprised at what you find there.
As for Talmudism (‘Judaism’) spawning Christianity, it’s just another Khazashkenazi demented scam to fool ignorant and naive churchians, to control them.