
90% of Ocean Plastic Disaster Caused by Third World Pollution

90 PERCENT of the plastic pollution in the world’s oceans — a disaster which threatens the entire earth’s eco-system — comes from the Third World, and specifically China, India, and Africa, according to a major study of pollution sources carried out by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ in Germany.

The study, titled “Export of Plastic Debris by Rivers into the Sea,” was prepared by two experts employed at the UFZ (which is funded by the German government as is its official advisor on environmental matters.

The report revealed that every year, “millions of tons of plastic debris ends up in the sea — a global environmental problem with unforeseeable ecological consequences.”

The paper went on to say that the “path taken by plastic to reach the sea must be elucidated before it will be possible to reduce the volume of plastic input,” but there has to date “only little information available on this. It has now been followed up by an interdisciplinary research team who were able to show that plastic debris is primarily carried into the sea by large rivers.”

In the meantime, minute plastic particles can be found in the water in virtually every sea and river. “This constitutes a serious and growing global environmental problem.

There are enormous quantities of input each year and plastic weathers only very slowly. Marine life can be harmed by the tiny plastic particles floating in the water. One example of how this happens is when fish, seabirds or marine mammals mistake the particles for food and consume them, the paper continued.

“It is still impossible to foresee the ecological consequences of this. One thing is certain, however: this situation cannot continue,” says Dr. Christian Schmidt, a hydrogeologist at the UFZ. “But as it is impossible to clean up the plastic debris that is already in the oceans, we must take precautions and reduce the input of plastic quickly and efficiently.”

However, in order to take practical measures to reduce plastic input, it will be necessary to answer the initial questions: Where does all the plastic come from anyhow? And how does it get into the sea? the paper said.

Schmidt and his team addressed these questions by analyzing scientific studies that examined the plastic load — that is the quantity of plastic carried by the water — in rivers.

They converted the results of the studies into mutually comparable datasets and determined the ratio of these figures to the quantity of waste that is not disposed of properly in the respective catchment area.

”We were able to demonstrate that there is a definite correlation in this respect,” says Schmidt.

“The more waste there is in a catchment area that is not disposed of properly, the more plastic ultimately ends up in the river and takes this route to the sea.”

In this context, large rivers obviously play a particularly large role — not only because they also carry a comparatively large volume of waste on account of their larger discharge.

Schmidt says, “the concentrations of plastic, i.e. the quantity of plastic per cubic meter of water are significantly higher in large rivers than small ones. The plastic loads consequently increase at a disproportionately higher rate than the size of the river.”

The researchers have also calculated that the ten river systems with the highest plastic loads (eight of them are in Asia and two in Africa) — areas in which hundreds of millions of people live, in some cases — are responsible for around 90 percent of the global input of plastic into the sea.

The rivers which put 90 percent of all the plastic pollution into the world’s oceans: all are in the non-White world.

From this study it is clear once again that, just like air pollution, the greatest threat to the world’s environment does not come from the White world, but rather from the non-White world.

Continued denial of the racial factor as the primary cause of world events is the real reason why the “experts” can never arrive at a satisfactory answer of “why” things happen, and also what is needed to stop these things happening.

Until racial realism is restored in world science, the problem will continue, and the world will continue its downward spiral.

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Source: New Observer

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6 April, 2019 3:44 am

In Australia, we are subject to recycle. I am not a fan of it, mother nature will balance itself out, as I see it. Anyhow, it has now been revealed to us, that government doesn’t recycle it just throws it in the pile of trash along with the rest of the disposable rubbish. Then another shocker comes to light, as Australia was sending it’s trash to the landfills of India, which has now banned plastics. So now, Australia has run into a bit of a pickle. Where will it throw its trash?

21 January, 2021 7:50 am

We can blame plastic pollution on non-whites, but we have to expect that this would have happened. The real question we have to ask is why we still have a system that is so wasteful and dirty in the first place? Why isn’t there more money being spent on research for biodegradable alternatives? Why don’t we have local stores that offer money for glass bottle returns? That used to be a thing. Now everything is just thrown in the trash.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  G.B
26 September, 2022 11:30 am

The only thing that needs to
be thrown in the trash are the
Jews. Once that is done,
everything else will follow.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Walt Hampton
26 September, 2022 1:34 pm

It seems to me that putting the fight back into the White man to protect his race is the first order of business, Walt. What follows from that will make our White world a better place for us to be in.

Reply to  G.B
27 September, 2022 5:49 pm

Because they are always looking for a new excuse to eliminate the goyim in large numbers, because doing so is a sacrifice to their god. It’s the corporations that should be innovating biodegradable packaging, but they don’t. I read somewhere that they already have the technology to clean the environment using frequency, but they are saving it for later