
Jews Finally Abandon Sex Abuser Weinstein; Payoffs to Prosecutors, Coverups, Lies Unraveling

Harvey Weinstein

Never forget that 1) Weinstein’s abuse of White women was covered up by his fellow Jews and corrupt Whites for more than twenty years, and he has innumerable victims; and 2) creatures like Weinstein and his enablers are primarily motivated by hatred of Whites and their work, like the unspeakable The Crying Game and Django Unchained are weapons of genocide in their hands.

HOLLYWOOD PRODUCER Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer delivered $10,000 to Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. in 2015, in the months after Vance’s office decided not to prosecute Weinstein over sexual assault allegations, according to an International Business Times review of campaign finance documents. That contribution from attorney David Boies — who previously headlined a fundraiser for Vance — was a fraction of the more than $182,000 that Boies, his son and his law partners have delivered to the Democrat during his political career.

Boies has done legal work for Weinstein since at least 2005, and his websiteat his law firm says his clients include The Weinstein Company.

“David Boies did not represent Harvey Weinstein in 2015 during the criminal investigation,” Joan Vollero, communications director for Vance, told IBT in an email when asked about Boies’ campaign contributions.

Edward Evans, a spokesperson for the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, said in an emailed statement: “David Boies has been a supporter of the District Attorney since long before 2015, including before he was first elected, and has never spoken to him about Harvey Weinstein.”

The revelations about the dropped Weinstein investigation come on the heels of a recent report documenting how Vance declined to prosecute Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. after Trump’s attorney Marc Kasowitz gave Vance’s campaign $25,000. According to ProPublica, Kasowitz made the donation, then met with Vance directly and then Vance dropped the case, overruling his own prosecutors.

Cyrus Vance

In an email to IBT, Vance’s campaign spokesperson Steve Sigmund said that just before Kasowitz met with Vance about the case, Vance’s campaign returned the $25,000 donation. Kasowitz subsequently made an even larger donation to Vance after the district attorney decided not to prosecute the Trumps, but Sigmund said both the original donation and the second donation came when Kasowitz “had zero involvement in any cases before the District Attorney’s office.”

The New York Times Thursday published a report detailing how multiple women have alleged Weinstein engaged in “sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact.” Variety reported that Weinstein “has retained star litigator David Boies as well as attorneys Lisa Bloom and Charles Harder in an effort to rebut the claims.” Weinstein issued an apology, but Bloom told the Times that the movie producer “denies many of the accusations as patently false.”

Among the allegations that the newspaper recounted was one in 2015, in which Italian model Abra Battilana accused Weinstein of groping her. Battilana contacted law enforcement officials, but in April of 2015, Vance’s office declined to bring charges against Weinstein, saying that “after analyzing the available evidence, including multiple interviews with both parties, a criminal charge is not supported.”

Soon after, Boies made a big donation to Vance: Campaign finance records show that Boies gave the district attorney’s campaign $10,000 on August 24, 2015. In all, Boies has given $55,000 to Vance’s campaigns since he first began running for office in 2008. Boies co-chaired a 2008 fundraiser for Vance. Since Vance began running for district attorney, Boies’ son Christopher has given Vance’s campaigns $35,000. Boies’ law firm partners who gave to Vance included Jonathan Schiller ($26,000), Nicholas Gravante ($4,000) and Robert Silver ($62,785). Silver passed away in 2015.

City & State noted that “Vance won office after campaigning on promises to pursue crimes directed at women and seek stronger penalties for perpetrators of intimate partner violence.”

Cyrus Vance, Jr. is a truckling White who takes money from Jewish lawyers, and faithfully serves Jews and the anti-White establishment generally. In the video below we see him gushing about his office “partnering” with an NGO whose mission is to make the justice system go easier on criminal Blacks.


Before uncovering allegations of Hollywood bigwig Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct, the New York Times buried a similar story over a decade ago, after he made a visit to the paper and A-list celebrities contacted the reporter.

Weinstein, a Hollywood film producer and film studio executive, was fired from the company he co-founded on Sunday, after a New York Times investigation uncovered three decades of sexual harassment allegations last week.

As one of the most powerful voices in the entertainment industry, Weinstein has collected six best-picture Oscars for producing critically acclaimed films such as “Sex, Lies, and Videotape,” “Pulp Fiction” and “Good Will Hunting.”

On Sunday, reporter Sharon Waxman wrote a piece for The Wrap that said that the New York Times had quashed her investigation into Weinstein’s sexual misconduct back in 2004.

In her original report, Waxman tracked down Fabrizio Lombardo, the head of Miramax Italy. She traveled to Italy and discovered that Lombardo knew nothing about filmmaking. He was reportedly being paid $400,000 in less than a year to “take care of Weinstein’s women needs.” At the time, Disney, the then-parent company of Miramax, told Waxman that they had no idea Lombardo existed.

Waxman also tracked down a woman in London who was paid off after an unwanted sexual encounter with Weinstein. The report said that she was “terrified” to speak about the incident, because she had a non-disclosure agreement.

However, according to Waxman, her story was spiked after “intense pressure from Weinstein,” which involved Weinstein personally visiting the New York Times newsroom and making his displeasure known. Waxman also said that she received calls from A-list actors Matt Damon and Russell Crowe, who vouched for Lombardo.

In the end, the Times printed a story about Miramax firing Lombardo without any reference to sexual misconduct.

Then-culture editor for the Times, Jon Landman, who is now an editor-at-large for Bloomberg, reportedly told Waxman that the story was unimportant because Weinstein was “not a publicly elected official.”

When Waxman was asked why she did not write anything on Weinstein in the past 13 years, she said that he has “done good things.”

“It’s easy to paint everyone in black and white in the 140-word Twitterverse,” Waxman said.

On Monday, Clifford Levy, deputy managing editor at the New York Times, issued a response to Waxman’s article, saying that it is “unimaginable” that the story was killed because of pressure from Weinstein.

He said that the two top editors have no recollection of being pressured over the story and Waxman’s direct editor said that she didn’t have the story “nailed.”

“The story we published last week took months of work by two experienced investigative reporters,” Levy said. “I’m sure Ms. Waxman believes she had a story. But if you read her own description, she did not have anything near what was revealed in our story. Mainly, she had an off-the-record account from one woman.”

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that Weinstein had reached at least eight settlements with women after being confronted with allegations including sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact.

Among the allegations, the report described how Weinstein asked actress Ashley Judd to come to his Beverly Hills hotel room for what she assumed was a meeting, and asked her to watch him shower.

On another occasion, the report states that Weinstein badgered a female assistant into giving him a massage while he was naked.

“I am a 28-year-old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64-year-old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10,” Lauren O’Connor, a colleague, said, according to the Times.

The Huffington Post later reported that Weinstein took Lauren Sivan, a then-news anchor for News 12 Long Island, on a tour of Socialista, a Cuban-themed club and restaurant of which Weinstein was an investor, and tried to kiss her.

When she rejected his advances, Weinstein reportedly told her to “just stand there and shut up.” Then, he allegedly blocked her exit and masturbated into a potted plant in front of her.

The report states that Sivan stayed quiet for so many years, because she was fearful of the power that Weinstein wielded in the media.”

After the Times reported on the sexual harassment allegations on Thursday, Weinstein apologized for causing “a lot of pain,” and took an immediate leave of absence from the company.

“I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go,” Weinstein said in a statement.

Weinstein blamed his alleged behavior on his coming of age in a different era.

“I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then,” Weinstein said. “I have since learned it’s not an excuse, in the office – or out of it. To anyone.”

As the scandal grew, the board of directors of the Weinstein Company terminated Weinstein, citing “new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days.”

One-third of the company’s board also resigned, according to the Times.

In the hours before being fired on Monday, Weinstein reportedly sent a letter to Hollywood CEOs and other friends, begging them to write letters to the board of directors to convince them not to fire Weinstein.

“My board is thinking of firing me,” a copy of the letter obtained by Janice Min, part owner of The Hollywood Reporter, said. “All I’m asking, is let me take a leave of absence and get into heavy therapy and counseling. Whether it be in a facility or somewhere else, allow me to resurrect myself with a second chance. A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there.”

Min later tweeted that Ron Meyer, David Zaslav and Jeffrey Katzenberg all refused to support Weinstein, with one board member telling her there was “no f-ing chance.”

In the aftermath, Hollywood actors, who had previously praised Weinstein, condemned him for the allegations that they claimed they knew nothing about.

On Monday, Academy award winning actress Meryl Streep, who collaborated with Weinstein on films like “August: Osage County” and “The Iron Lady,” said she was “appalled” by the “disgraceful” news.

“The behavior is inexcusable, but the abuse of power familiar. Each brave voice that is raised, heard and credited by our watchdog media will ultimately change the game,” Streep told the Huffington Post.

Judi Dench, another Academy Award winner who has collaborated with Weinstein, told Newsweek that she was “completely unaware” of the “horrifying” claims. While accepting a British Film Institute Award in 2011, Dench thanked Weinstein for casting her in the Oscar-winning film “Shakespeare in Love” and said she had the producer’s name “tattooed on my bum ever since.”

“I offer my sympathy to those who have suffered, and wholehearted support to those who have spoken out,” Dench added.

Other celebrities have also come out against Weinstein, celebrating the women who have come forward as heroic.

Weinstein has often been seen as a champion of liberal causes. He has donated nearly $600,000 to the Democrats and hosted a fundraiser for former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in his Manhattan home last year. He has also employed Malia Obama, the oldest daughter of former President Barack Obama, as an intern.

He appeared on the White House visitor logs 13 times during Obama’s time in office.

In his statement responding to the Times investigation, Weinstein said that he “wants a second chance in the community,” and said that he will channel his anger into going after the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“I am going to need a place to channel my anger so I’ve decided I’m going to give the NRA my full attention,”Weinstein said. “I hope Wayne LaPierre will enjoy his retirement party. I’m going to do it at the same place I had my Bar Mitzvah.”

Appendix 2

More from National Vanguard on the damage Weinstein has caused:

The Damage Hollywood Has Caused

The Destructive Media

With Malice Aforethought

Media Myths

* * *

Source: Newsweek and RT

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11 October, 2017 2:08 am

While there is no doubt in my mind as to Weinstein’s degeneracy and treating White (non-jewish) women as his disposable receptacles, I have some questions. We all know jews control the entire mass media, including the New York Times. We also know jews never, EVER cannibalize their own unless it’s over money. They always circle the wagons when one of the tribe is down, and it doesn’t get bigger than potato-faced Weinstein. So what’s this really all about? If this is all a diversion from other world events, what is it that we’re not supposed to be paying attention to right now? Even Roman Polanski didn’t get this kind of media reception. Hmmm. Of course now they’re trying to take some of the heat off of Weinstein by throwing it… Read more »

Sic Semper
Sic Semper
Reply to  ZachP
11 October, 2017 2:05 pm

Weinstein has already fled the country for “Europe” – any bets on where is El Al flight landed? My guess is if there is even a remote possibility of a gentile prosecution, old Harvey has spent his last hours in the United States and anywhere on earth with an extradition treaty with the US.

11 October, 2017 6:21 am

I don’t pity white actresses who work for the Hollywood elite. They should be boycotting Hollywood for its entrenching diversity- authoritarianism at the expense of whites, in its productions. The fat kike was dumped because he became a public embarrassment to a corporation, not out of concern for victims. What to expect from reporters named Waxman and Levy when covering their asses? Harvey has “done good things” (pro-Obama, of course).
This story was more bothersome: This couple, with the uniquely Aryan genes that made their death-cheating rigging, climbing and skiing skills come naturally, were lost, apparently without bearing children to inherit their priceless gift. Wondering if any jewish women, taking time off shopping for blond wigs, could match Inge Perkins’s achievements at mountaineering and back-country skiing.

11 October, 2017 11:24 am

The so called White female Weinstein victims are behaving the same way the Cosby victims did. None had the courage of their conviction until a few came forward to expose the villain. Now everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon.

White females who consort with Jews in Hollywood for fame and fortune are willing participants of debauchery.

The definition of vanity is worthlessness.

Sic Semper
Sic Semper
Reply to  cc
11 October, 2017 2:00 pm

Perhaps the breach in the jew wall will shine the light on the myriad of child rapists that that jew wall protects? The jew axis of perversion is not limited to would-be starlets, nor is the jew wall limited to protecting the serial rapists in just Hollywood. The axis includes most of the Democrat machine, their friends in banking and their friends in academia and as Cyrus Vance’s donations for sandbagging investigations all too clearly demonstrates: the jew axis of justice. NY boasts some of the greatest cabals of protected jew perverts with unlimited get out of jail free cards for raping untold numbers of children. The father – son governors worked for and were enriched by the quintessential Fagin who preyed on children for decades and were protected by… Read more »

L. M.
L. M.
19 October, 2017 7:44 pm

Wherever in this world there are Dictators, Sexual Predators, Fraudulent Bankers, Fraudulent Investors, Cheats, Liars and Traitors of every kind…..there are Jew Lawyers to find the blood in the water, and defend each and every criminal on the planet.
Jews have one God…
Jews have no soul, moral compass, or human decency.