
Rapper Features Hanging of Young White Boy in “Music Video”

This video and article contain extremely disgusting and disturbing images; they should not be viewed by children or sensitive persons.

IT IS A MARK of how low America has fallen that this rap “song” — “Look at Me” — by the mulatto performer calling himself “Xxxtentacion,” which was originally released in 2016 and just re-released this year, reached the pinnacle of success in the Jewish-controlled music industry by being given a national ranking of number 34 in Billboard magazine’s “Hot 100.”

A scene from “Look at Me”

The video opens with Blacks terrorizing and beating a White high school teacher and culminates with the hanging, in a theatre, of a White boy about six years of age.

Mulatto “artist” Xxxtentacion: the wonders of hybrid vigor come to life

“Xxxtentacion,” whose real name is Jahseh Dwayne Onfroy, is currently out on bail and faces trial later this year on charges of false imprisonment, witness tampering, and aggravated battery of a pregnant victim. After his initial arrest, he was released on bail on March 26, 2017.

He also boasts a large number of past criminal convictions, but none of this has stopped him from drawing large crowds of (mostly) Blacks to his “concerts,” where riots and violence are common (National Vanguard readers will easily be able to read between the lines of Wikipedia’s weasel words “nearly rioting” and “almost inciting a riot”):

Following Onfroy’s release from jail on March 26, 2017, a “surprise concert” was arranged on April 7 in Miami, Florida. The show had a low admission price of $5 and was apparently filled up before Onfroy arrived, and when Onfroy did start performing a riot broke out. Police eventually escorted Onfroy out and closed the show down.

The sound track lyrics of your genocide, Whitey

Rapper and member of Onfroy’s Members Only collective Wifisfuneral was assaulted at the first show in Onfroy’s “Revenge Tour” in Houston, Texas on May 31, 2017. Wifisfuneral “stage dived” into the audience where several audience members proceeded to kick him and then leave the venue.

During a concert in San Diego a physical altercation occurred, which led to Onfroy being knocked unconscious and an audience member being stabbed.

On June 18, 2017, Onfroy punched an audience member during a concert at The Complex in Salt Lake City, Utah. Onfroy claimed this was in self-defense, as he had requested that no one in the audience touch him, warning that he’d punch them if they did.

Onfroy was scheduled to perform at the Concord Music Hall in Chicago, Illinois on June 21, 2017. The concert was cancelled at the last minute, which led to hundreds of fans flooding the streets and nearly inciting a riot. Four days later, Onfroy’s cousin was shot and he cancelled his tour.

Following the release of Onfroy’s 17 album, a free concert was announced to take place at the Orpheum in Tampa, Florida on September 2, 2017. The venue only had the capacity to support 750 concert-goers, but over 3,000 people appeared to attend the concert and the venue had to cancel the concert before a safety hazard was created. This led to many fans of Onfroy nearly rioting in the street and the police needing to break up the crowd. Some fans began to claim online that they were tear-gassed by police officers following the riot. (Wikipedia)


He currently boasts over 400 million plays on his main musical distributor, Soundcloud.

Readers should seriously reflect on the fact that the tens of millions who listen to this genocidal, anti-White incitement — and the many more like it promoted by the Jewish-run media — are probably only a few miles from your family’s home.


Soundcloud’s Chief Operating Officer is Michael Weissman, a Jew. Its Senior Vice President is Artem Fishman, also a Jew.

According to Wikipedia:

Onfroy announced his first nationwide tour on April 28, 2017. The tour, titled “The Revenge Tour” had 26 tour dates overall and was widely publicized due to numerous controversies which included a rapper being assaulted, Onfroy being involved in an altercation on stage that led to him being knocked unconscious and an audience member stabbed, Onfroy being thrown into a barricade by security and Onfroy punching a fan. Onfroy announced the cancellation of the rest of the tour dates due to his cousin being shot on June 24, 2017 though the final tour date in Broward County, Florida would still go ahead.

If you tolerate this without working every single remaining day of your life for White revolution, you are a sorry excuse for a White man or woman.

* * *

Source: Christian Bell

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13 September, 2017 8:33 am

American ISIS training video with “urban” soundtrack and black imam preaching.

But the media says a lawfully assembled group protesting the desecration of American history is a “hate group” with the calls to declare a lone European Christian who was surrounded by a violent mob that attacked his car – is an act of “domestic terrorism” when he panicked because he didn’t want to be Reginald Dennyied.

The messages are undeniable.

Michael Weaver
Michael Weaver
13 September, 2017 4:14 pm

White Revolution is the only solution!

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Michael Weaver
14 September, 2017 12:05 pm

MICHAEL WEAVER:White Revolution is the only solution!

Indeed! Would you be this same Michael Weaver?:

If so, what do you say now about your strong support of the litigious NARRG coup-plotters against the National Alliance for the past five years?

Write me privately by using this site’s contact form if you prefer.

13 September, 2017 10:38 pm

I’m doing something every day towards Our Cause. Help isn’t just wanted–it’s needed. Get off your ass, White man!

Martin Velasquez
Martin Velasquez
14 September, 2017 1:29 am

They smell blood and will not let up on the gas pedal. It will only get worse. The best defense is offense. A response video “upping the ante” is called for. Anything less would be cowering. Somebody MUST make a response video, how about hanging two black kids, cutting open their bellies and strewing their guts on an MLK statue.

David Pringle
David Pringle
16 September, 2017 4:07 pm

The parents of this child should be under arrest for child abuse.

The image of this White child being hung is only a glimpse of the future. Every White child already has his or her neck in a tightened noose. Now we don’t have to say it because Mr. Muppet hair, his Jew producers and scumbag cameramen made it visual.

White children this age owe their dark future to their parents, grandparents and great grandparents who’ve squandered and destroyed what they inherited.

11 July, 2018 12:21 pm

This “rapper” was murdered about a moth ago by he homies….