Let’s fill the Great White Belt with White men, women, and millions of children
by John Calhoun
THE UNITED STATES is no longer the nation that it was during the first half of the 20th century. In fact, it would be nearly unrecognizable to a time traveler from that time or before. For Whites, having gone from an overwhelming 93 per cent. of the population to a mere 65 per cent. (by the most optimistic estimate) in just 50 years is an immense drop.
As a result, this nation’s culture, science, and all other human factors have begun to reflect alien influences. Hip-Hop, R&B, and the increasing presence of Norteño music from Mexico have overtaken White forms of music such as country, bluegrass, ballads, classical, baroque, and opera. Educational standards have been lowered in order to accommodate the statistically less-intelligent minorities such as Blacks and Mestizos. The entire society has been tailored to accommodate the various brown- and black-skinned people who bid fair to outnumber us in just a few years. It is a common remark among Whites that one shouldn’t have to “dial ‘1’ for English.”
Because of the large amount of unassimilables flooding into this country, distinctly alien neighborhoods, with their concomitant gangs, have sprung up in all major American cities, even spilling over into suburban and rural areas. Once-great cities such as Detroit and Baltimore have been taken over by “minorities” and systematically looted of their wealth. Where Whites are able to create prosperity, uncreative non-Whites are quick to appropriate what they can when they are ascendant, leaving a devastated landscape. As a result, Whites affluent enough to move have rushed to the suburbs and then into the exurbs in the phenomenon known as “White Flight.”
Who can blame them for escaping Hell? Other Whites, who are less affluent (or more stubborn), have remained to become “culturally enriched” through murder, rape, cannibalism, miscegenation, and ritual sacrifice of animals.
The relocation of many of these northerners into the southern Appalachians has not gone without notice by the natives of that region. And the Pacific Northwest has also seen a large migration of Whites from these “ethnically augmented” areas if the skyrocketing property costs are any indication. It seems that Whites, no matter what they may say, are voting with their feet against the integration that is being forced against them.
With Whites congregating in mostly European-American regions and the unassimilable multitudes cramming into other areas, the inevitable Balkanization of America is taking place. This nation is irreversibly fracturing along racial lines. It is time for White people to put aside their differences. It is time to unite despite our regional, national, religious, and petty ethnic grievances. If we are to survive, we must ensure the continuance of our people, and moving into a region for which we are well-suited and where our people are already congregating is an important step in that direction.
The Appalachian Mountains are a natural place for our people to form a White enclave and build a new White nation while awaiting the disintegration of the Washington regime. Historically, this region has been overwhelmingly White. The Whites who do live there are exceptionally racially aware. The remoteness of the region has ensured that the more corrosive elements of popular culture have penetrated much less than elsewhere. The region is rich in natural resources that can be exploited to support a large White population. A corridor to the ocean could be opened to Charleston, South Carolina, establishing trade with other nations such as Russia.
Whites are already moving to the area en masse because of the great beauty of the area and to escape the encroaching racial aliens in larger cities. It would be only natural to establish an enclave where Whites already exist, whether they are implicitly or explicitly with us. Calls for an unnatural migration to some far-off location will only meet with failure. By harnessing our instincts and natural inclinations to the betterment of the race, we will succeed. The Appalachian region is a well-suited place for the children of the West to make our stand. When the time comes, even those Whites who are now against us will join us for reasons of sheer survival.
* * *
Source: Stand and Fight
Any Jews apprehended anywhere in the
Homeland should be terminated with extreme prejudice!
Opening the port of Charleston would be a good place
to start
Wilmington NC is port city better suited to us for several reasons.
It is very defendable from sea attack landings.
It is more white then Charleston, 70 plus percent.
It is divided along racial lines in most areas.
The areas that are white are around the key point for running the city
It is close to the South Carolina border, so it is a year-round port that is cheap to operate.
It has two main highway routes leading out, with one route being mostly white all the way to the mountains.
It is already heavily leaning to the right in political ways.
Or — it should be considered, along with Charleston, or as a plan B port.
BTW: Wilmington NC used to be the capital of NC.
Just a thought.
There are a couple of towns that are positively eaten up with Jews in Appalachia but the majority of the region is white with ancestors going all the way back to the founding of the country. It is a good place with Charleston not too far away.
They can be rooted out like the termites that they are.
All it takes is the will to do it.
That’s true, but creating that will — “a majority of will and determination,” to use William Pierce’s formula — remains a formidable challenge. We need a form of anti-Semitism which is radical, rational, political, and popular, an anti-Semitism that can reshape the laws and mores of White societies so that they can emancipate themselves of both the Jews and Jewish influence. From one perspective, it strikes me as absurd and unreasonable that these things, which are so necessary and just, should be so difficult to do. There should be no place for the parasites in our societies, but they are not only tolerated, they are enriched, empowered, and even worshipped. They are a tiny minority, yet we have somehow let ourselves be subjugated by them. They have done our people… Read more »
By far, the biggest single problem is
Christianity. You may recall that after the death of
WLP, the previous Chairman immediately deleted the
prohibition of Christianity for membership. Then
lo and behold, arch-Christian Ed Fields was almost
instantaneously granted membership status. WLP would
have never stood for this, as he understood that you
cannot defeat the Jew by worshiping a Jew!
As this article effectively says, what we need is not White flight but White ingathering. The phenomenon of White flight is akin to a protracted rout; for want of solidarity, Whites in areas which have been flooded with non-Whites have reacted as individuals. Whites have taken an attitude of sauve qui peut (i.e., save yourself if you can), and Whites who are able to do so have fled to areas perceived to be more safe, at least for the time being. This reaction is understandable, but it’s maladaptive. Routs are deadly and demoralizing; they incur many more casualities than do orderly retreats; they inculcate despair, dissension, and fatalism among the survivors. If a different spirit were to animate the Whites who have been uprooted in their own land, if Whites… Read more »
Important topic. Nice discussion. Our National Alliance favors Southern Appalachia as a base. We already have “foothold” offices centrally located. in upper East Tennessee and Southeast West Virginai. We tried to discuss the subject here: http://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1166 It wasn’t long before the discussion went off-topic and died, as is usual on forums. A couple more interesting maps put up there — one that shows racial demographics by color code, another that claims to show “most racist” areas. Wilmington, NC, is the superior port city, for many of the reasons given by Jay. But we’ll want a much wider corridor that includes Charleston, SC, and a lot more, including up to Morehead City and Edenton, NC., at the least (for starters), as well as much of the farmland and the numerous military… Read more »
The Heimatland map includes lands controlled by the federal government as national parks and forests, and as you mention, is too narrow, but also ridiculously small. Corridors to the sea will be strangled by blacklivesmatter types with the ok of liberal ((politicians)). Simple precepts define what should be: There is no Western Civilization without Western people. There are no Western people other than Whites. That means everywhere there are Whites, there is to be a White nation to preserve Western Civilization. That encompasses a grimy subway car clanking through The Bronx as much as a bar and brothel in Deadhorse, AK as much as the town of Copperhill TN near where I mountain bike in the Cherokee as much as the rocky outcropping that’s my final destination in Monterrey CA.… Read more »
Defeatist! Enjoy your rocky California outcropping, soon to become part of the lost territory of Aztlan: http://chromatism.net/current/images/aztlan.jpg
At the racial distribution by state map at https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/distribution-by-raceethnicity/?activeTab=map¤tTimeframe=0&selectedDistributions=white&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D , click the Number button in the Data View area of the left panel, to see that CA has the most whites in the US *now*. Allegedly “Aztlan” TX, the second most. Note – reduce NY and FL populations by jews’ inclusion. Current US demographics do not point to the Appalachians or any one specific region as the ideal place for white-only settlement, nor to any ideal size for one. Such a settlement would bring further political and financial hardships on whites living outside of it. William Pierce understood this. While he supported the WV settlement for practicality and a starting point, his view of the future was certainly not limited to the Appalachians. Now, far in the future, arable lands… Read more »
That’s ironic coming from someone advocating white reservations.
You talking to me, Commander? What is your plan? What or where do you advocate as a starting point for staking out our exclusive White living space? I like Southern Appalachia for lots of reasons. I’ve lived in these hills for 30 years (western NC, southeast WV and upper east TN), the entire time openly promoting serious White separation and renewal. I’ve interacted with and know my people who live here. I’ve also interacted with and know like-minded Whites — serious activists, not defeatists; people who use their given names — who live in many other geographical areas where they want to build White communities, and along the lines as laid out by the National Alliance: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ If you’re a cowboy, or a fan of “Hunter Wallace’s” you might prefer… Read more »
The State of Franklin writ large!
This outstanding article excites my imagination and resonates with my psyche like some great cosmic bluegrass band.
What better place could there be than these hallowed mountains for the White man to build a new White Nation?
A Chinaman once said “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with the first step.” Those steps have already taken place. The current system is already beginning to collapse under the inertia of its own dead weight.
You should also include sussex county NJ.
NJ? A mountain-biking book praised Sussex county for its dense forests in rural settings, but also for the fact you can’t go 5 miles there without hitting a gas station, which is bound to be Indian-owned (I added that). He contrasted that to two mountain bikers in stunningly beautiful Utah near Moab who made an error following a trail, and lacking sufficient water and understanding of what to do when lost, were found desiccated days later (not to say that can’t happen in NJ).
Seems to me this bears a close resemblance to Harold Covington’s ill-conceived “Butler Plan,” with the added disadvantage of being in the heart of Enemy territory.
Also, with the Sun trending toward a period of relative inactivity, any “climate change” is likely to be on the cool side, not warmer. This would be a Good Thing in that it might tend to force the chthonic races southward from whence they came, leaving our Hyperboreal homelands free for our re-occupation and providing us a place to re-start our racial evolution. Go North, young Aryan!
AXIS SALLY: Seems to me this bears a close resemblance to Harold Covington’s ill-conceived “Butler Plan,” with the added disadvantage of being in the heart of Enemy territory.
Seems to me you haven’t spent much time in the hills of Appalachia, Miss Sally. These are our hills and the Enemy doesn’t do so well here as with the lowlanders.
Hunter Wallace was a fan of “Big Lie” Covington until HAC’s sockputtets were fully exposed by a moderator on HW’s discussion board, and HAC turned on HW — even basing a character in one of his failed novels on HW. Did Hunter ever admit he was wrong to have promoted Big Lie, after being warned about him? I don’t know. Probably not.
Always a pleasure to hear from you, Herr Williams. You’re right, I haven’t spent much time in the hills of Appalachia, although I have driven through the region on my way from New York to Mexico. Eastern Tennessee seems particularly congenial to the Aryan spirit. A few too many black faces for my comfort, but that could doubtless be easily rectified in the future. However, imagining myself in the place of an Enemy general, charged with the task of ethnically cleansing the Heimatland as described above, it would appear a simple matter of deploying ground troops from nearby garrisons on the east and west frontiers and send them marching against a vastly out-gunned populace with the simple order: take no prisoners. But perhaps that is too melodramatic. Simpler still would… Read more »
SALLY: [I]magining myself in the place of an Enemy general, charged with the task of ethnically cleansing the Heimatland as described above, it would appear a simple matter of deploying ground troops from nearby garrisons on the east and west frontiers and send them marching against a vastly out-gunned populace with the simple order: take no prisoners. But perhaps that is too melodramatic. Simpler still would be to mobilize hordes of Antifa hoodlums from then surrounding states armed with carte blanche to murder, rape, pillage, and burn… The dilemma of territory has no simple solution, but trying to regain lost ground while surrounded is a doomed strategy. — Surrounded by Indians, the Lone Ranger tells his sidekick, “We’re in a heap of trouble, Tonto!” Tonto to the Lone Ranger: “Who… Read more »
Thank you for the links Chairman, the articles are most instructive. I must say I do not think that Mr. Eric Rudolph represents the kind of people we want to preserve. I wish you the best of luck, however.
We’re not going to wait around for some good luck; We’ll make our own, thanks, Miss Sally. When push comes to shove I’d rather preserve the likes of Mr. Rudolph and his neighbors than those in the citified NYC race. He needed some serious deprogramming from that CI Army of God nonsense and from abortion as his driving single issue, but Eric is of good racial stock, and despite his shortcomings had the popular support of his neighbors (I know that first hand because I owned land in Andrews the whole time he was eluding capture, and spent a lot of time there — as as NA Coordinator for that region — especially among those there who were attracted to the Alliance). The locals resented the fed invaders. Eric knew… Read more »
On a sliding scale, the Federals will allow a White enclave to exist so far as it’s not a threat to the status quo. Beyond that, they will march hither in fancy costumes to the White region like they are on parade.
During the 4 years war, the eight Seligman brothers — a Jewish family in New York — underwrote U.S. bonds and supplied the Black Republican army with uniforms. The money powers.
The country feeds the city. When things fall apart, city slickers will be at a great disadvantage.
I like the idea of encircling my homeland with barbed wire, high concrete walls, minefields and whatnot to keep the low-grade racial filth out of my country. The added mountainous landscape would dispirit the would-be migrants. Go Whitey!
The Free State of Apalachia.
Capital: Charleston, Carolina (Formerly South Carolina). Naval base and all-round military HQ.
Population: Euro-American (Eumerican).
Language: English.
Policy: Selective Isolationism. It maintains contact and trade with White-only countries. No tax money is wasted on Third World relief. No embassies or consulates Outside of anywhere other than Russia or ethnostates in Europe.
Religion: Ethnic-based Cosmotheism.
Currency: The Aryan dollar, or simply, Aryeo. Also referred to as the Ar-buck.
Thanks for bumping this, L.H. There is good discussion mixed in with nonsense and defeatism.
I provided a link above earlier to a discussion on our WhiteBiocentrism.com forum about the former State of Franklin in Upper East Tennessee. — now the first Congressional
district of Tennessee (11 and 1/2 counties -mostly White). (109) The Secessionist State of Franklin — Can it Happen Again? – Page 4 – White Biocentrism
This demographic map below shows advantages of already mostly White southern Appalachia. Heimatlant extends farther north, but it’s the same idea.
Thank you.