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What a Difference 40 Years Makes
Henry Fairfield Osborn THE ROT was already well advanced in the America of 1980, a time still within the memories of many of our readers. But we have lost much of our freedom of speech since that time, as evidenced by what Natural History magazine published in April of that year. No mobs burned down their…
Science Book Proves Racism Is Wrong: Primates and Prejudice
by Cholly Bilderberger (1980) DR. THOMAS BRADFORD SALTONSTALL, head of the Greater Primates Training Center, at Stanford University, has finally announced the imminent publication of Primates and Prejudice, and it is evidently the blockbuster which the scientific world has been awaiting for…
Remembering Psychologist William McDougall (1878-1938)
WHEN THE Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences ranked the most important psychologists of all time, William McDougall was among those at the top of the list. His credentials were impressive: founder of the British Psychological Society, associate editor of the British Journal of Psychology…
Remembering 1940s America: Patriots Put on Trial, Declared “Insane”
by a German-American THE YEAR, 1945. The place, the jailhouse in Washington, D.C. Why I was there cannot easily be explained in just a few sentences. Along with many others I had been indicted in the notorious World War II sedition trial. History buffs should study this American travesty of justice.…
Dead and Gone
IN 1622 fifty-eight White settlers, all from England, were massacred by Indians about ten miles north of Jamestown, which had been founded by Captain John Smith fifteen years earlier. It was what the old records called a “fatal Friday morning.” It was only one of several attacks that day.…
History: How the ADL Intimidated the University of Florida
AS LONG AS WE have had institutions of higher learning, college fraternities have been warring with each other to win pledges to their particular Greek letter societies. This friendly rivalry got out of hand at the beginning of the 1978 fall semester when two prestigious fraternities at the University…
Michael Straight: The Reluctant Renegade
DOROTHY WHITNEY was an all-American blue-blooded baby. Her father, William C. Whitney, was Secretary of the Navy under President Cleveland. At Dorothy’s christening in Washington in 1887, the President, his Cabinet, the Supreme Court, and the leaders of Congress were all on hand. Today,…
Take Courage, for the Hour Is Late
WASHINGTON’S MONUMENTS, museums and government buildings had changed but little since the Cottrell’s last visit decades ago. The avenues ran as straight and wide as ever and the Smithsonian and National Gallery remained treasure troves. But Norm and Nan Cottrell, two ferociously…
Chutzpah Lady
HOW DOES A nonentity like Ann Landers bounce out of the boondocks of Iowa and almost overnight become the seamy sibyl of millions of dumpy lumpenproletarians? Those who wonder about this should read the Ladies Home Journal (Jan. 1980). A treacly piece of puffery about Mrs. Eppie Lederer, Ann’s…
Loving the Blacks, and Loving the Jews More
The pathetic self-hate of the old American elite started early, as this 1980 satire makes clear. by Cholly Bilderberger BOOK-IN-SEARCH-OF-AN-AUTHOR (AND A PUBLISHER): Scion of a leading family somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard, Bannister Trumbull is troubled through his years at Groton and Harvard…