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Get a Job! (Capitalist and Republican Misconceptions)
by David Sims I’D LIKE TO LET the air out of some Republican misconceptions about the realities of living under modern capitalism — specifically, what it’s like to be a job-seeker. One important fact: It costs money to look for work. When you are out of money, then you are also out of…

Task Management (Free to Obey)
by Douglas Mercer THE CENTRAL TENET of the task manager is to create independent entities at the level of the department and the worker. In the ecosystem of task management the task manager will function as the creator of the team and the trainer of the team (or teams) across the spectrum of competencies…

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 2
Complex systems can’t be maintained by incompetent people. WHEN EXPLICIT EXCLUSION is used to eliminate groups like White men from selection processes, it is done subtly. Managers are told to sequester all the resumés from “non-diverse” candidates — that is, White males. These resumes are…

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 1
America: no more golden eggs if the goose is replaced by rats. Complex systems won’t survive the competence crisis.
The strength of the US now is like the continuing momentum of Achilles’ spear five seconds after he threw it and three seconds after he was killed. (Kevin Alfred Strom)

Rising Power: More Global 500 Companies Now in China Than Anywhere on Earth
While America and Europe are yoked to insane Jewish “wokeness” and Afromania, and are busy exterminating their founding race, China is serious about power, wealth, and racial-national survival. They will be merciless. THE LISTING OF the world’s biggest companies saw 133 Chinese…

How to Get Rich (Without Getting Lucky or Losing Your Soul)
DECIDE WHAT YOUR path in life will be. Some of us give our all to a great cause, like Kevin Strom and Will Williams are giving their all to bring about the renaissance of our race and a new spiritual basis for our society. That is a sometimes lonely, often dangerous, but immensely important path that they…

Thought has been the father of every advance since time began. — IBM pioneer Thomas J. Watson, pictured, creator of IBM’s ubiquitous motto “Think” And we must study through reading, listening, discussing, observing, and thinking. We must not neglect any one of those ways of study.…

Funding a Movement: German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler
by Andrew Hamilton MONEY IS THE OXYGEN of any political movement, be it the ADL and SPLC, or White racialism. Starve a movement — or a people — of money, and you can destroy them. Jews, ever focused on power, routinely attack White funding sources. Indeed, a major purpose of the government’s so-called…

Turning the PC Racket on Its Head: Michael Crichton’s Disclosure (1994)
by Andrew Hamilton THE RECENT WAVE of sexual harassment publicity now being tamped down and hidden, the way cop killings, color revolutions, pussy riots, and other socially engineered events have been, calls to mind the old Michael Crichton movie Disclosure. Crichton (Crichton can be either an English…

Failing in Capitalist Business Does Not Mean You Are Inferior
by David Sims IT IS not necessary to be miseducated or otherwise inferior in order to fail in a business venture and be left thereby with so much debt that it will be 20 years before you can try again. In all the talk we often hear about how “wonderful” capitalism is, I believe that I detect a selection…