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Revilo P. Oliver

Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver THE RENEGADE TECHNICIANS who call themselves “creation scientists” constantly scrounge about, trying to devise arguments to impair the validity of the doctrine of biological evolution, the only plausible explanation of the existence of animal life, including…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver IT HAS LONG been known that the Gallic goddess Sequana (whose name is perpetuated in the Seine that flows through Paris) was as efficient as her Christian counterpart, Mary, in healing maladies and other physical afflictions. As in other places where a supposedly ubiquitous Christian…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver IN THE 1920s, the Chicago Tribune, then an American newspaper, decided to found a magazine that would compete with Collier’s, The American, and similar popular journals. A contest to name the new publication was won by a man who suggested ‘Liberty.’ The periodical…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadioRevilo P. Oliver

A rational look at the Jewish Question: Were Christian beginnings tied to violent Jewish cults which revolted against White civilization in Roman times? Have the adaptations that made Christianity acceptable to Aryan minds been gradually abandoned? American Dissident Voices broadcast of October…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver AS I WRITE, it is not yet apparent why the government in Washington invaded Panama after the officer of the Israeli army who was in charge had secretly returned home, leaving his stooge, the duly elected President, a mongrel named Noriega, to be captured by the invaders. The surprise…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadioRevilo P. Oliver

A rational look at the Jewish Question: What was the real, hidden origin of Christianity? American Dissident Voices broadcast of October 7, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom WHAT WAS THE REAL, hidden origin of Christianity? What was the…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

The savings and loan debacle by Revilo P. Oliver THE SCANDALOUS AFFAIR of the Savings & Loan Associations, also known as Building & Loan Associations, has received relatively little attention from its victims, the American taxpayers. Perhaps the world’s beasts of burden are so used…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadioRevilo P. Oliver

A rational look at the Jewish Question: To what extent have the Jews exploited our innate sense of mystery and wonder? — and of what significance are the Jewish roots of Christianity? American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 30, 2017…
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Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver I SALUTE THE APPEARANCE of a new and worthy periodical in France, Révision, published by Alain Guionnet at 11, rue d’Alembert, 92130 Isay-les-Moulineaux. It is evidently to be a monthly, 260 francs for six issues, and 500 francs for thirteen. Single copies are 18 francs, with…
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American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadioRevilo P. Oliver

A rational look at the Jewish Question: Have the Jews switched strategies, and now work to exterminate our race rather than merely exploit it? American Dissident Voices broadcast of September 23, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE JEWISH…
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