About Us

by the staff of National Vanguard
SCIENCE CONTINUES to prove that race exists. The Human Genome Project has unlocked human DNA, and medical advances are being made based on targeting genetic sequences individual to each race. Thousands upon thousands of years of separate racial development have led to a great diversity of human races, which have in turn formed separate cultures with vastly different values and achievements.
Race, variety, and subspecies are all similar terms and they apply to human beings no less than to other life forms on this planet.
Races are new species in the making. Without racial divergence, the evolution of life itself could never have taken place.
But powerful forces are attempting to obliterate all racial, ethnic and cultural differences worldwide, with the goal of “uniting humanity” into one global, anonymous mass. Open borders, “outsourcing,” and the growth of corporate and governmental globalism are all elements in the systematic destruction of human biological and cultural diversity.
The European race is uniquely beautiful and creative. It is imperative that we survive and progress.
Our goal is a change in consciousness. We publish with that goal in mind even when we have differences of opinion with a given author. We want to reach those among our people who are still capable of independent thought, and who have the energy, character, and intelligence to shape the future.
National Vanguard magazine (which until 1982 was a tabloid newspaper, until 1978 titled Attack!) was founded by William Luther Pierce (1933-2002) and his associates in 1969. Its editorship and control, along with that of his other publications, was given by William Pierce to Kevin Alfred Strom shortly before the former’s death. This online magazine, nationalvanguard.org, was founded by Kevin Alfred Strom in 2003. Assisted by staffers and volunteers on four continents, he continues his proprietorship today. It is the flagship publication supporting the National Alliance headed by William White Williams, the leading organization advocating for the interests of men and women of European descent worldwide.
If we have made an impact on your life and the lives of those you love, please consider helping us — whether by funding our efforts, or by adding to or promoting our work.
[…] About Us […]
The Terrifying Truth about Muslims, Muslim Terrorism and Warning of the conflict to come in the United Kingdom:- Muslim leaders and preachers proclaim the evil and fanatical idealogy of Islam, which forms the core belief of muslim identity. They revile and preach hatred of Christians Jews and non believers who are called Kuffar. Islam is an extremely dangerous, extremely violent, mysogynist idealogy. The Koran states: “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” and “Maim and crucify the infidels”. Muslims reject and disdain western values of freedom and democracy, but cunningly use all the powers of democratic legitimacy to subvert western secular society. They demand the construction of more mosques, the subjugation and veiling of women (Life for most muslim women is a dystopian nightmare from which they cannot escape), cruel… Read more »
You are talking sh** again.
It must feel horrible to be so scared …
You are a hatred and uncultivated liar. Where did you read in the Coran the BS you are quoting?! If you want to spread lies, try at least to make a small research or read a little HISTORY before telling craps! Where did you find in history that ” Christian worshipers were slaughtered without mercy or sold into slavery” by Ottomans??! What are your references? Why didn’t you put a single annotated bibliography? You are just smearing a religion that you know nothing about and telling STORIES about people for whom you have hate and contempt. Jews and Christians are living among Muslim in peace in all Muslim countries for more than 1 400 years. That does not mean all Muslims are good people. However, I challenge you to provide… Read more »
In response to your suicidal challenge “to provide any historical fact stating that muslims enslaved, killed or deported non muslims”, I would like to refer to the fall of Constantinople (May 29th 1453): “Mehmed II had promised to his soldiers 3 days to plunder the city, to which they were entitled. Soldiers fought over the possession of some of the spoils of war. According to the Venetian surgeon Nicolò Barbaro “all through the day the Turks made a great slaughter of Christians through the city”. According to Philip Mansel, widespread persecution of the city’s civilian inhabitants took place, resulting in thousands of murders and rapes and 30,000 civilians being enslaved or forcibly deported. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Constantinople#Plundering_phase Hagia Sophia “As the fierce battle raged for control of the city, old men, women and… Read more »
How do you reason that that behavior is predicated upon following Islam rather than simply being human?
What about the Namibians slaughtered by Germans in the earth 20th century? The Benin Expedition of 1897? The Arabs killed by the Mongols when Baghdad was razed in 1258? The Rwandan genocide? The Serbian genocide? The Cathar Crusade? Would the Spanish not have done the same to the Central and South Americans had the Amerindians not been decimated by disease?
Genocidal violence is a human quality and is not specific to any one religion.
You forget to mention that in the case of Namibia the first victims were Germans. After German women and children were murdered the Germans prevented the Namibians from reaching nearby waterholes, to drive away their attackers.
It was originally a genocide against the Germans.
Genocidal violence is a human quality? Really?! Speak for yourself!
You are making it sound as though we all are capable of ‘genocidal violence.’ Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to say” Some humans are capable of committing genocidal violence”..
Yes, genocidal violence is a human quality. Especially one that humans driven by fear of others like yourself are prone to. Educate yourself about the Milgram Obedience experiments and learn to be a human being.
Sort of like the fall of Jericho?
Well said.
On July 14, 2016, a muslim man drove a truck through a crowd of unarmed civilians celebrating France’s Independence Day in Nice France. Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, the terrorist, did this in the name of Islam and according to the Islamic teaching that a muslim must wage war against non-muslims. For me, that was the last day I ever listened to a muslim apologist. That was the last day, I wanted to be a friend with a muslim. That was the last day, I wanted to patronize a muslim business. And that was the last day, I will listen to lies by people who believe in a false religion and a false prophet that kill random innocent people.
The fall of Constantinople in 1453. It was well documented what the Ottomans did to the population of that city.
There are 1.8 BILLION Muslims in the world. If the religion was really about hate, you would all be dead. If you know your history then you would know that Catholicism/Christianity has caused more death and destruction than an other religion in the world.
I truly feel sorry for you people. It must be a horrible feeling to live in fear spun out of ignorance. What a shame…..
No, sunshine. You muslims would be dead if the white man went to war. While you’d have been charging at us like the primitive mobs that you are, shouting your allahu akbars and other nonsense, white nations would have unleashed nuclear armageddon upon your entire kind. Followed by military biowarfare with germs specifically designed to target your ethnicities and chemical weapons and other devices so horrible, your primitive minds can not even begin to imagine, let alone comprehend. The reason those 1.8 billion muslims don’t go to war, is because if they did, white nations would exterminate your kind in under a week.
Wow, you actually called her “sunshine”?!? LMAO! Last time I heard anyone call anyone else that, I was listening to “In the Flesh?” by Pink Floyd. Cheers…
Reply to DC McKinley The Terrifying Truth about Zionists You are a hatred racist bigot and unsophisticated pathological liar. Where did you read in the Quran what you’re quoting? If you want to spread lies, try at least to make a small research or read a little HISTORY before telling craps! Where did you find in history that ” Christian worshipers were slaughtered without mercy or sold into slavery” by Ottomans??! Even if that has happened the Quran does not sanction. What are your references? Why didn’t you put a single annotated bibliography? You are just smearing a religion that you know nothing about and telling STORIES about people for whom you have hate and contempt. It’s the Crusaders so called Christians in Palestine that killed more Christians then Muslims in… Read more »
Allah, defined in Arabic and translated to ENGLISH , MEANS moongod,god of sex and war. THE WORD ISLAM , MEANS SUBMISSION , NOT PEACE.
What bullshit is this? Define clearly what the term “race” as applied to human beings, means.
The ramblings of a Christian Zionist no doubt…
To Max and John Welsh:
There are none so blind as those who do not want to see.
Max and John,
When is the last time you extracted yer heads from out yer asses?
The greatest crime the white race did was rely upon non-whites for labor, money-lending and trading. Why did the founding fathers from England allow jews to be citizens in the new America? The Dutch colonialists wanted jews excluded. Well, a full 900-1200 years earlier, the administrative vacuum in barbarian white nations let jews in, to absorb the unfit and degenerate ostracized by the naturally eugenic pre-christians, and to do the money-lending and trading – a dependency that ultimately was more ruinous to jews than whites. And no need to say more on the presence of black flesh in the western hemisphere other than whites didn’t need black labor as much as their own safety, and with the wealth generated from slavery the robber barons could have funded black repatriation.
The lion looks like the White Race today. We must heal and then ATTACK.
To What Species Do We Actually Belong? So many different domesticated and undomesticated species are known to produce fertile offspring in nature (interspecific hybrids) that biologists practically define a race or “species” as a population of organisms that are GENETICALLY more similar to each other than they are to members of other gene pools. E.g., Bonobos and Chimpanzees are classified as different species despite their anatomical similarities because they differ from each other in disposition and behavior as much as any two races of mankind, and because those differences are assumed to be instinctive instead of cultural. Celts, Eskimos and Pygmies belong to three different species of mankind according to most scientists’ definition of the word “species”. Why hide the fact that a branch of mankind is a separate species… Read more »
“Races are new species in the making” according to the article written by the staff of National Vanguard above. The Aryan race is more likely to survive if it considers itself to be a species instead of a race. Any race that considers itself to be a separate species will be far prouder, and far more likely to reject miscegenation. Why refer to Pygmies and Negroes are different “races” instead of different “species”? Is there any scientific reason for referring to Pygmies and Negroes as being “races” instead of separate “species”? My 2:12 AM post on MAY 1, 2017 states that each of the different “races” of mankind is actually a separate species according to the definition that most scientists use. Some of the various definitions of the word species… Read more »
First, I am African American. I am one of Jehovah’s Christian Witnesses. In spite of this, I have a few ideas that are mine, and mine alone. White people, whether agreeing with race mixing or not, are very beautiful. I recognize beauty in all its form, and it is a sight to see when young ladies of European descent are coming from school, laughing, some of them talking tough, trying to sound grown. Their hair flies in the wind, and they are naive so they don’t realize they attract so much positive attention. Beauty is beauty, and white people tend to be beautiful. I see nothing wrong in wanting to retain, not just the beauty, but the intelligence that goes along with it. It is not wrong for me, as… Read more »
This is very remarkable information. What has motivated you to amass all these documentaries?
Insanity, clearly.
Must Life Perish Unless Mongoloids Conquer the World? Posted Jul 11, 2017 at Permela posted the following response in the National Vanguard forum at https://nationalvanguard.org/about/ on July 11, 2017 and at http://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3202 . CHERYL D. UZAMERE claims to be a mulatto, and seems to think that Whites hate non-Whites as much as Whites are hated by non-Whites. The descendants of Aryan farmers in Europe, America, etc. can not survive unless they quickly learn how to behave as savagely and hatefully as the Semites and Negroes who are replacing them. Civilization can not exist without domesticated animals, and above all, a domesticated species/race of mankind. Aryan farmers had to create the security that makes civilization possible by breeding some of the dangerous survival instincts out of their own race and the… Read more »
LMAO y’all are nuts hahaha oh man, I thought religious people were crazy but I think I’ve found the craziest place on the internet, you’re irrational fears and paranoia would be entertaining if it weren’t for the fact that this sort of thing is exactly what’s holding mankind back, we will achieve greatness when the world becomes one culture (via the internet and globalism with cultural globalization) and we shed concepts such as race, religion is abolished, and we restructure society to put an end to oligarchy and hierarchy.
Thank you, friend. The cards are stacked against both of our races and they are trying to get us to fight each other. We need to unite and fight the Jews and their Muslim lackeys or we are both toast.
So disappointing that people still walk the earth thinking that the COLOR of a HUMAN BEING’S SKIN is a measurable factor in their importance as a person. The only “impact” this organization has made on my life was reinforcing the fact that people who think whites are superior in ANY way have zero place at all in the world. Is it really so difficult to love people for who they are? Is it really so hard for you to hold back your racist, unwarranted, and unwanted hate towards anybody different than you? Thank God you have a president to back you up now because I guarantee you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will come from you promoting white people as better than anyone else. We all bleed the same color, people. Its not… Read more »
We aren’t saying we are better numbskull. We are trying to not go extinct, whites are 8% of the world and have benefitted the world to great measures. Obviously, there is something special about us with our ability to create magnificent civilizations and technology/inventions. We are here to make sure that we don’t go extinct, we aren’t promoting hate or violence.
White people no better than anyone else?
There is only ONE race. The HUMAN race. We can all mix and mingle have children together….organs work the same, we all bleed red. Peel our skin off and you wouldn’t know the difference if you found us siting in the woods. What separates us are culture, language and some religion only. We are ALL cousins going way back to a few forefathers that decided to walk out of Africa. So many of us share the same DNA. Regardless of what you want to believe this is the god damn truth!
(97% of Europeans are able to find a tissue match if they need e.g. a bone marrow transplant. It is almost impossible to find a match for a person of mixed race.
Re: The Southern California Handshake Is it possible that a major American city is in bed with the world’s largest charity fundraiser? Why are San Diego’s elected officials featured on The Devil Corp website? If you go to the Executive Teams section and scroll down to the bottom, you’ll find portraits of the mayor, the city council, the district attorney, the sheriff, and just about every judge in the county. Why are politicians from America’s 8th largest city displayed on a website that apparently has nothing to do with them? Is this evidence of political corruption? What did ‘America’s finest city’ do to earn its place on Appco Group’s website The Devil Corp? Did they break the law? Were they paid off? I’m sure San Diego’s political elite have a… Read more »
Our country is being invaded,and this time the enemy is already inside the gate ! IT’S THE END OF WHITE AMERICA !
Please visit my site at http://WWW.DIRINAIOAN.COM for details and please place me in your mailing list.
With anticipated thanks,Ioan Dirina,author
I stopped reading as soon as I read your proclamation of “Evolution”. Evolution is a “theory”. And an unproven one at that. That you offer it as a fact as a way to proclaim that we’re all part of different “races”, when it’s already been clearly proven that we are all HUMAN, is a complete joke. It is, by the way, our DNA, that PROVES that WE ARE ALL HUMAN. Proof can also be found in simple genetics. You have a mother and a father. Each of your parents had a mother and a father. Each of their parents had a mother and a father. Follow this method back for only 100 generations. See the number of people it would take to exist just for you to exist today. Please,… Read more »
It is also a theory that the earth revolves around the sun. It happens to be backed by a lot of evidence and able to make predictions, just like evolution.
We have a culture that is being purposefully sabotaged. Our people are being purposefully murdered in some twisted blood ritual(I wonder why our blood and culture are made to die, while all others retain their cultures and spread their blood…) Our heroes and the bravest among Aryan Folk are systematically undermined, framed, or killed outright. Our traditional land is being infringed upon by our enemies through other races that don’t have anything to do with the matter. I know it’s PC and “good” to say everyone is equal, human race, blah blah ad nauseum. But get a grip Folks. These are not fear mongers trying to manipulate or terrorize for material gain. They are decent Folks who don’t want to see themselves and their children(really just the newest versions of… Read more »
AL-TAQIYA… The Muslim Method Of Conquest By Professor Walid Phares In the early years of the Tawheed (Islamic conquest of the Arabian peninsula) and in the Fatah (Arab-Islamic invasion and conquest of the upper Middle East and the outside world), a Muslim concept was devised to achieve success against the enemy, Al-Taqiya.. Al-Taqiya, from the verb Ittaqu, means linguistically dodge the threat. Politically it means simulate whatever status you need in order to win the war against the enemy.. According to Al-Taqiya, Muslims were granted the Shar’iya (legitimacy) to infiltrate the Dar el-Harb (war zone), infiltrate the enemy’s cities and forums and plant the seeds of discord and sedition. These agents were acting on behalf of the Muslim authority at war, and therefore were not considered as lying or denouncing… Read more »
For one I’m grateful this site exists even if I disagree with a ton of stuff on it. I find that I can at least have a conversations with far right people here, whereas if I did the same with far leftists on twitter, FB et al I get instantly banned. Sure it will attract some nut jobs, but on the whole I think most of the people here don’t want to harm other ethnicities, but simply desire to NOT become a minority in their own country, funding people from other less developed countries via taxation to settle on their land in some idealistic, naive idea of human internationalism spread by an out of touch class of ivory tower politicians and media. I say HELL NO. Being ethno nationalist still… Read more »
imagine being a heterosexual cisgendered white angle saxon protestant mail or female? i cant because i’m none of the above. plus i’m not the creator of this bogus website promoting european ethnic power and white superiority. you all live in your delusional white regressive minds. you have no impact on this world because we are moving forward and are breaking all the barriers that people like you try and set up to block us from promoting diversity and equality. you are clowns
your statements about race and science are quite incorrect, like equating species to race. Animals of different species cannot reproduce together. Humans from different races can reproduce because all humans belong to the same species. The FACT is that more and more, science is proving there is actuality no such thing as race. It’s a cultural construct, not a biological reality. What we call race is more similar to different variations of a species such as different types of elephants or dog breeds.
Pascual, you contradict yourself. First, you say there’s “no such thing” as race. Then you say race is equivalent to “different variations of a species such as different types of elephants or dog breeds.” Your last statement is correct. It’s what we say, too. And these varieties, or subspecies, or races are very important things. They are precursors to new species. In fact, all new species come from such racial variation, separation, and increased differentiation. There is no other way that evolution can happen. Therefore, it is true to say that without racial separation, life as we know it could not exist. Racial separation is not at all evil: It is necessary. You could even say it is sacred.
Horses and Donkeys are different species and can reproduce the Mule.. Although the mule itself is infertile because of the cross-species mating. That is a common example.
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