EssaysGuest opinion

The Zombification of America

by Martin Kerr

THE ONGOING POPULAR CULTURE fixation with zombies is ironically appropriate, since that is what the White population has largely been turned into by the Jews. I was over at a local shopping mall recently: The blank, soulless expression on the faces of the other shoppers as they shambled through the obscene collections of materialist ticky-tack sent a chill through my heart.

But it was not always like this. In 1913, while living in Paris, Ezra Pound could write, in his “In a Station of the Metro”:

The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.

Or, more to the point, study the expressions on the faces in the crowd scenes of Triumph of the Will.

How far our Race has fallen – and how quickly!

* * *

Some time ago, a longtime and friend and comrade, DRK, sent me a link to a lecture by Glenn Beck on AMC’s cable television series The Walking Dead. Beck claims that TWD presents a “chilling view of post-apocalyptic” society.

More irony: Beck himself is already a zombie – only he does not realize it.

Sadly, this is a not-uncommon condition: Many White people have already been effectively zombified by the media, the schools, and their churches. They go through the motions of their daily existence as though they were alive, but in reality they are already spiritually dead.

A while back I saw a White zombie mother with her daughter on the subway. The young girl had pale blonde hair and fair skin. She was about six or seven years old. She was cuddling a plastic Negro baby doll, which presumably her mother had bought for her.

This beautiful Aryan princess does not stand a chance: Not yet out of elementary school, and she is already being groomed for racial death by her own mother. Rather than becoming a vessel for higher humanity, she will just be meat for the animals.

It was all I could do to stop myself from crying out, “The horror! The horror! Exterminate the brutes!”*

(* The quote in the last sentence is from the novella Heart of Darkness (1899) by Joseph Conrad, better known from its cinematic adaptation by Francis Ford Coppola, Apocalypse Now (1979).)

* * *

Source: New Order

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Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
25 May, 2022 8:34 am

One could argue that the zombification began with the conclusion of the American Revolution when our “hero” George Washington rode out toward western Pennsylvania with 13,000 troops to put down a tax protest by 800 farmers. Hint, unlike Leonidas who fought to the last of his 300 men, including himself, against 300,000 Persians, the 800 farmers folded. You have to make that episode palatable to the American people to have a nation, solution? Zombification. It started in 1794.

KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
25 May, 2022 11:17 pm

The ((( American Revolution))) surely did a lot of good for the jewish bankers and the new world order as a whole, to the point one of their main contributors was Solomon Hymn a wealthy Jewish banker

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano

Haym Solomon was probably a front man. In order to remain out of sight, the bankers pick front men who then live stories of incredible success at whatever they put their hand to. In the meanwhile, the bankers have unlimited credit to finance anything they want. The life blood is the franchise to issue money in the hands of the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. Guys like Soros and Gates are all made up stories to explain the vast amount of money and credit available.

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr
Reply to  Patrick Pappano
26 May, 2022 7:52 pm

(Moved reply to a different person)

25 May, 2022 1:40 pm

The common people have always been zombies. Unfortunately, instead of a truly great man such as Adolf Hitler guiding them, they now have a pack of Jews leading them to destruction.

Martin Kerr
Martin Kerr
Reply to  Joshua
26 May, 2022 7:56 pm

Maybe being spiritually dead is common among the broad masses of the population in any system. Still, I get the impression that in Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy ordinary citizens experienced their lives with more intensity and a greater sense of purpose than in other societies, even before the outbreak of the War.

Reply to  Martin Kerr
4 June, 2022 10:41 pm

Although it does take a leader to move the lower minded pack, as Joshua implies I think you are right Martin that there was a special emergent spirit in those people in those times (especially among the Germans).

That is another secret weapon of those who live in true and healthy societies — you still need the usual power and weapons to survive and secure the folk but there IS a spirit of the folk, and though beaten down and hunted all these days since the great victory of the Jews in ’45 it still exists and still lives.

And the enemy fears it, don’t understand it, but they know it can happen again and it can burn their brand of cancer right out of the body of creation.

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
26 May, 2022 3:28 pm

Our opponents are also into the racial reality though they try to deny it.
Skin color and race mean everything to them aswell.

26 May, 2022 11:56 pm

Conscious ethnic people from European ancestry are at this point a very small minority of probably less than 100 million and are scattered throughout the globe.
Is our next step to built independent communities where we stand (likely surrounded by filth) or assemble and claim a new land of our own?

4 June, 2022 9:15 am

in my overmixed by political traitors capital berlin people dont
look or smile at each other but avoid eyes contact like it was always
in a New York subway . multiculti people dont have any cultural
connections anymore with passers by . this will also happen in the
small towns + villages with overflooding since 2015 (Merkills-Soros-
Rothschilds open borders) .

5 June, 2022 6:24 am

Women are largely responsible for the decay of the white race. (I am a woman, btw!) White women laying down with Negroes due to the Jew influence of HOllywood and public schools.

Reply to  WhtNProud
3 September, 2022 9:38 am

Women are, like Schopenhauer once said, like little children for the rest of their lives and they need regulation and protection that only men can provide.

Women, while kept in check under a patriarchal society, are not inherently bad but rather wonderful beings who fulfill their duties as mothers and nurturers.

Things go pretty bad if women are agitated, but that is part of the plan of degenerating man as whole group. A masculine society is not easy to exploit.