EssaysH. Millard

Our Racial Beliefs Are Divine

by Arman as related to H. Millard

Racism: A Belief that human races are real and different from one another and are similar to breeds in other types of animals.

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Would you look at the face of the Creator? Look at a spiral galaxy. Look at a Swastika. Look at water draining from your kitchen sink. Look at DNA. Look at the motion of atoms. The face of the Creator is everywhere in existence itself. The Creator is not static or listless. He does not sit passively around contemplating His navel.

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IF YOU HAVE READ many of the Divine messages that I have been given to spread, you may have have noticed that I almost never criticize other religions or races in hateful ways. I may from time to time comment on various aspects of them to point out why the path revealed to our kind alone is the correct one for White people, but that’s about it.

The reason I don’t engage in so-called “hate speech” is because the path I’m on, and which you can also be on if you wish and if you feel called to, is not about hate but about love for the Creator — God-As-He-Truly-Is — and love for our kind alone. And that is commanded of us by the Creator.

In other words, the so-called “White racism” — or, rather, racial beliefs that we are commanded to have — are at their core spiritual or religious rather than political or purely social at their core. There is an overlap between these, though, because our spiritual and religious beliefs touch all aspects of our lives, every minute of every day.

To be clear, these views and ways and this path are commanded by the Creator. They are not based on hatred of other races or political systems or other such things. And they are not man-made.

It doesn’t matter if some consider other races or certain individuals of other races to be unintelligent or criminal or evil or devious. And it doesn’t matter if some consider other races or certain individuals of other races to be beautiful, brilliant, wonderful, polite, great company, fun to be around, or anything else. It is still forbidden for those on this pure White path to mix or mate with them. It is what the Creator wants that is important — and we are, to repeat, commanded by the Creator, as the ones He has selected, to never mix or mate with other races — and to always in all ways stay separate from them and stay as White as possible, forever.

The Creator, who seems to only reveal what we need to know and no more at any time, but who is cognizant of our inquiring minds and the age in which we live, knows that He needs to tell us more than just “do this or I will punish you” — we have evolved past that child-like stage — and has thus revealed that His plan for our kind alone and the reason we must remain separate for all time and never mix or mate with any non-Whites is because He has selected us alone to evolve into a higher form of human, a new species, and any mixing or mating with non-Whites can take us in the opposite direction: That is, mixing and mating with any non-Whites can cause us to blend ourselves away, to lose our White genes and devolve and be absorbed by the non-White masses and cease to exist as Whites and not evolve as the Creator wishes.

As His selected ones, the Creator does try to guide us along the right path, and does look out for us to a degree, but we must be the ones to take the right path — and we must avoid the many wrong paths.

Whites are the “latest model” of humans on this planet. Just as human engineers come up with new models of airplanes, we are a new model human. We are no longer the early, preliminary, preparatory models — any more than an Su-35S fighter jet is the same as the first plane invented by the Wright brothers. The Creator — the Great Engineer of existence, evolution and life — has invented us as a later evolutionary development, and for this reason many of our particular White genes are recessive and this really means that they are more quickly changeable and plastic, but the downside of this plasticity is that they can be overruled by older forms of genes if we commit the terrible act of racial mixing. And this must be avoided. If we mate with any non-Whites, we lose the Whiteness in our family lines — and we have therefore failed to replicate ourselves as the Creator demands, and have used our sperm and eggs to produce non-White children, not White children. If we even mix socially with non-Whites we can pick up pieces of their DNA (that they and all living things discard by the millions daily) simply by being in their presence.

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About the Creator

The Creator is a force for good and for evolution, but there are opposite and evil forces that do not want us to evolve, that want us to devolve by blending in with other races. And there are also natural mindless forces that naturally pull towards decay, disintegration, collapse, passivity, torpidity, quiescence, and dormancy — these are the natural state of matter when there is no energy exerted by the movement, turning, spiraling, twisting forces that are exerted by the Creator to create, maintain, and then destroy as He wishes.

Some hold that the ground of existence — which is a mindless, directionless, latent, non-dynamic, and unsown field, which is ever invisibly pregnant with life, energy and force and is Nature without consciousness, mind or personality — is what should be considered as the Ultimate.

We say there is more. We say that the Creator is this ground of existence — in the sense that it is His body, much as our brains are part of our human bodies but our bodies without our brains have no consciousness, etc. In other words, in the ground of existence there is a mind and the mind is the Creator. It is the consciousness and intelligence of the ground of existence, but is one with it. The Creator has personality, direction, will, purpose, assertiveness, and emotions such as love and anger. We are evolved to have similar aspects.

The Creator is able to use the elements found in the ground of existence, in a physics that is found in the subatomic realm, to do things that may seem miraculous to us.

The Creator is invisible to us, but is never static, and we say we can see the “face” or the “hands” of the Creator as He causes the ever-present circling, cycling, turning, twisting, spiraling forces found throughout all of existence that we see when they are acting upon matter. And, we repeat, that is why images of spirals, fylfots and Swastikas are holy to us. These images are not static but represent the movement of the Creator.

These circling, turning, spiraling, twisting forces are within all of creation and all life, including us as White humans. Our DNA is wound up like a wind-up clock the moment we are conceived. This is the life force within the inert minerals that make up all life. So long as the spring/DNA within us has energy, we live. But eventually, like a wind-up clock, we unwind and lose that energy that is found in the windings of our existence. Then our bodies collapse and revert back to the inert minerals that make them up, and become again part of the ground of existence from which they emerged by the actions of the Creator.

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The Eternal Gene Wars

There is no malice or hate in the eternal gene wars. They are part of the design of existence itself and are necessary for natural selection and evolution.

Many non-White genes are dominant over White genes. This is because Whites have diverged and mutated away from those with those earlier genes — and our divergent, mutated genes are newer and more plastic and must compete with older genes that are more solidified and not as subject to change.

Whites are the new model human on this planet. We are a later evolution — and, as a result of our newness, our genes are more malleable and easy to change, and this is why you see so much variety among Whites. Look around you at other Whites. You will see many colors and textures of hair and many colors of eyes and many other variations, but all within the White model of humans. This is because we are evolving very fast and our internal gene wars are selecting features to see if they will become dominant in time or will give way to other features that give us more of a survival advantage.

One way we are evolving very quickly is that our White skulls are getting longer top to bottom. Why? Because our brains are getting larger and Nature has chosen this longer head type to let our brains grow larger.

As you perhaps know, when we are born we have two soft spots on our head. The front one is the anterior fontanelle and the one on the back of the head is the posterior fontanelle. The fontanelles are just gaps in our skulls so our skulls can compress as we pass through the birth canal without killing our mothers.

We have now reached the limit of how the fontanelles can work, but since our brains are getting larger the longer-skull workaround was needed for our larger brains because women’s’ birth canals are not evolving fast enough to allow wider heads.

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©2022 H. Millard

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion: Messages of Ennui and Meaning in Post-American America by H. Millard — In this book, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. They deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard’s edgy style — and lead up to “Homeless Jack’s Religion,” in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. ISBN-10: 0-595-32646-3

Roaming the Wastelands by H. Millard — The groundbreaking novel of post-American America and of a life-affirming philosophy that is beyond left and right. From Chapter 1: “There are some among us who can’t help but listen to a different drummer. The drumming they hear is from their DNA. Some try to block it out, but it is heard in the blood which has no ears that can be covered to stop the sound that is not a sound. It is a call of the wild from centuries past to the wild in some humans. Those who try to deny the drummer are doomed to unhappy lives, for they are denying what they were born to be.” ISBN-10: 0-595-22811-9

The Outsider by H. Millard — Non-conformist and alienated, Buck wanders alone through a post-American America seeking meaning and the authentic. H. Millard’s iconoclastic, sacred-cow-toppling essays and fiction have appeared in everything from the high-IQ society Mensa’s publications to newspapers and magazines. Follow the linked title or get it by telephone: 1-877-823-9235. ISBN-10: 0-595-19424-9

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Mr. Millard’s religious writings provide wisdom and food for thought for all of us. But the new religion that underlies everything we do at National Vanguard and the National Alliance is Cosmotheism. We invite you to study our truth, help us, and join with us — as we build a real-world community of White men and women in the beautiful mountains of eastern Tennessee. We are building an educational organization, a publishing business, and a racialist library and research center. We have been solemnizing marriages and those marriages have been fruitful with White children.

“Deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom, of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe. That is the wisdom, the truth, of Cosmotheism. It is a truth of which most of us have been largely unconscious all our lives, but which now we have the opportunity to understand clearly and precisely.”

Thus William Pierce bids men and women of European race to understand ourselves and our purpose.

Dr. William Luther Pierce’s Cosmotheism is not a revealed religion, but is instead what he called a natural religion: It rejects all of the claimed supernatural “revelations” which find their way onto shining golden plates or ancient scrolls, instead having its basis in the realities of Nature that our eyes — and the investigations of science — have confirmed. In the drama of the evolution of life from non-living matter, and of higher and more conscious beings from lower forms of life, William Pierce sees a path of purpose and destiny for us.

This new, definitive book provides the reader with the only guide to Cosmotheism published by the Cosmotheist Church itself. In effect, it is the Cosmotheist bible. It contains all of William Pierce’s important Cosmotheist works, including the Cosmotheist Trilogy, his essays from internal National Alliance and Cosmotheist Community publications, and his lectures at the Community’s first gatherings in Arlington, Virginia in the 1970s. It also contains important works on the new religion by Fred Streed and Kevin Alfred Strom.

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9 March, 2022 11:00 pm

I took time to drop my globo-homo programming and as such have a 10 year old half Thai, half White son. Recently I removed him from school over its imposition of a ‘mask mandate’ for covid, and began to home school him, and have been exceedingly troubled by how slowly, and how far back from age appropriate material I need to go to find his level. So much so today I administered us both an IQ test (his: age appropriate). Now, I have always tested in the 145~165 range, including by MENSA (and have multiple post graduate degrees, a Masters from a global 200 university, graduated cum laude etc), and today tested 149 whilst competing an (unofficial) test in a flippant state (allowing interruptions by my son as he went… Read more »

Reply to  LG
10 March, 2022 4:46 am

“as such have a 10 year old half Thai, half White son.”

You do not belong here or any pro-White website and org race traitor.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Tank88
10 March, 2022 12:15 pm

While he is barred from National Alliance membership for having a non-White dependent, he does deserve some small credit for admitting his mistake.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
11 March, 2022 10:08 am

I agree. I would see no problem
if he chose to be a supporter.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
11 March, 2022 5:28 pm

I pity the whites who’ve fallen for Jew influence and bred with nonWhites.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  WhtNProud
11 March, 2022 10:26 pm

Our fellow Whites need better leadership, a strong and unified message of our principles, and the moral courage to Do Right and Fear No One, Miss WhtNProud. That’s why we in the National Alliance are here, to build a New Order, A New Consciousness, and A New People to follow the upward Path towards the self-realization of the Creator. I hope you’re considering joining us, which you may apply to do after reading and agreeing with our principles and program found here at

Reply to  LG
11 March, 2022 5:27 pm

You poor thing. You fell for the Jew influence of breeding with a nonWhite. You probably believed the Jew propaganda about Asian women being superior to white women.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
9 March, 2022 11:11 pm

The Creator can’t be seen? I’d say the Creator is also the created, and it is all around us. Organic and inorganic, it is of the Creator. It’s not a “him” or “her” strictly, it’s both at times. The rocks and water and other inorganics have no sexual components, but they too are of the Creator. We can see or otherwise detect nearly all of it.

H. Millard does seem to have most of the rest well in hand, though.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
10 March, 2022 4:42 pm

I don’t know, Jim. I don’t care much for Millard’s mystical god, Arman. Mr. Millard is an old friend of Kevin’s so we’ll simply have to suffer his religious views, which are racial at least, as long as Kevin chooses to put them up here. The disclaimer Kevin now expresses, at my request, below Millard’s thoughts clarify our Alliance’s position: — Mr. Millard’s religious writings provide wisdom and food for thought for all of us. But the new religion that underlies everything we do at National Vanguard and the National Alliance is Cosmotheism. — That “food for thought” can sometimes confuse, even demoralize a Cosmotheist thinker, as is seen in this correspondence from an Alliance member who just read this latest essay in our online magazine: — Quoting Millard with… Read more »

Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
11 March, 2022 6:20 am

Do you win potential whites out of what like hundreds of millions of us who have been indoctrinated from birth; via hate of a belief or a more logical wayof thinking about serious things? Agnostic would be the best term for a man or woman who wants to stay out of talking about a “Creator(s)” imho. You may hate Thomas Jackson’s “religion” for example, but some inner something obviously gave him the strength,understanding, courage and was one of the south’s mightiest war generals. You have to ask yourselves do you want your people to like; be strickly mechanical/almost robot like as the chinese are, or higher as germany, britain were in their discipline in character agnostic (n.)1870, “one who professes that the existence of a First Cause and the essential nature… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  cas
12 March, 2022 4:21 pm

cas: You may hate Thomas Jackson’s “religion” for example, but some inner something obviously gave him the strength,understanding, courage and was one of the south’s mightiest war generals. — I do not hate the faith Stonewall Jackson held 160 years ago, cas. I was raised in the same Presbyterian faith in my youth as was fellow southerner William Pierce, Founder of the religion for our people, Cosmotheism. The Presbyterian Church as fallen into line with other mainstream churches to declare that White racial loyalty is a sin: Racism is the opposite of what God intends for humanity. It is the rejection of the other, which is entirely contrary to the Word of God incarnate in Jesus Christ. Racism is a lie about our fellow human beings, for it says that… Read more »

Max Musson
Max Musson
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
11 March, 2022 6:38 am

As a long-time admirer of the teachings of Dr William Pierce and the writings of H. Millard, I see Dr Pierce as an exponent of the orthodoxy of Cosmotheism – rejecting one of the central tenets of the Abrahamic religions – that ‘God’ is a conscious, sentient, anthropomorphic, all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful entity, with a special ‘sweet-heart’ relationship with his ‘Chosen People’. Dr Pierce mocks such a notion as infantile. H. Millard on the other hand, deviates from this orthodoxy. The value in what H Millard writes is in his ability to create analogous prose and poetry which conveys complex ideas very simply and powerfully. I have read all three of Millard’s books and the vast bulk of his other writings and I have enjoyed and greatly appreciated most of it.… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Max Musson
11 March, 2022 11:35 am

Well said, Mr. Musson.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
12 March, 2022 4:46 pm

Especially Max’s observation that:

…Millard’s more recent writings in which he appears to be constructing an ideological ‘bridge’ between Cosmotheism and the Abrahamic religions by incorporating elements taken from the Abrahamic religions into his interpretation of Cosmotheism.

I believe that this is a fundamental mistake on his part... Millard was on much safer ground with his concept of the Creator as the ‘Cosmic shuffler’, as described in the preface to his book, ‘The Outsider’.

Yes, a fundamental mistake. Our National Alliance’s spiritual foundation has no use for Arman’s bridge between it and the Abrahamic, anthropomorphic Superspook. Mr. Millard should promote his contradictory religion and interpretation of Pierce’s Cosmotheist Creator somewhere besides National Vanguard. It is counterproductive here.

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Max Musson
14 March, 2022 2:26 pm

Huh. I kind of always thought Millard was in fact being allegorical and fanciful. Is anyone actually taking this “Arman” stuff seriously?

Ted Ford
Ted Ford
Reply to  Art Thief
20 July, 2022 1:23 am

“Is anyone actually taking this “Arman” stuff seriously?”


Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Ted Ford
20 July, 2022 9:05 pm

Good for you, Ted. It just goes to show that there’s no accounting for another fellow’s tastes. As chairman of NA and Trustee of the Cosmotheist Community Church — two entities founded by William Pierce — I make NA’s position clear in a comment above on 10 March this year, and will hold to it: — I don’t care much for Millard’s mystical god, Arman. Mr. Millard is an old friend of Kevin’s so we’ll simply have to suffer his religious views, which are racial at least, as long as Kevin chooses to put them up here. The disclaimer Kevin now expresses, at my request, below Millard’s thoughts clarifies our Alliance’s position: — Mr. Millard’s religious writings provide wisdom and food for thought for all of us. But the new… Read more »

David Cavall
David Cavall
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 February, 2023 10:10 pm

I’ll tell you, I’m a fairly imtelligent guy but the section in the second half of Millard’s book called Homeless Jack’s Religion is just plain weird and out there. I had to give up about half way through. I’ll stick to his writings based in the real world.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  David Cavall
5 February, 2023 9:33 am

The National Alliance doesn’t operate by Millard’s principles, though some of his ideas are similar to those of Cosmotheism that we do espouse as our life-philosophy. I recommend highly that you give this book a look:

Carmine Dalle
Carmine Dalle
11 March, 2022 9:21 am

Perhaps Jehovah is the god that the Jews produced in their evolution and he just traveled back in time?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Carmine Dalle
11 March, 2022 11:20 am

Perhaps we could speculate about how real the ancient Jews’ fantasies are just for fun. But I’ll leave that to those who have yet to grow up and have time to waste.

Carmine Dalle
Carmine Dalle
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
13 March, 2022 2:52 pm

{Carmine’s spouted gobbledygook deleted again for being disruptive as well as being ignorantly disrespectful}

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Carmine Dalle
14 March, 2022 1:17 am

Carmine, you have to go as you’ve flouted our posting rules too many times already. My time is too valuable to waste moderating your poisonous messages.