
The Jew Bomb

by Arch Stanton

HARRY S. Truman was yet another clueless clown, a presidential pustule, a suppurating political abscess on America’s body politic. Truman did not drop the Jew bomb. That decision was made long before he was installed in office.

The decision to drop the Jew bomb was made by Jews that had invested billions of 1940 dollars into the power of god they had lusted for since YHVH wrote their laws in stone with his finger of iron. The plan was in operation even before the first test explosion was set off in 1945.

As early as 1942 targets had been selected and American traitors at the highest political levels were sending top secret nuclear documents and weapons-grade material to their Judeocommunist brethren in the Soviet Union. (See From Major Jordan’s Diaries.) Originally, the plan was to holocaust Germany but when Germany surrendered, it fell to Japan to suffer the wrath of the Jew god’s power. Early on, two Japanese cities, that just happened to have a large Christian population, were intentionally spared conventional bombing.This resulted in large numbers of refugees fleeing to perceived safety from other cities suffering conventional firebombing. This was the same trick that led to far greater numbers of Dresden Holocaust victims, many of whom were refuges fleeing the terror bombing of other cities.

Jew investors wanted to see exactly how much bang their Jew bomb would deliver for the shekels invested. Setting off a holocaust in an empty desert simply was not enough proof. Jews needed real proof and for that, an ocean of sacrificial blood would be required. It’z chust goot bizness practice, you see.

FDR was perhaps more mentally deficient than any of the presidents before him, with the possible exception of Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt had no idea of what the Jews were up to with their Jew bomb. Of course, he was fed the usual lies and misinformation necessary to satisfy his meager intellect. This allowed Jews to proceed unhindered with the development of their nuclear nightmare.

FDR conveniently died before he ever got to witness the horrific results of his stupidity and inattention. Truman stepped in at the last moment without a clue as to what he was about to unleash. Truman was sworn in as President in April 1945. The Hiroshima bomb dropped on 6 August the same year; the Nagasaki bomb three days later. Truman had been in office less than four months when the bombs were dropped. Jew masterminds running the program never bothered to brief Truman on the plans to use the bomb until after the fact.

Then, on 10 August, Truman secretly requested that additional atomic bombs not be dropped on Japan without his express authority. Obviously, Truman had nothing to do with the decision to drop the bomb. Note that Truman “requested” the authority to make such decisions, but to whom was this request directed?

Having seen the effects of a nuclear explosion, people today cannot understand the thinking of that era. The idea of what we now know as a nuclear bomb was quite literally incomprehensible. Had they understood what the Jews were up to, we might live in a different world today.

When people of that era thought of bombs, they thought in terms of the conventional bombs used throughout the war. Bombs like Britain’s “Tall Boy.” A really, really big bomb to be sure, but a bomb none the less. Drop one of those and it would explode, end of story.

What the mind of the mid-1940s could not comprehend was a bomb that would continue to explode, expanding outward to envelop an ever-greater sphere of humanity and territory with devastatingly deadly aftereffects. It was destruction only Jews could gleefully envision and embrace.

How Jewish was the bomb? While the military weapons aspect of the bomb was led by a goy general, all lead positions for the actual research and development were overseen by Jews. In the best tradition of the Jewish mafia, almost half a billion dollars in plutonium was delivered to the test site in the trunk of a beat-up old Chevy sedan with a single driver and no guards or escorts. Perhaps most telling of all was that around half the scientists that actually understood the theory felt there was at least a fifty-fifty chance the chain reaction would continue to a point where the entire Earth would be incinerated.

Someone at the very top had to make that call. Someone had to say, “Roll the dice — we’re willing to take that chance.” That someone was well aware there was no need to risk incinerating the planet to end a war which Japan had clearly already lost. Someone making that call had invested a lot of money; someone with the greed and the lust to hold the power of a Jew god in their greasy, bloody palms. There is only one mind capable of embracing and rejoicing in the face of such unimaginable horror — the mind of the psychopathic, genocidal Jew.

Top Jews and their scientists understood the horror that was about to be unleashed all too well, but no one else did, as the test was done in complete secrecy in the New Mexico desert. No one really understood until the day the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima — and by then it was too late; the world had irrevocably entered the age of the Jew bomb. Now all that remains is for the other nuclear shoe to drop.

Knowing what Jews did with their bomb, one can well imagine what they are now doing with far more advanced weapons technology.

* * *

Source: Author

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21 February, 2021 8:48 am

Imagine a people so vile, they have to coerce others into passing laws against hating them.
Not sure to what extent this is true – suspecting absolutely everyone of being Jewish is a popular pastime in some circles, especially if that someone has a German, Polish or Russian last name – but I have read allegations that Abraham Lincoln’s father may have been Jewish.
What about Roosevelt – the Dutch variant of Rosenfeld ?
Doesn’t look Jewish, but then again, neither does Sara Paxton.

Walter Green
Walter Green
21 February, 2021 9:01 pm

I am really curious about what kind of weapon was used on 911.
It has destructive power but not same as a usual bombs.
Making no flames and no huge explosive sound, no shock wave.
But capable of making steels and concrete evaporate.
What kind of technologies could the Jews have other than that?

Reply to  Walter Green
22 February, 2021 2:39 am

Greetings Walter. Research ‘direct energy weapons’ using microwaves. I suspect you already know.

Walter Green
Walter Green
Reply to  Truthweed
24 February, 2021 9:22 am

I am sorry but I doubt that.
Energy directed weapons do not evaporate steels and concrete.

Reply to  Walter Green
25 February, 2021 1:07 am

Greetings Walter. See Energy Weapons on 9-11.pdf

Videos are available of Dr Judy Wood’s lecture demonstrating effects of such weapons.

Reply to  truthweed
3 March, 2021 11:39 am

Dr. Judy Wood – After 9/11, as the Truth about Zionist Jewish Involvement in 9/11 started to reach 9/11 Truth Groups, Dr. Judy Wood concocted a Lie, claiming that a Hurricane moving toward New York City, on 9/11, and 9/11 Itself, could have been caused by Advanced Space Weapons – This Lie was Purposefully Spread, in Hopes it would be picked up by 9/11 Truth Groups, making the 9/11 Truth Movement look like Crazies – Of Course, Dr. Judy Wood is a Zionist Jew

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Truthweed
11 March, 2021 7:29 pm

Greetings Truthweed

Underwater detonation of 23 kiloton nuclear weapon, 1946

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Reply to  Walter Green
4 March, 2021 3:21 pm


Reply to  Walter Green
3 June, 2021 6:21 pm

Not another one… Listen,130 ton aeroplane flying into the towers caused the collapse. No super energy weapons,except in your easily fooled minds.The impact alone caused immense damage to its supporting beams,add to the fact that at least a 100.000 tons of pressure from above,and the fires .Those towers were 90% air ,and each floor was covered in 4 inches of concrete,1 acre a floor.You do the maths on how heavy the floors were and multiply it.There a very clear moment on video where you can clearly see the outer skin pull in on itself as the collapse began.its the best ive seen. And I suppose you believe that 6 millions jew died in camps,too?

21 February, 2021 9:14 pm

The Germans invented the nuclear bomb. Jew scientists stole the ideas and brought them to America during their expulsions from Germany. They were only able to drop them on Japan in August 45 and operation paperclip that brought German scientists to America the mo th before in July 45.

Reply to  HansKamm63
27 February, 2021 12:43 pm

Be sure that if the Germans had invented a super bomb, they would have won WW2. American strategists did the math with Japan, there was no way to take Japan through a continued bombing campaign or a land invasion. They had already carpet bombed over thirty city targets including Nagasaki and the Japanese were not giving up. To complicate matters even more, the Japanese army was on the verge of arresting their Emperor and had already surrounded his palace.The Japanese army had stated that they would fight America to the very last man. So the Americans made a deal with the Emperor. They had him go on American radio because most Japanese radio stations had been bombed and claim that America dropped two super bombs on two cities. They took… Read more »

Reply to  Jmac
27 February, 2021 1:48 pm

Greetings Jmac. I recall reading many years ago that Hitler shut down his nuclear efforts because he did not want to use nukes in Europe.

Reply to  Truthweed
28 February, 2021 11:38 am

Greetings Truthweed, as far as I have researched, there was no atom bomb project in Germany. If the Germans were not invested in an atom bomb project then it clearly means that it was not a viable weapon. Of course the sensationalist book selling writers of post WW2 will say that the Norsk Hydro plant was making heavy water for the purposes of an alleged atom bomb, however the reason the plant was destroyed by the allies was because it produced high quantities of ammonium which was a key ingredient in the Reich’s war machine and not because the plant was tasked to build some secret super bomb making facility. The real fiction is right in front of our noses. Go look up photos of bombed out Hiroshima and Nagasaki… Read more »

Reply to  Jmac
27 February, 2021 4:01 pm

Love this comment and it makes total sense. I have thought about this very thing before in some way or another but never actually heard of this scenario. No the jews could never invent an atom bomb but the Germans did and I believe they still control this weapon and many others to this day. I believe the 4th Riech is around.

Reply to  Jmac
4 March, 2021 3:25 pm

Amen! I recently read the letter of a Physics professor who suspected that the atom bomb is just another hoax, just by the fake footage shown and the effects after. I completely agree with you.

Julius Streicher Jr.
Julius Streicher Jr.
22 February, 2021 6:47 am

Harry Truman was literally a Shabbos Goy to rich jews, and they controlled him from his early youth. So was Elvis, Thurgood Marshall and other “prominent” white society destructing personages. Jews did not invent the bomb, white physicists did the work for the jew, and the jew Oppenheimer and other jews got the credit, because they control the media. Whenever you see a jew get the credit for something, you can bet whites did the actual development. Einstein is their shining example of such deceit. Whites invent and sell to the jew the rope to hang us with, we really are goyim, slave cattle in the jew corral. EXCEPT for the Mafia, jews were the actual Mafia but poor Italians got the bad press. The same for every evil deed… Read more »

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Julius Streicher Jr.
23 February, 2021 5:44 pm

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Greetings Julius Streicher Jr.

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How to identify a Marxist system? The Marxist system is recognized for absolving criminals and criminalizing political opponents.

All links here are required reading and sharing

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 Inverted values

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The Hard and Empirical Reality

The truth is that racial conflicts do not occur when ethnic communities exist, wars and cultural clashes only happen in multi-cultural societies. It is not the instinct for self-preservation that creates hatred and discord, but thanks to the multi-culturalism that places different peoples in the same States, which defends the interests of one while attacking another. Thanks to current modern and anti-national governments, there are absurdities like civil wars and cultural separatism.

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The harsh reality is that multi-cultural societies do not work. As long as there are groups of people with different values, religions and culture in the same place, that is, a way of seeing the world, of reacting to certain things in a different way, there will be hatred, discrimination, prejudice and wars. It is in the Nature of Man to identify with his fellow man. The bonds formed by origin, creation and tradition reflect the power of the Blood and form our conception of the world. Different people and cultures have different views. The correct thing is that each ethnic group has its nation and territory to live according to its laws, to cultivate its customs and culture.

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Reply to  Julius Streicher Jr.
1 March, 2021 4:23 pm

Greetings Julius. you said “EXCEPT for the Mafia, jews were the actual Mafia but poor Italians got the bad press.” I remember the ‘Summer of Sam’ movie about Jewish serial killer David Berkowitz. Many of the film viewers would have been left with the impression that evil Italians were responsible for the murders.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
22 February, 2021 9:49 pm

The Atom Bomb Inventors: ALL JEWS A Jewish Gift for Humanity: The Nuclear Nightmare The following is only a partial list. The total number of Jews involved is impressive and shocking and the list below is incomplete, due to time constraints. The list below contains the most notable Jewish scientists who worked directly on the Manhattan Project. Almost all of the individuals on the list below were fundamentalist communists and many more were spies, who gave the Soviets the formula for the atomic bomb. After researching, I was shocked at how the authors (mostly Jews), who wrote articles and biographies of the individuals below, portrayed these mass murderers in very positive light, extolling many to hero status. Feel free to do your own research, given the information on this site.… Read more »

NEW ORDER needed on earth
NEW ORDER needed on earth
Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
27 February, 2021 2:50 am

It was worth adding that among the Jews, or rather in Judaism, there is Kabbalah. Kabbalah forces Jews to do certain things symbolically. Hinting that sooner or later they will psychopathically lead the Moshiach. Kabbalah is a pretty tricky thing that by its actions gives direct links to strictly established biblical texts. They love to leave mystical links.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
28 February, 2021 6:13 pm

Using a real or imagined image of Chancellor
Hitler exiting a Christian church is an
underhanded and surreptitious way of
trying to smuggle CI onto this site. Please.
Take it somewhere else. Thank you.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Walt Hampton
9 March, 2021 6:03 pm

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The Myth of German Villainy


If you want to understand that you are a hamster placed in a cage by someone who has been planning for centuries how to get control of the entire planet … this reading will raise a lot of fog.

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The story is led by the project of God, a project that is always focused on freedom and life The fate of a society always depends on the attitude it takes towards this project: either it will have freedom and life, or it will produce slavery and death

24 February, 2021 5:45 am

More on the Bomb here :

24 February, 2021 11:18 am

I don’t understand why anyone would believe that jews had anything to do with developing nuclear weapons, when they are absent from the development of any modern technology. If you look at the tragectory in the development of weapons, the Nordics have been the pioneers the whole time, going back to sailing ships, steam engines, propeller driven ships, world’s first breech “needle gun” (which allowed them to win the war with Austria (1866), world’s first breech cannon (allowed them to beat France in Prussian-Franco war (1871), the development of the first rockets (V2), the development of the first jet fighter jet, and on and on. It was German physicists that first discovered splitting the uranium atom and nuclear energy, and the Heisenbeg team, under NSDAP, that were the first to… Read more »

Reply to  hank
24 February, 2021 10:14 pm


Eoghan O'Hara
Eoghan O'Hara
Reply to  hank
28 February, 2021 5:23 pm

I have a report authored by a Jewess who was well connected to various Hollywood writers, directors, actresses etc up until the 1970s/80s and she writes with a smirk of how transexuality, a Jewish concept, would be inserted subtly into the plotlines of TV programs and movies in the 60’s (The Munsters is the earliest one I recall off the top of my head) and as the years went by the subtlety would lessen and lessen until we had openly gay characters in every genre on every channel and not long after transexuals and drag queens were hosting TV shows and it isn’t unusual to see them almost as commonly as gays. I view the transexuals as victims of Jewish propaganda and pray they can be de-Judaized and return to… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Eoghan O'Hara
1 March, 2021 3:30 am

I never have understood this stuff. Try standing before a full-length mirror. Disrobe. Observe the genital area. If the plumbing is exterior, then male. If the plumbing is interior, then female. I figured this out long ago. What is so complicated about that?

Reply to  Walt Hampton
3 March, 2021 6:00 pm

It’s not complicated Walt.The population reducers (guess who) cannot use the sterilization methods they used in India, China and Africa so in western White countries they promote gender confusion instead, to prevent the confused from creating descendants..

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Truthweed
3 March, 2021 9:41 pm

Well, it MUST be complicated for persons who cannot believe by direct perception the evidence of their own eyes! Take for example Bruce Jenner. Did his genitals just evaporate away after he started wearing female attire?

Reply to  Walt Hampton
4 March, 2021 3:24 am

Yes Walt. If he says they evaporated then they did. (I hope you don’t doubt my obvious insincerity!) If people believe anything that is false then they will distort everything else in order to maintain that false belief. Let Jenner burn out in his effort to support his fantasy.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
4 March, 2021 3:41 pm

It’s not that they don’t know what they are born as. It’s because of the demonic invention of psychology that this happens. Btw, Haaretz admits psychology is a Jewish “science”. They think that they are “what they feel inside”. The concept of gender (societal norms) was invented around the 50s by Dr. John Money. They called it crossdressing back then. Then it evolved into transvestites, then into transsexuals and then into transgenders. It’s a paraphilia. Also called autogynephilia.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Zoe
4 March, 2021 7:34 pm

I seem to remember this Dr. John Money associated with an operation that went bad. The subject was a Canadian male whose genitalia was mutilated by a circumcision gone bad. As I understand it, the doctor recommended that the subject be completely castrated and raised as a female. The outcome was not successful. The subject committed suicide upon reaching adulthood.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
8 March, 2021 10:43 am

All true, it’s called the David Reimer experiment. He actually experimented on him and his brother and made them assume sexual positions on each other, as children and David dressed as a girl. They BOTH committed suicide during adulthood.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Zoe
8 March, 2021 4:51 pm

I have gathered new information on this topic. I question the topic material as to how appropriate it would be to post it here. I have sent the info to both the webmaster and the Chairman. The decision will belong to either or both of them.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  hank
1 June, 2021 1:53 pm

The Jews’ involvement with military weaponry goes all the way back to ancient Egypt when the Hyksos “Shepherd Kings” brought the marvels of modern warfare to their host by way of introducing the longbow and chariot to Egypt. The issue is not who invents these weapons, but who is behind their development and use. While it may be true Jews are not smart enough to develop advanced technology, they are more than clever and cunning enough to steal it and use it against the inventors and developers. They have been doing this since the dawn of warfare between civilizations. If one examines the history of military weaponry they find, throughout the ages, all the best minds and resources are devoted to the development of ever more advanced weaponry. This ultimately… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
2 June, 2021 1:36 pm

You make some very good points. And its also true that without jews Nazi Germany would not have been at all..

7 September, 2021 4:51 am

Apparently lots of the actors in hollywood are transgender freaks, it allows them to trick peoples minds into assuming switched gender roles and all sorts of perversion…

Filippo Albuquerque
Filippo Albuquerque
9 October, 2022 9:18 am

The Jewish race used the modern science invented by the Aryan race to create the atomic bomb. But without Aryan knowledge, they couldn’t build the atomic bomb.