Posts Tagged
Nuclear weapons

Devil’s Advocate: Nuking Japan
IN THE SECOND EPISODE of his new radio show, National Socialist researcher and writer Hadding Scott provides insights on the background to World War 2, war propaganda and the unreason it creates, and the American decision to drop atomic weapons on Japan. * * * by Hadding Scott WELCOME TO The Devil’s Advocate…

Devil’s Advocate: Tucker Carlson, the Atomic Bomb, and Gaza
A NEW RADIO SHOW, hosted by long-time National Socialist researcher and writer Hadding Scott, has launched — The Devil’s Advocate. On this, its very first episode, host Scott provides insights that won’t be found anywhere else, covering many topics including Tucker Carlson’s…

The Jew Bomb
by Arch Stanton HARRY S. Truman was yet another clueless clown, a presidential pustule, a suppurating political abscess on America’s body politic. Truman did not drop the Jew bomb. That decision was made long before he was installed in office. The decision to drop the Jew bomb was made by Jews that had…

God’s Darlings at Work
by Revilo P. Oliver A DESPATCH from the United Press, published in many newspapers (e.g., the Chicago Sun-Times) on 19 March 1985, reported an article by Professor B.J. Bernstein in Technology Review, according to which two Jews, whom the unspeakable Roosevelt had put in charge of the development…

What Is Next?
by Revilo P. Oliver RATIONAL predictions of the future can be made only by dispassionately reasoning from available information that, on critical examination, appears to be reliable. Obviously, any deficiency in the accuracy or adequacy of the information will produce a great deviation in the inferences…

Confirmed: Israel Has 90 Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction
Yet the Jewish state has been continuously whining about Iran allegedly owning or making one such weapon (a false charge) since 1979. ISRAEL, which has been regularly accusing Iran of building one atom bomb since at least 1979, has at least 90 nukes of its own, according to the latest released yearbook…

The Mystery of LaRouche
by Revilo P. Oliver LYNDON LAROUCHE is now in prison, having been sentenced to a term of fifteen years for having annoyed the rulers of the United States. I gave a succinct but adequate account of his activities in my article on Practical Politics in February 1990, and in the following April I noticed the…

Israeli News Outlet: Nuke Germany and Iran
Israel National News has now deleted the editorial, but not before other media outlets took note of it. This piece by The Times of Israel is one such; most Jews prefer to keep this aspect of the Jewish mentality suppressed or under wraps — other Jews can’t restrain themselves and express …

Israeli General: Jews Intended to Explode Nuclear Device in Six-Day War
Their claim in this controlled media piece is that the explosion would have been a mere “demonstration” of Israeli power to get the Arab nations to “back off.” But this is doubtful: The nuclear explosion would have been in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula, and there would have…

The Most Censored Nuclear Catastrophe in History
THE SOVIET Union’s Marshal Georgy Zhukov was much celebrated in the USSR and the allegedly anti-Communist West. Victor Suvorov, the noted Soviet dissident, described the World War II leader as “the only general in world history honored for losing 5 million men under his command.” As an interesting…