
Generation Z Whites: Massive Swing Rightward

Introductory Note: We know, of course, that support for Trump does not equal White nationalism — but a significant number of these young people, possibly in the millions, supported Trump not despite the fact that he was painted as an authoritarian, “racist” nationalist — but because he was so portrayed. Let’s reach these people with our National Alliance message.

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IN A post discussing the potential generation Z holds, a poll of said generational cohort by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, a non-profit DC outfit “that works to increase the number of Latina and Latino leaders in society”, found Trump crushing Clinton among White high school students (n = 16,275*). The poll was conducted in October of 2016, a month before the election, and nearly all the participants were too young to actually vote.

The following graph shows the results alongside those derived from Reuters-Ipsos polling for other generational cohorts in a two-way race. The R-I figures are from those aged 18-34 (n = 9,740), aged 35-49 (n = 9,087), aged 50-64 (n = 10,137), and aged 65+ (n = 6,600), roughly corresponding to millennials, Xers, baby boomers, and silents, respectively. The age ranges don’t match the generational cohorts exactly but it’s as close as R-I allows us to get. The results for Gen Z show how they reported they would’ve voted rather than how they actually voted, as most were too young to do so (above).

This is incredible, almost literally so. It does however mesh with what I saw last weekend and other observations made of late. Z-Man points out that while there were lots of event attendees who could barely pass as legal adults, the protesters were largely comprised of “extremely ugly old women, wearing shirts with feminist slogans.” He continues:

I was standing in front of the big glass windows watching the Antifa loonies, when I turned and looked at the young AmRen guys taking pics and selfies, laughing and enjoying themselves. On one side of the glass were grotesquely out of shape people in grubby clothes, smoking and gesticulating. On the other were young men in suits, well groomed and composed. It was one of those times when you can stand on the timeline of your life and see the past and the future at the same time.

Maybe meme warfare and the radioactive lameness of the wicked witch explains some of this away, and it won’t be replicable in the future. Gen Z Whites were mixed on approval of Obama (37% disapproved, 31% approved, 32% had no opinion). Even if Trump’s advantage over Clinton is half of what’s shown above, though, it portends a seismic shift in the orientation of the next generation of Whites.

Julian Langness thinks millennials will have to save the West. My money is on the next generation, the one with its back against the wall.

Parenthetically, the poll found the expected strong advantage for Clinton among non-Whites. She beat Trump 7-to-1 among Blacks, 3-to-1 among Hispanics, and 3-to-2 among Asians. The battle lines are being drawn.

Thanks to Sid for pointing to the Hispanic Heritage poll.

* The methodology is tough to nail down with confidence. The major report findings show a sample of 50,000 for all races. The link to details on methodology lead to an interactive map with a reported total sample of 83,298, of which 45,954 are White. To arrive at 16,275 I took the percentage of non-Hispanic Whites from 83,298/45,954 figures and multiplied it by the percentage, 59%, of high school White students voting for either Trump or Clinton.

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Source: The Audacious Epigone

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Cristina Cacuri
Cristina Cacuri
4 August, 2017 8:41 pm

As a member of the Generation Z myself I notice a lot of this as it becomes easier and easier to find people in the same age group as me in this movement (I’m 14 and have been around for one year), I personally think the alt-right has a major role on this shift, their approach is funny and has good aesthetics that appeal to young people and have been really successful at making ideas such as racialism and White identity mainstream, they really have a successful formula of approach. While most people just make memes and take most of it in a very superficial way, as we grow up we become more spiritually connected to it and begin to follow the work of more serious organizations (such as the… Read more »

6 August, 2017 6:40 pm

What do Gen Z chaps think about faggots? that seems a lost cause (that they are disgusting, that they shouldn’t be allowed to marry and even less to adopt children, for the sake of clarity)

7 September, 2017 5:14 pm

Everyone reading this needs to understand this is a 100% flawed poll and the article reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of statistics 101:

Sample size = confidence, not proportion. The method for surveying this Gen-Z sample is genuinely laughable and doesn’t reflect ANY understanding of nat’l polling. Actual data & analysis consistently reflect even more leftward potential than Millennials. I’m sorry, really, but this is a demonstrable fact.

The Anti-Gnostic
The Anti-Gnostic
2 May, 2018 8:05 am

Note that the poll was taken a month before the election.

Note that Hillary was unpopular to begin with.

Note that she is going up against a man whom young men were drawn to his machismo.

So it is other than surprising the results of the poll. Furthermore, Generation Z when it comes to social issues has proven to be on the left side–gay marriage, legalization of pot, diversity and inclusion.

Now, when it comes to fiscal matters, Generation Z leans more conservative given their personal experience and/or realization that they may not be in great financial shape in the future. If anything, Generation Z will vote for (gasp) moderate candidates, rather than extremists.