Posts Tagged

Gender Fluidity

David SimsEssays

Defeating the Jewish power structure will bring healthier times. Support the National Alliance. by David Sims GENDER DYSPHORIA IS A mental disorder that afflicts one person in 10,000, beginning in childhood. It’s rare. Of children (mostly boys) who actually do have gender dysphoria, most…
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Purposeful perversion of young people’s sexual identity is a part of the Jewish program of White genocide THE UNITED KINGDOM is giving school children a diverse array of 25 options when it comes to identifying themselves on a government-sponsored gender survey, which includes “tri-gender,”…
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Actually, even the word “gender” (which properly refers only to language) being used in place of the more appropriate word “sex” was itself an early symptom of the anti-sexual insanity now being forced on us by Jews intent on disrupting our normal reproductive behavior.
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The truth is that an individual’s sex is absolutely determined by the DNA code in each one of his trillion-plus cells — and no mutilation or delusion or policy or law can ever change that. ON A RECENT bright spring morning, students admitted to the Barnard College Class of 2019 gathered…
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