
This Sensitive Situation

WE HAVE RECENTLY seen a shocking rise in “anti-Semitism,” manifesting itself in everything from attacks by Negro not-sees, limited access to the freezer at an expensive resort or even the gentiles (that’s a Jewish slur for you and everyone you love) grumbling a little at the negative effects caused by allowing complete kosher control of all our institutions. Yes, this is a terrible virus, spread by direct contact with typical Jewish behavior. Today’s story may be the worst example of this mad cattle disease I’ve ever seen, featuring selections, deportations and showers.

An Orthodox Jewish couple who was removed from an American Airlines flight over body odor is now suing the airline for discrimination.

You goyim should be glad to sit next to a chosenite who smells like horse pies on a summer day. This reeking rodent was chosen by moloch and is better than you in every way. Its foul odor is just another gift from a creature of pure goodness, right up there with communism, pornography, open borders, feminism, abortion, sodomy…

Yehuda Yosef Adler and Jennie Adler were flying on an American Airlines flight with their 19-month-old daughter on Jan. 23, 2019 when the alleged incident occurred.

Persecuted without cause by the evil shkotzim. This is truly the Light of the World.

As soon as they boarded the flight, the couple claims the pilot was “nasty and humiliating” when Yehuda asked for headphones.

Denied headphones by the cruel “nazi” pilot, the greatest crime in human history. We must never forget. We need a lot more “They rule over us, so they’re allowed to smell like an open privy after a heavy rain” education in all our publik schmuels. Evil triumphed because good men wouldn’t stand up for Yehuda’s electric head belts.

“When we entered this plane I asked the stewardess for headphone[s],” Yehuda said in the lawsuit, claiming that on a previous flight an American Airline employee told them to ask if they needed anything, “including headphones.”

We were promised low humidity and large headphone portions, but Hitler Airlines turned out to just be a fake airplane that was actually a homicidal death chamber for our precious pungent people.

The pilot allegedly was standing there at the time Yehuda asked and said, “I wasn’t on that plane and we don’t offer anything complimentary.” The Adlers considered the response to be “so nasty and humiliating,” though they reportedly ignored it and went to their seats.

If you want to anger the Jew, pull the rug out on the “bargain of a lifetime.” We were supposed to get lots of free stuff from the slaves promised by the Talmud, but the Luftwaffe shut it down.

Soon afterward, the Adlers claim they were approached by a flight attendant who told the family there “was an emergency” and that they had to deplane. Once off the flight, the flight attendant allegedly told the family the pilot requested the family be removed from the flight because of body odor.

109 countries and one airplane.

According to the couple, the agent made “disparaging and derogatory statements telling the Adlers that he knew that Orthodox Jews take baths once a week.”

Whether you need it or not, right shlomo? When they say “unclean meat” it’s what their fellow tribesman Sigmund Fraud would call “projection.” No wonder the shower room became the ultimate horror in the fourth or fifth revised version of the holohoax.

The Adlers, who said they showered that morning, were left “distraught and embarrassed” and approached people in the terminal to ask if they detected a smell — more than 20 people asked said no, according to the lawsuit.

Imagine going to an airport, waiting for hours, having to choose between wading through clouds of radiation or being molested by Negro sodomites because of our country’s slavish devotion to Israel and then, to top it off, Jew scumbags laying the groundwork for a muh shekels lawsuit run up on you and want to know if they actually stink. Yeah, you smell like a demon’s flatulence, just go away you damn yid.

Furthermore, the Adlers claim they requested their luggage be removed from the flight, but the plane took off with their bags, child’s car seat, stroller and diapers, among other effects.

All my personal effects, up a chimney. That lamp used to be grandma. Mocked and tormented by the cattle. The greatest crime of our times.

The Adlers are now suing the airliner claiming religious discrimination. They are seeking punitive damages for civil rights violations, negligence, infliction of emotional distress and defamation.

Time to cash in, just like after the holohoax. Our obnoxious presence is a gift from our desert idol.

The airline has refuted the claims, stating that passengers and crew members had made complaints about the odor.

The banality of evil. Man’s inhumanity toward special, better than you but doesn’t want to wash, man. The airline was just following orders.

“The Adler family was asked to deplane after multiple passengers and our crew members complained about Mr. Adler’s body odor. The decision was made out of concern for the comfort of our other passengers. Our team members took care of the family and provided hotel accommodations and meals and rebooked them on a flight to Detroit the next morning. None of the decisions made by our team in handling this sensitive situation were based on the Adlers’ religion,” a statement from American Airlines to Fox News read.

Time for some weasel-talk damage control after your wicked “anti-Semitism.” It’s obvious you just hate my “religion” and my disgusting rat odor had nothing to do with what happened. We had to get to Detroit Rot City to oversee the final destruction of that urban hell, but were cruelly inconvenienced by the fascists. Now give me geld.

The solution for soap-fearing merchants?

* * *

Editor’s Note: We would like to get in touch with the writer behind Modern Heretic so we can continue to see his humorous essays; in recent months Blogspot has terminated his site.

Source: Modern Heretic

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8 January, 2022 12:23 am

The pilot was right. Nothing on planes is complimentary anymore, except maybe viruses in the cold recirculated air. Maybe back in the days of hostesses in hot pants, wider aisles and a lounge in the plane, but that was before my day and theirs. Welcome to air travel in the current millennium. Jew or not, the airports, if not also the planes, treat everyone like filthy cattle. Line up here, remove your hat, we’re going to have to confiscate your hat pin, because it’s a sharp, so hurry up and try to get it into your checked bag before it goes out. Line up again for more photos, as if there wasn’t one already on my passport. It gets worse every time. Well, I don’t have much to amuse myself… Read more »

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
8 January, 2022 4:55 pm

For real. If anyone has any info on the whereabouts of the Modern Heretic blog, please let NV know. It was an excellent site and it is sorely missed. Who knows what the Kikes have done to it /him.

Each evening i’d read it and smile widely because, number one, it was hilarious , and number two , i could imagine how furiously it was pissing off the Rat -People!

Where art thou brother??!!!

8 January, 2022 9:58 pm

I search engine every couple weeks for recent pages which use the relatively unique words and phrases Modern Heretic made so special, “globalist kosher bodega”, “brown slaves promised by the talmud”, etc.

9 January, 2022 11:13 am

While there are other sites that chronicle the doings of Clown World such as Stuff Black People Don’t Like, Amren and Colin Flaherty, Modern Heretic did it with humor while putting the role of jews front and center. I gave up commenting at SBPDL because of frequent censorship. The pen is made even more powerful than the sword when armed with humor and ridicule.

Maybe going underground and posing as “antiracists” we can get WordPress to reveal his identity telling them that we want to make sure he is never again allowed to sow his hatred.

Art Thief
Art Thief
9 January, 2022 2:02 pm

I do so miss the Modern Heretic…

13 January, 2022 8:41 am

Jewdea dictates world trade leader Amazon what they are “allowed to do” and/or “should be forbidden”.

Their approved and notorious method to make themselves popular with the international community of subhuman goys. (Those who claim that Jews have too much influence and power or are too arrogant and hypocritical are also just evil anti-Semites!)

14 January, 2022 11:11 am

The fact that Jews stink is hardly a new discovery. Hitler said that he noticed that they were not “water lovers” in Mein Kampf, after encountering them in Vienna. Der Giftpilz claims that they have a “rotten smell” to them. General Patton said that he almost fainted from the smell after visiting a synagogue with that creature Eisenhower, and later vomited after thinking of the stench. There is a Jew a few doors down from me who is hardly a model of hygiene. His flat (apartment to you Americans) is vile as well, you can see through his window.

20 March, 2022 3:09 am

I’m reading this article and chuckling, both because of the humor and because of the author’s lack of self-awareness. Jews don’t smell, Rosemary. The stench comes from your unresolved personal issues that you sublimate into hatred for an ordinary group of people.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Zlata
20 March, 2022 3:50 am

Thank you for your comment, Ms. Finkelstein. It’s accepted for what value it has.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
24 March, 2022 11:04 pm

Anytime, dollface. Do you mean to imply that a Jew is not qualified to comment on the state of Jews?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Zlata
24 March, 2022 11:24 pm

Looking for hidden meanings, Ms. Finkelstein? Wasn’t the face value of the statement good enough for you?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
24 March, 2022 11:29 pm

Apparently not, dollface, since I did ask the darned question.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Zlata
24 March, 2022 11:57 pm

I feel your frustration, Ms. Finkelstein yet see no need to respond to your loaded queries. Discussion ended.