Posts Tagged
Orthodox Jews

This Sensitive Situation
WE HAVE RECENTLY seen a shocking rise in “anti-Semitism,” manifesting itself in everything from attacks by Negro not-sees, limited access to the freezer at an expensive resort or even the gentiles (that’s a Jewish slur for you and everyone you love) grumbling a little at the…

New York: Keeping Out the Jews
by George Mosley TAKE NOTE of this from channel 5 in New York City: The expansion of Hasidic communities in New York’s Hudson Valley, the Catskills and northern New Jersey has led to predictable sparring over new housing development and local political control. It has also led to flare-ups of…

A Rabbi Admits: Jewish Orthodox Welfare Fraud Is Massive
FROM Rabbi Yossi N.’s Facebook page: ONE OF THE most troubling aspects of today’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish community is the systemic fraud perpetuated by so-called frumme Yidden. This fraud, also known as geneivishe shtick, comes in many varieties and…

Hungary: Jewish Group to Get State Funding
THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has signed a special agreement with an Orthodox Jewish group, granting them a status in the country enjoyed only by a small number of churches. The accord, for example, provides the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation’s institutions, such as schools, the same financing…

Jewish School: “Non-Jews Are Evil”
Jewish men walk along the street in Stamford Hill ‘It’s not uncommon to be taught non-Jewish people are evil in ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools,’ former teacher claims JEWISH three-year-olds in Britain have been told “the non-Jews” are “evil” in a Kindergarten worksheet…

New Jersey: The Blatant Jewish Takeover Continues
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and his half-Jewish wife: He just authorized a massive giveaway of public money to Jews who claim they deserve public funding for their “security.” by Bradford Hanson HERE at National Vanguard we’ve been covering the expansion of Jewish presence…

Trump Administration Intervenes to Support Orthodox Jewish Takeover of NJ Towns
More proof that Jews have decisive influence over Trump and Sessions: This controlled media article uses weasel words — “religious freedom,” “equal treatment” — to describe the Department of Justice’s new legal attack on the cities and towns in New…

Parts of New Jersey, New York, a Pressure Cooker as Hasidic Jews Take Over
Though living among such beings is extremely undesirable for us, and their dishonorable methods are disgusting and unacceptable, we can still learn from their determination to remain separate. IT IS, BY CHOICE, an intensely isolated and insular group, in which a brood of 10 children in one Hasidic…

Joe Lieberman and Judaism
by Dr. William L. Pierce AS YOU KNOW, we spoke about the Jews last week, and so I really didn’t plan to talk with you about the Jews again this week, but so many listeners have written to me about Al Gore’s Orthodox Jewish running mate, Joseph Isadore Lieberman, that I guess we’re obliged…

Ultra-Orthodox London Jews Raising £1m to Stop Children from Living with ‘Irreligious Parents’
This article is interesting for its inside view of the Orthodox, the only Jewish demographic that is growing — and it is growing with a vengeance, including here in the US. Although most of the rich and powerful Jews are non-Orthodox and even non-religious, and are “marrying out”…