Douglas MercerEssays

Once a Great Nation

by Douglas Mercer

THE AMERICAN Empire is dead; America is dead; and only the hopelessly naïve will mourn its passing.

Death to America — the evil empire.

It looks like we hightailed it out of Afghanistan with our tails between our legs in Keystone Cops fashion. Twenty years of our blood and countless billions later, what do we have to show for it? A hundred thousand race aliens, and boy rapists in a bathroom near you.

A fitting end to a fatal endeavor.

Chaos in Kabul, a plane takes off and dudes in robes try to make it to the promised land. It is reminiscent of another pointless war that bled us dry.

A more beautiful sight cannot be conjured: the sight of the rotting, stinking corpse of the decomposing American ruling class as it emits its final noxious gases and fumes. The game is now over. It is total vindication for our side. We won the ideological war, which means we win the war. That’s how history works.

Once a great nation. Our ruling class discredited for eternity.

* * *

The vertiginous decline of White people continues apace, its inexorable roll toward minority status even exceeding the expected clip. Jews everywhere are cheering. Madame Lafarge continues her knitting, Jennifer Rubin says it’s fabulous, and Michael Moore says it’s the greatest day in American history.

Rather it’s the last day of American history. The name will go on for a while but a new people will own it.

Lightweight Jimmy Fallon announces that the number of White people has fallen and his audience cheers. The Jews have conditioned them well, many of them welcoming their own demise.

Down with the White man! The cancer of history!

The doyenne of Mestizo Miami society crows that a woman named Julie Rodriguez who looks like she was one of the least successful defenders of Teotihuacán sits in the White house. She is the daughter of Cesar Chavez which seems to give Ana Navarro a special tingle.

Once a great nation.

Jew traitor Alex Vindman takes Tucker Carlson to task for being “un-American.”

It’s interesting to hear folks like Tucker Carlson demonize and hate the United States because that’s what he’s doing. He’s hating the United States.

Jews are the ones “defending America” now, they claim. All right, then. Maybe they are. We want no part of that freak show.

Spiritually healthy White people, and that includes some MAGA Republicans who haven’t discovered the National Alliance yet, cheer when the USA women’s soccer team loses to Sweden. They see a purple-haired mannish freak and her dusky cohorts kneeling, and then they see the White, blonde, healthy, and wholesome Swedish women. They know somewhere in their souls who their people are.

Even ten years ago it would not be believed that rank-and-file conservatives would root against an American Olympic team.

Once a great nation.

The heart of MAGA now despises the FBI. The left, on the other hand, adores the FBI: They are going after “White supremacists.”

An epochal sea change, that.

Once a great nation.

Tens of thousands of aliens flow across our border every month, an mass invasion of vermin, and no one lifts a finger. They are then released into the interior where they hunker down waiting for their social security numbers.

Genital mutilation is inflicted on children, filth is injected into their minds, and no one dares to object.

Our military leaders fret over “White rage” and promote “trans” doctrine.

Crime rises and Blacks are let out of prison, but you’d better not mention it. They want to flood our suburbs with these savages, but don’t have a problem with it — if you don’t want to be called a “racist.”

Mayors take out the reading, writing, and arithmetic requirements for a high school degree. Standardized tests are jettisoned to make sure “minorities” go to the top.

Computers are vilified because they can recognize race.

In big cities, property crimes under a thousand dollars per make the police yawn.

Illegal aliens get preference in our courts.

Our cities burn, our monuments are destroyed, our streets are re-named, our ancestors are besmirched.

Poor Italians once saved their pennies to contribute to a gift to America, a gift of a statue of Christopher Columbus.

The statue is toppled and most Italians don’t make a peep.

A President says when the looting starts, the shooting starts — and then curls up like harmless little lamb.

The White Americans who still front some of our biggest corporations want the country to be “less White.”

Black and Jews and Communists set up their own fiefdoms in our once-majestic cities and the police don’t dare go near.

When their precincts are attacked, the police retreat.

A president who once claimed to be a champion of “law and order” lets feral Blacks out of prison and then attacks his rival, a senile old man, for once supporting a law that brought Black predators to heel in a far off and long ago America.

Bringing Black predators to heel, or to Hell, take your choice, is no longer the thing to do.

Once a great nation.

Every month, twenty or more White people are murdered by Black savages. The news reports are local only, and suppress the race of victim and perpetrators when they can get away with it. The Jew-run national media suppress the stories. It’s difficult to find them. Many are doubtless missed even by the most indefatigable researchers.

Jews and Blacks are pardoned left and right. Jews infest our government, own our media, control our money.

A man who could have blown the lid off of the ruling class’s sickness is murdered in jail. Nothing to see here, ladies and gentleman, move right along, it’s just another day in the decrepit empire that was America.

Freedom for Whites to speak is shut down, Whites sit in the back of society’s bus, while unqualified Negroes climb the greasy pole.

Buildings fall down, others are condemned, and even more should be condemned.

A Black minstrel in Army camouflage disgraces us by shucking and jiving and singing like a castrati while White men and women embarrass themselves by dancing behind him.

Once a great nation. But no more. Never again.

America has become an “open society.”

It’s all been a pack of lies.

And it’s time to shut it down.

In the old days they had the axe, and it used to be the execution wagon was wheeled in.

It would be a fitting end to a fatal error.

* * *

One of the best memes I’ve ever seen showed some hippies dancing. There was a Negro shucking and jiving, two White dudes who looked like losers, and a chick with no bra. They’re smoking a doobie, wearing cool sunglasses, they’ve got the multicolored clothing on, they’re not wearing any shoes, and they’re flashing peace and love signs. They’re caked in filth and mud, you can tell the girl’s vagina smells like a tuna boat.

The caption reads: Our ancestors were morons.

But we know who the morons are.

No nation dedicated to “peace, love, and understanding” will ever survive.

It was once a great nation, but now we want nothing to do with it.

* * *

It started when those Dutch sailors first saw the fresh green breast of the New World. Soon our people were pouring into this land. They cleared it of it savages, and they settled the land. They built a great civilization where once a wilderness had been. For a time it was the marvel of the world, but then decadence, decay, degeneration, and decomposition set in.

Now it’s little more than a graveyard.

But we will hunker down, wait it out, wait for the storm that is raging all around us to blow over. This vile world that our enemies have created cannot last, nothing without a firm foundation can.

But we will last, we will outlast them.

Once a great nation but never again, but always a great people, always the great race, the greatest one of all.

* * *

Source: Author

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19 August, 2021 10:05 am

Don’t be optimistic, most whites WORSHIP a mythical race-mixing jew and believe the “holocaust” and watch talmud vision and pay to see antiwhite movies and pay the jew for booze and tobacco and shop in jew stores. Most whites HATE Hitler and will kill millions of whites if the jew “Gipper” tells them it’s good. “Germans are evil” and whites eat it like pablum. Nothing to be optimistic about today Whitey, you can’t outbreed the cockroaches, mongrels, bonobos, ragheads, wogs, watusis; as long as you pay taxes to feed the vermin, pay their rent, education, medical, clothing, etc.

Reply to  Jim
19 August, 2021 1:42 pm

Disengage from the rotten system and get with the new order– the National Alliance. Our message is life-affirming for our race. It beats doomsaying.

Flaviusmaxim ud
Flaviusmaxim ud
19 August, 2021 11:01 am

So sad ,what else is there to say!!

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
19 August, 2021 11:33 am

Our men of reality made the land safe for our women and pansies, who then made it safe for idiots and morons, who in their turn made it safe for perverts and weirdos.

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
19 August, 2021 12:21 pm

another excellent piece DM..

then, all the sudden , in 1933 ,the German People said …..ENOUGH!

19 August, 2021 1:35 pm

A great race we are– and still it needs to be proven with deeds!
National Alliance, doers join while others wait to die.

19 August, 2021 2:31 pm

White people had a chance to turn things around in the 1960s South, had we received help from other sections of the Country. All they had to do is drive down. I guess it was more fun to watch us on TV. Most were focused on the coarse prosperity of dollars and cents. We attracted the attention of the Federals. They reinvaded the Southern country to remove Whites Only signs—closed Negro schools and transfer the students to White schools. Our universities suffered the same fate. Adding insult to the injury, Affirmative Action was put in service. Guns, knives and the Confederate rope were active into the early 1970s. We did what we could to repulse Federal tyranny and forced amalgamation. For those of you who wish to perceive reality: Racism was… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  fodwellw
19 August, 2021 7:57 pm

The more I study the “hippies” I think that they were trying to get back to something very ancient in European history, something very Aryan in nature. They were looking for a spirituality, a humanistic economic system, and a community. The Republican Christards heaped scorn on them. They did indeed have some sexual practices (some of them) and some drug use (some of them) that I did not like, but I can see that most of them were ordinary people, trying to get out of the matrix of materialism and conformist non-thinking religion. Why no one else supported the South in the 1960’s—-I don’t know. Maybe they were too conformist, and their Lutheran and Catholic churches would have scorned them. Or maybe a lot of them did support us, and… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
19 August, 2021 11:59 pm

I disagree with you, Arvin. I came of age during the “hippie” counterculcure craze, and, out of curiosity, even spent a few days in California’s ground zero, the Height-Ashbury hippie district, in early 1968 on the way to my first tour in Vietnam. I was a hawk, you might have said back then, raring to go kill communists, observing the peace & love doves of San Fransissyco, many who were pro-communist. That was an interesting side-adventure for me altogether. I remember having that pesky tuna boat smell in my nostrils while around those dirty hippies. I’d thought it might have been the nearby fishing docks, but now know the source after reading Mr. Mercer’s piece. If you want to know more about who led that destructive hippie counterculture era, purchase… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
20 August, 2021 11:44 am

Well, Will, that sounds disgusting. I am glad I was not there, in the early days. I suppose I was thinking about those a decade later, when I was an avid reader of “The Mother Earth News” magazine. I got the impression that it was about the independent types among the hippies who wanted to get away from it all. Working a homestead would be grinding work, so the Jews and the sissies would not have been involved to spread their perversions. I went to their “EcoVillage” in North Carolina once and thought it was pretty neat. Looking back from a more mature perspective I can now see that some of their ideas and creative inventions would probably not work in the long run, and I doubt that many of… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
20 August, 2021 9:46 pm

A little before my time, but based on my research, the very first wave of the Hippies – late 1950s – did indeed have a lot in common with the ‘Romantics’ of the 19th century: back to the land, grow your own food, healthy living in the country, poetry, music, sustainable communities, that sort of thing. But, like many similar groups (Greens, animal rights, etc.), they were very quickly (((infiltrated and corrupted))) and became dope addled wanna-be Communists who were out to annihilate everything that wasn’t of them. Which they are still VERY busy doing…..

Reply to  fodwellw
21 August, 2021 5:19 pm

I both disagree and agree with your sentiments. It’s hard for people to come down to the battle and go up against a mighty tyrant such as the Eisenhower government. With the Jews beginning their control of the federal mechanisms of government they had at their disposal the power of the state to enforce these so-called civil rights. People were afraid (naturally so) of being arrested and imprisoned just as they are today and with even better reason to be afraid because of the Jews power has grown even so much more. You’re right, but hindsight as always is 20/20.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
19 August, 2021 8:04 pm

It started when those Dutch sailors first saw the fresh green breast of the New World. Soon our people were pouring into this land. They cleared it of it savages, and they settled the land. They built a great civilization where once a wilderness had been. For a time it was the marvel of the world,..

The White Man’s Land (

Once a great nation but never again, but always a great people, always the great race, the greatest one of all.

20 August, 2021 12:51 pm

Arvin, I too saw in hippie culture a call back to ancient pagan Europe—a genetic awakening. A return to a simpler life. Many moved to small towns and out in the country to grow gardens. Girls painted their faces and wore flowers in their hair, evoking images of their ancient pagan European ancestors. Some wore robe type gowns. A White culture.

On a lighter note, it didn’t matter if you were a biker, hippie, hood, middle of the roader or rodeo cowboy—we were White and majority from the same generation. We didn’t turn on each other because of different stereotypes.

The Armadillo World Headquarters (1970 to 1980)  
Austin’s answer to Carnegie Hall: Hippies, rednecks, cowboys and businessmen under the same roof. Marijuana tolerated in the music hall.

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Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  fodwellw
20 August, 2021 6:18 pm

I read some really meaningful books during my days of reading “The Mother Earth News” , books recommended by those hippies. A Guide for the Perplexed by E. F. Schumacher was one of my favorites and better than anything C. S. Lewis ever wrote.

In addition, I learned how to create a fantastic backyard raised-bed garden—squash, corn, tomatoes, okra, even pumpkins.

Plus, the magazine put out the message, in a subtle way, that we need to get back to Nature, that Nature is truth, and not the institutions of men. White people need to hear that message very strongly in this plasticized, electronic age.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  fodwellw
20 August, 2021 9:52 pm

fodwellw: I too saw in hippie culture a call back to ancient pagan Europe—a genetic awakening. A return to a simpler life… A White culture.

Sure, fodwellw. Sure. You obviously did not hit the link to the hippie leader’s book Did It! that I provided above.

This is what these goddamned Jew hippie “kill your parents” culture leaders thought of your White culture then and what Jew elites and their collaborators still think of it today, what’s left of it:
comment image

Mercer is right and dead serious. You are not. You are nostalgic for your old hippie days.

LH Collins
LH Collins
Reply to  fodwellw
21 August, 2021 1:48 pm

Our Celtic and Germanic “pagan” ancestors were nothing like hippies. They were a culture composed of warrior-tribes and “tolerance” was a vice to them, not a virtue. They were physically active; not hedonists. They were fiercely territorial; none of that “live-and-let-live” crap. Yiur really describing Wiccans when you refer to “pagans”, and Wiccans are not serious about reviving our true ancestral spiritualism. Theyre a farce.

20 August, 2021 2:54 pm

Willie Nelson’s Dripping Springs festival (July 4,1973) was billed as the largest country music fest ever. Around 60,000 people attended. Nelson said: “It was the first time anyone had seen all types of people together listening to country music. It was actually the first time the hippies and the rednecks had gotten together listening to country music.” 

Outlaw singer song-writer Kris Kristofferson said of the contradiction: He’s a poet, He’s a picker, He’s a profit, He’s a pusher, He’s a pilgrim and a preacher, and a problem when he’s stoned.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
21 August, 2021 6:18 am

Who the hell is a cultural marxist globalist jew to judge what is “un American”? Sociopaths are very good at projecting and deflecting their own faults onto others. To play devil’s advocate, I will say that soccer is an un American sport. Have you ever noticed how many beaners crowd TVs during soccer games? White race traitors make me sick! Jews and mud races can’t help themselves, but the White race traitors really need a good whipping! Are these the ones who are so sheltered that they never have to be around a nonwhite for a second? They’d better be careful what they cheer for, they just might get it. Just wait until their gated communities get infested with nouveau riche oriental and Persian Semitic filth. They probably have no… Read more »

21 August, 2021 11:40 am

Never a hippie. Down in Texas, long-haired redneck rockers, bikers and hippies came together listening to the same music, which included country music. Many labeled themselves hippiebillies. To turn on each other would make them unnatural enemies. The last White youth generation that didn’t succumb to race mixing.

There was a running joke in Texas: Are you a cowboy or a hippie?

Modern racists who grew up under the nonstop Wigger generations have the audacity to criticize what came before them. They fully belong to the darkest generation in the history of North America.

Abbie Hoffman was a Yippie. They were political. He wouldn’t like Texas. We still ride the Rough-String.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  fodwellw
21 August, 2021 9:40 pm

fodwellw: Never a hippie. Down in Texas, long-haired redneck rockers, bikers and hippies came together listening to the same music, which included country music… Willie Nelson’s Dripping Springs festival (July 4,1973) was billed as the largest country music fest ever. — So, you had hippies in Texas, eh? I checked out the Austin scene in 1970 while stationed at Ft. Hood. Yes, very eclectic, a college party town, not particularly hippie, but they had a presence. College campuses all over in 1970 were about counterculture social movements, anti-this, anti-that, and Jew led for the most part. — Abbie Hoffman was a Yippie. They were political. He wouldn’t like Texas. — Yippies were political hippies. Don’t tell me hippies weren’t political. And don’t change the subject. Mercer’s description of hippies is accurate,… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
22 August, 2021 4:02 pm

I just wonder how many of these bizarre Jews were in that collective insanity known as the “Jesus Movement.” They might have even started it. The hippie movement seemed to “get high on Jesus” almost overnight.

They had stories like the one about the baby being born, who sat up and said, “Jesus is coming soon; get ready!” Then it died.

I disputed this story at my church, when I was in the youth group, but so many people wanted to believe such rubbish . . . and this was a moderate church which discounted the myths of the Old Testament.

Strange days . . . strange Jews . . . strange senility of a once-great nation.

21 August, 2021 5:15 pm

While I didn’t read the article in totality, the parts that I did read I can say with supreme confidence that you are spot on as usual. You talk about America that is dying and that is absolutely correct in that the sooner it dies the happier we will be to see it go. There’s nothing left to save actually. But keep in mind, and be supremely aware of, that a dying lion (a decaying America) is at its most dangerous. After all a dying lion has absolutely nothing to lose and it can in almost unpredictable ways strike out at whatever is around it as it goes through its death throes. My fear is obvious: they’ll strike out at the target that is most opportune to them and the… Read more »

23 August, 2021 2:26 am

I tend to notice that America’s, along with other Western countries, obesity rate is increasing. What I learned about being obesity is that it usually stems from depression, poison in our foods, or both. Not to mention fat people tend to become spiritually dead. I think that the whites have become fat and depressed because of the fact that their nation is changing into something less homogenous and more evil to the point that they need something to escape from their troubles since the evil is too big to handle on their own. The people they could possibly connect with are too far away from each other since they didn’t have internet at the time that the obesity trend is starting.

23 August, 2021 10:48 am

So this is our doom & gloom day message? I see this as an opportunity. Poland is doing it so can we. Remember within the last year Poland made it law that a marriage was between a man & woman. Brush the dust off your pants & skirts, take hold of your schools. Don’t waste energy on the unwilling or the unhealthy. Make real white babies, and teach them well that their race matters and incorporate your ethnic customs. Get rid of your Smart (but dumb) phones. Move if you have to if there is to much color on your block. Prepare foods from your ancestors, decorate for Christmas in the way our ancestors did by bringing in the earthy things. After all Christmas is a European holiday that has… Read more »

23 August, 2021 12:17 pm

Everything is Judaized now. My generation, Boomers in the South, is the last White youth generation to march hither to the street, and fight to maintain White separation in an explosive way. There was a significant percentage of hippie culture that denounced the Jew god as violent and jealous. That’s if you believe in the ancient fable. The culture largely existed on the local level in towns of all sizes across the country. No doctrine, no mission. Nonconformist: After the bitter civil rights struggle ended, we called it the 2d Reconstruction, the South unleashed a music Renaissance hitherto unknown in all the pages of history. Rock and Roll and country music bands displayed the Dixie Battle flag at music venues. The White crowds were filled with bikers, Nam Vets, middle… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
23 August, 2021 12:26 pm

If ~ IF ~ the white race survives (that’s a big IF at this point), there needs to be a real “final solution” for the Jewish problem, as opposed to the fictitious lie Jews created to enhance their self-proclaimed victim-hood.

Imagine a world without Jews – you cannot. One would have to experience such a world to understand how well it might function.

Reply to  Arch Stanton
23 August, 2021 3:56 pm

If, brings doubt. There is no time for negative thoughts. I left a list of things we can do as a race, I am sure something there applies to you if you are a father, grandfather or an uncle. Now go wake up tomorrow and say “What will I do for our beautiful white race today?”

Axis Sally
Axis Sally
23 August, 2021 9:34 pm

Karma can be a — what do you Yankees say? — a female dog.