Posts Tagged
The American Mercury

New Video from The American Mercury: Leo Frank Is Guilty
by Philip St. Raymond WE ARE very pleased to present here a new American Mercury video based on the widely reprinted 2013 Mercury article by Bradford L. Huie, 100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty, and using the audio book read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer as its basis. The article was written for our centenary retrospective…

The Leo Frank Case: A Pseudo-History
by Elliot Dashfield a review of The Leo Frank Case by Leonard Dinnerstein, University of Georgia Press IN 1963, nearly a half century after the sensational trial and lynching of Leo Frank become a national cause célèbre, a graduate student named Leonard Dinnerstein (pictured) decided to make the Frank…

Russell Maguire, The American Mercury, and Racially-Conscious Conservatism
by Andrew Hamilton RUSSELL MAGUIRE WAS AN ANTI-JEWISH, pro-White, multimillionaire businessman active in American conservative circles in the 1950s and ’60s, primarily through the publication of the well-known American Mercury magazine. In 1956 Maguire (pictured above) hired future American…

New York Republicans Attack Their Own Candidate
by John W.B. Huie NOW I’VE SEEN it all. The Stupid Party — er, I mean the Republican party — is threatening to sue Jim Russell (pictured), one of its own candidates. According to the Associated Press today, Republican officialdom in New York’s Westchester County, a suburb…