Posts Tagged
Marcus Eli Ravage

New Audio Book: Commissary to the Gentiles, part 2
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 December, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-1214 – New Audio Book – Commissary to the Gentiles part 2.mp3 TODAY we present the second and concluding part of “Commissary to the Gentiles”…

New Audio Book: Commissary to the Gentiles, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 December, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-1207 – New Audio Book – Commissary to the Gentiles part 1.mp3 IN 1928 a nationally-known Jewish writer admitted that Christianity was a Jewish invention…

How Jewish We Have Become
IT MUST BE MANIFEST, I think, that the claims of Mr. Ravage back in 1928 were hardly exaggerated. In fact, even fifteen years before that, Werner Sombart asserted, as already quoted, that the United States had become the distilled essence of Judaism. It is all too plain that the Jew has not only subjugated…

A Real Case Against the Jews
Marcus Eli Ravage American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 March, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom WHATEVER INSPIRED Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage to write this frank admission of the Jewish role — and a malicious role it was —…

Commissary to the Gentiles
The Jewish writer Marcus Eli Ravage played the “irony card” to his intellectual White readers in 1928, but the real irony was that most of his readers missed it, thinking that this piece was a clever “plea for tolerance” for the “people of the book” — instead…

A Real Case Against the Jews
This frank piece by the Jewish writer Marcus Eli Ravage constitutes a “revelation of the method” in that he fully expected most of his upper class readers to completely misread it as irony — as they do to this day. by Marcus Eli Ravage reprinted from The Century Magazine, January 1928…