Posts Tagged

Islamic Hatred


by Martin Kerr ON THE evening of May 1, a team of National Socialist activists delivered 500-plus pieces of New Order printed material to White neighborhoods in Charlottesville and Greene County, Virginia. Eight days later, the Greene County Record ran a short story on the distribution, full of the…
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by Max Kaeser BEING A DIRECT descendant of Yazidis, through my paternal lineage, the call of the blood, the call of the Heimat, the call of my own people is strong. My grandfather’s last name was and still is El Yazidi, and being the man I am — a Yazidi born in Africa — it pains me to see…
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by Guillaume Durocher ROGER CUCKIERMAN (pictured), the head of the official French Jewish lobby (the CRIF), was invited to speak on French public radio to pontificate on the latest horrifying Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris attacks killing at least 129 people. In the “secular” French Republic,…
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But it is a war we will lose as long as we see it as a fight by “everyone” against “terrorism”: In reality it is a fight for the survival of White nations, against two waves of Middle Eastern invaders — the new Muslim wave and the older, more dangerous, Jewish wave which has
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Russia and the West will be theirs, declares ISIS: “Your wives will be our concubines; your children will be our slaves”; “Europe shakes — the Kremlin will be ours”; map shown of caliphate expanding into Europe. WARNING: Children and sensitive persons should not
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AN IMAM giving a speech at a major mosque in Jerusalem has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to “breed with Europeans” — in which he specifically mentioned Germans, French, Italians, and even Americans — in order to “conquer their countries.” Sheikh Muhammad…
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