The Jewish Plot Against America

by Douglas Mercer
JEWS ARE quite cunning when it comes to throwing dust in the White man’s eyes. They accuse White people of doing exactly what they are doing. There is no better example of this than the upcoming HBO miniseries The Plot Against America (March 16, 2020) based on the novel of that same name by the late Jewish writer Philip Roth. (Roth’s ideas are worthless filth, and much of his “literary” output was literal filth as well.)
The miniseries was created and written by David Judah Simon whose father was Bernard Simon, a former journalist and then public relations director for B’nai B’rith for twenty years. David Judah Simon was raised in a Jewish family which had migrated from Eastern Europe and Hungary. His maternal grandfather had changed his surname from Leibowitz to Ligeti.
In other words, David Judah Simon is a classic Jewish plotter against America.
The Plot Against America is billed as an imaginary alternative American history told through the eyes of a working class Jewish family in Newark, New Jersey, as they watch the political rise of Charles Lindbergh, an aviator-hero and “xenophobic populist” who becomes President and turns the nation towards fascism. The character of Lindbergh in Plot is a distorted Jewish version of the real Charles Lindbergh.
Xenophobic populist.
The plot against America. Think about that.
The Jews don’t want us to have a country of our own.
From the first time they set foot on this continent, Jews have been plotting to overthrow America, to put an end to White America. Charles Lindbergh was trying to save America from the clutches of International Jewry. On September 11, 1941 Lindbergh gave a justly famous speech in which he stated that only three groups wanted America to enter World War Two: the British government, the Roosevelt Administration, and Jews.
We now know that the first two were owned by the last.
For his trouble Lindbergh went overnight from immortal hero to reviled figure. For his trouble the great man who was trying to stave off a Jewish plot against America is accused by a Jew of plotting against America.
Inversion is Jewish magic. To throw dust in the eyes of the White man.
In retrospect the 1930s are an underrated time when it comes to Jewish subversion in this country. By the late 1930s Lothrop Stoddard confided in friends that he had to remove references to Jews from his lectures at the Army War College. References which he could make openly and without worry only a decade before.
By the late 1930s, Jews were completing their stranglehold on American culture and communications. Migrating to America and owning film studios, newspapers, and radio networks are what served Jewish interests most.
From his advent to power in 1933, Adolf Hitler was slandered and smeared by Jews. Worldwide Jewry was on red alert from the day he set foot in the chancellery. They did everything in their power to blacken his reputation and get the Western powers to make war on him. His real crime in their eyes was wanting Germans to have a country of their own, to be free of the net of international Jewish finance. For the Jews, that was simply unacceptable.
Even before the war, Hollywood actor Edward G. Robinson wanted to make a movie about Germans and their “evil.” It was after the war that Robinson (a Jew whose actual name was Emanuel Goldenberg) got his wish, making The Stranger, in which an ex-“Nazi” played by Orson Welles says that Germans are “inherently evil” and must be annihilated.
Subtle, that.
Shortly before American entry into the war, the book Germany Must Perish! — written by the Jew Theodore Kaufman — was published in the US and reviewed in major publications. It explicitly advocated the extermination of the German people.
The man Revilo P. Oliver called The Great War Criminal, Franklin Roosevelt, was known for his hatred of Germans.
In the 1920s the Democratic party had three constituencies: northern Catholics, rural southerners, and Jews. When they all hit the jackpot in 1933 the first two came seeking normal patronage. Jews on the other hand began to take an unusual interest in the new administration’s foreign policy.
They were soon in control of it.
Because Germany Must Perish.
Finally the Jews got that old traitor FDR to maneuver Japan into bombing Pearl Harbor. And so the Jews got their war. The America First movement, of which Charles Lindbergh was the most famous representative, saw the disaster looming. Lindbergh saw this as a second “brother’s war” among Whites, a war that the White world might not survive. And which, really, it did not.
In the 19th century, Europeans saw America as a hermit kingdom living in splendid isolation. World War 1 broke that spell, but afterwards came a return to normalcy. It was only World War 2 that finally put paid to America as a nation of villages. It was World War 2 that spawned The New Colossus that has been with us to this day.
After World War 2 America became a global power serving Jewish interests.
Old America was never heard from again.
On Donald Trump’s inauguration day, the Jews’ employee Chris Matthews designated the new President’s references to “America first” as “Hitlerian.” And now HBO and David Judah Simon are going to try to cement an image — of America first as fascist, Lindbergh as traitor, Lindbergh as plotter, Lindbergh as anti-American — in the minds of the public forever.
Because the Jewish plot against America will never end.
Not until White America has perished — or the plotters are defeated.
* * *
Source: Author
Just look at the physiognomy of these two jewboys, compared to Lindbergh and Hitler. God has given the jews the faces they deserve, while cursing us white gentiles with their presence.
Yes, jews are repulsive and disgusting looking unless they have mostly violently hijacked aryan genes….
We need not depend on any semitic “god” to cure ourselves of this so-called curse, my friend. There’s power within each of us to act. When we do so intelligently and in an organized manner, there’s little to stop us. The future belongs to those who seize it, and you can help us with that.
Yes JM. Every day stand upright, smile, smile at our friends and their children, make the small decisions and actions that will result in our successes, independence and freedom. Help ‘them’ fulfill their long-held dream – “This year in Jerusalem”.
They are demonic. That’s why they are so ugly.
Jews are the Devil walking the Earth.
Satan, quoted by Jesus in John 8:44, as the father of liars and murderers, he will always pretend himself a martyr to incriminate his victims of their own barbarism. To speak the truth will never be to speak ill of something or someone. When reporting and describing that the Thames River is filthy, rotten and fetid, one is not speaking ill of it, but describing its state and nature “I have glimpsed into hell. The Jews are in control.” (Sir Percival Phillips) The facts and not the propaganda denote that Hitler’s Third Reich sealed the peak of moral, intellectual, economic, environmental and social progress reached by humanity proving the quote in Matthew 7:16 – “By their fruits you will know them” THE “DEMONIAC FLAME / DEMONIAC GLOW”… Read more »
After Lindbergh spoke in support of Germany his son was kidnapped and murdered by German Bruno Hauptmann. Really?
I am always surprised that more of a connection between those 2 events is not drawn – it would make for an interesting book if impartially done, that is for sure.
Thank you Christopher. It might not just be another cohenspiracy theory.
You may have your dates confused: The kidnapping was in 1932 and his isolationist activism didn’t start until the late 1930s.
Thanks for the alert pj. As I recall it54, Hauptmann was arrested four years after the murder. Perhaps Lindbergh’s views were known before he made them public. I’ll research futher.
If communists empirically exterminate their opponents, Truthweed, if this murder really took place, it is because Bruno Hauptmann was a fervent communist

Capitalist democracy is as genocidal as its guardian angel Communism. HUNGER, Oppression, underemployment and the misery inherent in them, abortions and plunder wars are on the agenda of these two disastrous ideologies
“We are going to suffer the same fate as Germany suffered, and for the same reason.”
Hauptmann was most likely a patsy and I believe he was quietly exonerated of the crime.
I almost feel sorry for that Philip Roth guy and his physiognomy. Imagine looking like that while growing up in an all-American small town full of good-looking white children. The way the kids look at you gives you an understanding that you’re an alien to them. So you can only end up hating white society b/c you will never be part of it regardless of your academic achievements.
It is the reason why the Jews – and the Christians – are the masters of what Nietzsche famously called the “Umwertung aller Werte” (English: transvaluation of all values). If you’re ugly and you can’t keep up with the beautiful, you subvert society by introducing and pushing the mindset that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Exactly so. Jealousy is a powerful force, and can lead a person to do extraordinary things and believe extraordinary things. It can be a motivational force, indeed.
If you look at his background, there is the usual Jewish mental instability.
Mencken’s Ghost: If you’re ugly and you can’t keep up with the beautiful, you subvert society by introducing and pushing the mindset that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Yes, MG, we know that beauty is actually in the eyes of the beheld.
We are so bad that the Jews have to use works of fiction against us.
Also, during the time period when this fiction was set, in real life, the “Plot Against America” was all the Jews spying for the Soviet Union.
By their actions over hundreds of years, every indication is that they hate us with a passion, and seek to undermine our nice, safe, prosperous societies. On the other hand, they need us to survive as the parasites that they are. How ironic that they want to destroy the very types of people and societies they need to prosper themselves. The absolute strangest people on the planet.
What will they do and how will they survive once they succeed in making all of our countries majority non white and poor? The future will be interesting for (((them))). A majority muslim Europe and majority hispanic/black USA may not be kind to them. Hopefully they’ll reap what they’ve sowed.
so, they are physically repulsive, murderously rapacious, and short-sighted. What sparkling racial chemistry these Rat-People posses.
Just lovely (((people))).
Please, we are so bad that most American businesses nowadays are filled with corruption because they are either controlled by Jews or (at the very least), heavily influenced by them.
I think we need to get the honest Whites back so American business would actually earn money through honesty and good customer service instead of businesses relying on cheating, lying, robbing, and loopholes.
The Jew has been plotting against Amorica for at least 170 years. With tech development, it just becomes more revelatory . That, and they become more brazen with the passing of each 6 millionth millisecond.
The problem, is the belief system of Christian Zionists. They believe that what Israel wants is what God wants. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to give the green light to whatever it is Israel wants and then conceal this from the American people. Anything, including lies, theft, even murder, is justified as long as Israel wants it. Then why did JESUS suffer on the cross!? With more than 50 millions members, Christians United for Israel is a major politica force in the U.S.. Its Chairman, pastor John Haggee, declared: “The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God’s plan for both Israel and the West, […] a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming… Read more »
“If you want to see clearly what an ungodly thing war is, notice the people who lead it. “Queres mesmo constatar que a guerra é algo desprovido de Deus, então tente perceber qual etnia a promove” Erasmus of Rotterdam –
The same ones mentioned by Jesus in John 08:44
sehr gut! danke Ihnen
Between 1932 and 1942, the USA used about 12 per cent of her gross income on military equipment. That was far above what Germany used and what Japan used. I call such high part of gross national income for propping up a country making it ready for war. Source Benjamin Freedman and the History of the Organized Zionist Mafia Allied Plans for the Annihilation of the German People Why Germany Invaded Poland? America’s Multicultural Nightmare by Brother Nathanael Kapner I Wish To Warn How Jewry Is Destroying Christianity Throughout The World Die Deutschen Deutsche sind alle Opfer: total belogen, betrogen, verfemt, beraubt, und vergewaltigt; ca. 15 Mill. Deutsche Zivilisten wurden meist nach dem Krieg ermordet. Amerikas Verantwortung für das Verbrechen am deutschen Volk… Read more »
Years ago I was active in conservative groups. Most of the people I met were Christians of various denominations–Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Baptists, Mormons, etc., some of whom had broken away from their mainstream churches as they had become liberalized. Yet all of these Christians were apparently as clueless as to the Jewish problem as is the general population. Jewish activists worked through the National Council of Churches, the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and other such groups to make the church-going population just as politically correct as non-church-going people. In fact, they probably got a double-dose of the “brotherhood”, “equality”, and “Judeo-Christianity” propaganda so that they’ve developed a blind spot towards the Jewish problem, an inability to question, study and accept Jewish guilt. So I agree that the Christian… Read more »
“Charles Coughlin had also committed the unforgivable crime of opposing America’s entry into World War II and had iterated and reiterated what Lindbergh had only dared to say once — i.e., Jews were pushing the U.S. into a worldwide bloodbath. Then what happened? The real enemies of the public declared him an enemy of the state and were powerful enough to hold all the world’s media in their hands in order to dupe the entire world population.” Source: World War II was essentially a war between the two ideologies: Marxism and Nationalism. They were two chapters of the same book. They weren’t for any high principles or removing some government. The sole purpose was the physical and spiritual destruction of the German people. Mission accomplished. But the West… Read more »
Greetings Ulysses and thanks. The schoolroom cartoon accords well with the findings of Charlotte T. Iserbyt who wrote about Pavlovian/Skinnerian conditioning of children in her book ‘The deliberate dumbing down of America’. It leads to children knowing everything they are taught but afterwards being unable to think.
Greetings Truthweed “In times of universal lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. ”

The most dangerous masses of weapons of destruction are the mass media – because they destroy the mind, creativity and courage of people and replace them with fear, suspicion, guilt and self-doubt ”

Down with Boschevism, which only brings war, destruction, hunger and death
Greetings Truthweed – another image on the same topic
If this filthy jewish bloodline came from Eastern Europe and Hungary, it is highly likely that, in addition to being jewish, they are also kabbalistic sorcerers. The luciferian inversions you speak of, by which jews accuse others of everything they, themselves are doing, is standard sorcery. Every last one of these luciferian creatures needs to be expelled permanently. We cannot co-exist with them. They will never cease trying to destroy us and the Earth. They absolutely have to be expelled.
Greetings Jeanice. May I suggest Greenland for them if there is not enough land for them in Israjail? Greenland is a wonderful country where the climate is rapidly growing warmer according to jewish global warming theory. Cheap land, Plenty of fresh water from melting glaciers.They can farm kosher seals until the goat population is high enough. It will be a new paradise for them, unless of course they have been lying to us as usual and the world is about to enter global cooling again, as usual. Perhaps Trump’s offer to buy Greenland from Denmark was not high enough. Please try again President Trump. Save the chosen ones from the evil goys!
Dear Truthweed – I was thinking more along the lines of sending them into outer space somewhere and quarantining them for the rest of eternity in a place where they can only do harm to each other and never interact with anything that is good or beautiful ever again.
That’s a bit harsh Jeanice. I was thinking more about giving the each a trillion Euroshekels and UShekels for their exclusive use there. Only jews should be allowed these wonderful currencies. The local Inuit people should be compensated with a few hundred dollars each year so that they can employ the jews as labourers and domestic employees. See? Everyone wins.
No Truthweed. They should not be permitted to interact with any other species. They are a menace to all life forms.
Hey, Jeanice! I didn’t realize you had been commenting here at NV for at least two years. Good for you!
Those interested to know more about Jeanice, check this out:
Will – thank you so much for the plug!!!! I surely do appreciate it!
You’re awesome.
This is gold !
dammit ….how come i never met a female like you in my life? Surrounded by materialist , vapid, soulless American jew-victims.
Well Chester – today must be your lucky day since you finally met a woman like me! Perhaps there are more like me than you imagine. But then again, we are all one of a kind! Thanks for the compliment.
Greetings Ms. Barcelo,
Say, what is, typically, the technique to be used against inversion (someone who accuses others of what they themselves do?)
I assume calling them out on their actions is either inefficient or they have anticipated that. Playing their game maybe? How would that work?…
When you know the real motives of your abuser, it should be easy to turn the situation to your advantage/make them harmless, right?
MORE inversion perhaps???
So many ideas… not knowing troubles me a little.
If you have any cue, please let me know,
I like your spirit btw,
Dear Zemma – I think the solution to jewish lies and inversions is telling the truth at all times, loudly and unapologetically and doing whatever we can to expose the facts, letting people know the truth about the jews.
Now you know why ownership of every facet of media is paramount to the Jews ; it allows them to control the narrative, but more importantly, it allows them to squash anyone who would use the media in any way to make a single negative statement about them and their endless criminal activities. Now you also know why money means so much to Jews, because money allows them to buy up media control from everyone else. Jews are the lowest form of the human genome and as such, are the most ruthless criminals ever known. You mean absolutely nothing to them unless you have millions which they can steal somehow, then they’ll keep you alive until they get it, otherwise they’d much rather dismember you and screw your corpse. America… Read more »
Well written, Chuck.
“Christian civilization can still survive if this book is read and its message is spread”
Major General, Tsounet Skepi-Spiridovich
A holocaust to hide the real holocaust The United States fought, unbeknownst to the masses, alongside Marxism, an ideology that openly attacks and denigrates the nuclear family, to raise the kakistocracy and the scum of society above it Massacres and Atrocities of World War II Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950 (Eisenhower’s Death Camps)   Allied War Crimes (WWII)  ELEVEN MILLION Germans Were Murdered AFTER WWII When Brazil tried to sell its own oil directly in 1954, a formidable boycott was organized. Nobody bought Brazilian coffee. In order to sell its coffee, the country’s main source of foreign exchange, the Brazilian government was forced to repeal a series of laws that guaranteed that Brazilian oil would always belong to Brazilian companies. Since then, the Rockefeller fund’s “Standard Oil” has controlled “Brazilian”… Read more »
The truth wins, but to win, it needs to be showed. The truth even hidden does not cease to exist. Almost all of the above addresses have been sabotaged, and made inaccessible – which is why, in the name of the truth of the aforementioned arguments, I will post them again. 1 A holocaust to hide the real holocaust ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Massacres and Atrocities of World War II ………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………4 Allied War Crimes (WWII) 5 ELEVEN MILLION Germans Were Murdered AFTER WWII 6 When Brazil tried to sell its own oil directly in 1954, a formidable boycott was organized. Nobody bought Brazilian coffee. In order to sell its coffee, the country’s main source of foreign exchange, the Brazilian government was forced to repeal a series of… Read more »
How to distinguish defamation from the truth. The truth rarely appears, is always rational, never passionate, unlike the lie that always imposes itself passionately, accusing, slandering, intending to convince through inflamed voices. In addition to the historically dignified character of the Germans for their works in music in literature, economics, environment and cultural tradition, the evident defamatory allegation of their mostly leftist opponents lies in the lack of proof of their numerous allegations without proof here  with the proven forgeries of the liar Hitchcock and the mass murderer and Zionist Eisenhower here and also the proven excellent facilities housing the majority of communists here Those quoted by Jesus in John 8:44 are not Germans, but those who fervently defame them. Satan, quoted by Jesus in John… Read more »
Ulysses, the truth is ‘That which is independent of the observer’. If we ask a hundred strangers to enter a room and tell us what is on the table insde the room and they say it is an apple, then that is the truth.
The nuclear family is a Jewish ideal for the goyim. They do not believe this for themselfs. To separate the family into smaller and smaller buying units is exactly how they defeat us. If we lived as we did before the invasion in a multi generational family that spead to the second cousins. We would have no need for day care for our young or elderly. We had no need for their education system. The elders (not elderly) cared for and taught the young while the the mid-aged (not middle-aged) worked for the needed provision. How easy they conflate the true nature of a living family with the dead wood consumer individual. I bet you learned of this nuclear family in a school after Jew War 2.
i’m surrounded by thoroughly indoctrinated, cowardly White simps, so what you propose at the end of your comment seems phantasmagorical….But it is right. I like it.
Chuck – they’re not human. And God did not create them. They are Lucifer’s creation. They do not even belong here.
If these mutants ever disappear, the whole world will heave a great sigh of relief.
Beautiful white Aryan young woman. We need more like her!!
The whole system is leftist: Freemasonry, politicians, press, judiciary…. all very well paid by the world banking elite. Empirically, leftism in any time or place is criminal and enslaving, because in every communist country, the people live in misery. Truth is the tree of life and freedom is one of its fruits. It took me many decades to concatenate what I ask to share here: – The heart of all political fraud, therefore, also historical – is ALWAYS perceiving and recognizing: “who undoubtedly hates, therefore defames political opponents and and others races? Exactly here,. there is the wolf in sheep’s clothing” on the slanderer Our breed is the master breed. We are like God on this planet. We are different from other races like these are different from insects. Compared… Read more »
The UN Migration Pact provides the clearest evidence: The UN was created specifically to destroy Germany and all white peoples The wickedness of the UN and its political vassals goes beyond all dimensions!
Ulysses, when did you previously vote for an issue or your representative at the United Nations? When did you elect people to represent you there? Who are they?????!
Search this text by the best browser until you find it
“SAYS JEWS OF WORLD WILL BACK LEAGUE; Dr. Sokolow Tells Zionist Congress Jerusalem Will Be International Peace Capital.ARAB ENTENTE PREDICTEDDr. Weizman Convinced PalestineCannot Be Rebuilt Without Cooperation of Arab People.”
The whole system seems leftist to be: Freemasonry, politicians, press, judiciary….
Empirically, leftism in any time or place is criminal and enslaving, because in every communist country, the people live in misery. Truth is the tree of life and freedom is one of its fruits.

The heart of all political fraud, therefore, also historical – is ALWAYS perceiving and recognizing: “who undoubtedly hates, therefore defames political opponents and anothers races? Exactly here is the wolf in sheep’s clothing” the slanderer
Our breed is the master breed. We are like God on this planet. We are different from other races like these are different from insects. Compared to us, other races are like cattle, they are the waste of mankind. Our destiny is to rule over the other inferior races. They will lick our feet and serve us like slaves ”. Menachen Begin, former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, in a speech to the Knesset on June 25, 1982
“Will our civilization survive?,”
Mr. J. D. Rockefeller Jr. and others anxiously ask.
It will, if this book is read and its message spread.
It surely will not, if this book is trampled upon!
Our Jewish interests require the final annihilation of Germany ”W. Jabotinski, founder of“ Irgun Zwai Leumi ”, January 1934 (see Walendy,“ Historische Tatsachen ”, op. Cit., Issue 15.5.40
Nazism fought communism
To rehabilitate Adolf Hitler is to restore the truth.
Ulysses, your first image shows evil Narzie children doing something for a much younger jew. Oooops!
She is saying : I an unarmed and come in peace! She is our friend.
These plague-rats are a scourge on a planet that completely resents their odious and malevolent presence.
More disgusting lies from the hideous jews. It gets worse every year. Hopefully China blows up in their faces and ppl wake up that Communist China is the stupid model they have for the whole world. Thanks for the update on the latest filth from Hollywood. At some point our ppl snap and it’s all in the open again as ppl open their eyes, it can happen very quickly.
China is actually quite race-conscious and limits its number of negroids to 300k, compared to Europe which has allowed in how many non-white migrants over the last decade?
As big as China is, it’s still frightening to me that they have 300K negroes. I would never have guessed so large a number. And I’ll bet just like the “refugees” and “students” in Europe, the vast majority of them are male. Hopefully the Chinese families will discourage their daughters mixing with the darkies more adamantly than Europeans and Americans have.
Not racist enough to keep every single Afro out, though…I see no reason why a Red China might not also betray the Chinese.
New Jersey declares “white supremacists” the biggest terrorist threat even though it was blacks who shot up a kosher market there and a black who attacked jews at a party in nearby New York and just across the river in New York City there have been numerous attack on jews by blacks and other non-whites but New Jersey blames “white supremacists”!
Their pet darkies will likely be the ones to off them. The Chinese to are reaping diversity here in the states now.
All good except anyone even half awake knows that TRUMP IS AN AGENT OF ISRAEL. And…..(((they))) ALWAYS PLAY B O T H sides………..
Here is a superb documentary called “1/3rd of the Holocaust” which SOUNDLY debunks the Holohoax. The evidence in that documentary would be enough in ANY court of law to convict someone of Perjury. Jews are liars, and this needs to be known far and wide. They are deceitful, arrogant people who need to be exposed for what they are. Did you guys know, that they hide so many stories of non white on white violence by censorship and supression, that if even 25 percent of white Americans KNEW what had been hidden from them, war would probably be declared within a month of the revelation? They know, as some of you know, that the ONLY REASON whites arent pushing back, is because they just dont know the half… Read more »
Thanks for the links and commentary. All is good except the Bible stuff at the end. This site is primarily for people who’ve moved beyond the Abrahamic religions. I work every day to help good White people whose hearts are in the right place see that the Abrahamic faiths are a part of the problem, not the solution.
Apparently the moderators here agree with you. I’ve had most of my Christian comments deleted. If that’s the website you want that’s your choice but your cutting out most of your white readership. Most white nationalists would disagree with your comments on religion and if you were smart you would have the same policy as Stormfront. Most people in the world regardless of race believe in God. Your cutting out allot of people and dismissing God as “Abrahamic” because of your hate of Jewish people. It’s very hard to be an atheist on your death bed. If you’ve spent time talking with priests or Christian hospice people you will learn even the most stubborn hardened atheists – and people who lived very evil lives – cry out to God on… Read more »
The spiritual foundation of our worldview is Cosmotheism, not atheism (though we do feature some writers with different views). Disbelieving in Yahweh, an insane bloodthirsty unreasoning fictional mind-virus created by Jews, is not at all the same as atheism. In fact, I’ll go further: Yahweh is so far from — so mutually exclusive to, actually — any conceivable actual God, that I would say that the three religions based on Yahweh prevent their adherents from seeking the real Creator and are therefore worse than atheism.
Spot on-their kind of Monotheism is virtual Atheism.
A thought for your consideration:

Yes Kevin, we need spiritual sustenance also.
Jesus was not a Christian. Christianity did not exist until Saul/Paul invented it long after Jesus’ death. Jesus’ sole mission was to bring down the corrupt, sacrificial religion of the elite Jews’ second Temple. He had nothing to do with anyone or any issue outside those of the Temple. Judaism is a very clannish and cohesive in-group religion. As such, the only way Jesus could accomplish his mission to bring down the Temple’s corrupt priesthood and their sacrificial religion was to work closely within the system. He had to become part of the system. He had to be not just a Jew, but a Jew’s Jew, a Temple priest, for only a Temple priest might have the incredible audacity to make the fantastic claim he had come to fulfill the… Read more »
So you support the Jewish agenda, the destruction of all thing Christian. It’s not the so called Abrahamic faith that Jews or Muslims follow. You believe the Jew lies if you thing they or Muslims follow the truth. The do not care what you look like out side as long as your helping them destroy. You guy are lost in the jewish lie of racism. Until you stop believing this part of the scam your on their side.
Make America White Again. As it was intended to be for Christian Whites fleeing Khazaric activity in Europe.
as the Hindenberg disaster was a jew/british plot
Do we still miss the true through line. I believe the take over started before the 1880 as some suggest. However, the time line that clearly point to this take over begins with the trader Wood Wilson the 1st. The wood ( funny how some men like to call themself by this jewish slur) and Congress gave over the responsibility to create and regulate our money supply to a private(jew) bank and believed the lie we needed to send our young to die in a European war. Then the economic crash that the banker claimed they would never let happened once they had control of our money supply. Follow by the mass circumcision of all American children. 90% of all America male children were mutilated between 1940 and 1970 and… Read more »
Mr. Mercer’s offerings, besides being stylishly written and bounding with a righteous and sublime indignation, are
excellent reminders of what the filthy, malevolent Jewish race has done to the Western Hemisphere, and the United States in particular…
Someone new to this site could pick out almost any one of his essays, and they would be off to an excellent start, with a firm footing into understanding what our struggle is all about.
Even his pieces that focus on the defensive American N@&$”r , against who ,thankfully,no punches are pulled, he gets everything right and elucidates the bigger pictures. The way he breaks down the grotesqueries of both the shetl Kike and his S$&t-creature pets is a wonder to behold.
By 1977 America had become the world Jewish center. From the beginning of Israel to present hundreds of thousand of Jews have migrated from there to here. I lifted this information from a Harvard encyclopedia.
The problem with me is how to talk about the situation. There are so many Jews that have nothing to do with what is going on. Whenever they hear any criticism they go crazy and cry antisemitism. Honestly, I don’t know how much the average Jew knows or if they deny how much power they have. But they own Hollywood, media including news, 1/3 of Senate, the most powerful foreign lobby, etc. Mention this to a Jew and it’s another conspiracy or canard. I’ve met hundreds of these people who are generally smart and good looking. But it’s annoying that you cannot talk about the world around you without getting the anti- label. They are not demonic but they pretend like they have no power. My first big step was… Read more »
Try this, Mr. Mb: Don’t bother talking to Jews. If you want, don’t even listen to them. Focus on speaking and listening to Whites and our media. If the ignorant among our kind want to smear you in response, move on to the next White man or woman as we have no time to waste on those who have been infected with Jewish mind-rot. It’s important we find and connect with those of us who are healthy in the racial sense.
That is very good advice to Mb, Jim. She says this: — My first big step was when Ariel Sharon said “we the Jews own America and they know it.” I posted this on FB and a Jewish friend accused me of lying and that it was anti-Semitic. Mentioning what I saw with my own eyes is an act of hate. She blocked me. Rather than research she judged me. — I wonder why Mb even hikes up here to make such a naive statement under an article about Jews by Mr. Mercer. Did she even read his words? My advice to Mb is, first: stay the hell off of Jewish “FB.” if you are seriously trying to raise consciousness about the JQ. Don’t waste a quote from “the bucher… Read more »
The Jews when they realize that White people are waking up