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Book Review
Horrific War, Calamitous Peace
The remains of apartment buildings in Hamburg where German men, women, and children were incinerated by “Allied” bombers by Nelson Rosit Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944—1947
Thomas Goodrich Introduction I WAS FLATTERED when asked to review Thomas Goodrich’s book Hellstorm…
Thomas Goodrich Introduction I WAS FLATTERED when asked to review Thomas Goodrich’s book Hellstorm…
Chairman Pierce’s Big Red Book
A Review by Eric Paulson of: The Best of Attack! And National Vanguard Tabloid 1970-1982, Selected and Arranged by Kevin Alfred Strom (new 2021 edition: Mountain City, TN: Cosmotheist Books, 2021; originally published in 1984). THOUSANDS OF people learned of the National Alliance (NA) through William…
‘Mastering’ Germany’s Difficult Past
Review by Mark Weber Der Nasenring: Im Dickicht Der Vergangenheitsbewältigung (“The Nose Ring: In the Thicket of Mastering the Past”), by Armin Mohler. Essen: Heitz & Höffkes, 1989. (Revised and expanded edition published in 1991 by Verlag Langen Müller, Munich.) Softcover. 256 pages. Index.…
Two Kinds of Courage
McCormick of the Chicago Tribune by Revilo P. Oliver MY REVIEW of Donald Day‘s Onward, Christian Soldiers in Liberty Bell, January 1983, requires correction at three points. When I wrote, I did not know that Day’s book, in a more complete form, had been published in Sweden in 1944. The parts…
Bill O’Reilly’s Terrible Book About the SS – Part One
President John F. Kennedy with a former Sturmbannführer of the Allgemeine SS, Wernher von Braun by Hadding Scott Political Rhetoric and Profit KILLING THE SS by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard is a book inspired by motives other than the quest for truth. The birth of the idea for this book may have…
The Enemy of Our Enemies, part 6
Devastated Berlin, 1945 A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe (section 6) by Revilo P. Oliver Read the earlier parts of this book. The Dying and the Dead IF YOCKEY had not been hounded to death by the Jews and were alive today, would he take again, without variation, the oath he took in…
Martha Stewart: Why Is She Hated?
A review of Chistopher Byron’s Martha, Inc.: The Incredible Story of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (New York: John Wiley, 2002) by John I. Johnson CHRISTOPHER Byron’s criticism of a Martha Stewart column ironically provides an apt description of his book Martha, Inc.: “At once whining and…
Christian Science
by Andrew Hamilton CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (not to be confused with science fiction writer and religious guru L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology, whose celebrity adherents include Hollywood stars John Travolta, Tom Cruise, and Kirstie Alley), a metaphysical religion that rejects most medical treatment, …
Beyond Christianity: Catherine L. Albanese’s A Republic of Mind and Spirit
by Andrew Hamilton THIS BOOK’S special contribution to its field (Religious Studies), according to academics’ blurbs on the dust jacket and the author’s own introduction, is its thesis that “metaphysical religion” in American history has been, and remains, a major player alongside denominations…
The Enemy of Our Enemies, part 5
A Critique of Francis Parker Yockey’s The Enemy of Europe (section 5) by Revilo P. Oliver
The Third Side of the Coin
WE HAVE, I think, followed Yockey and Robertson in drawing logical conclusions from the evidence before us. But all of our evidence – what we are told and what we are not told – comes from either…