Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 9: Jews and Porn
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“I am probably the epitome of everything the Nazis hated: the Jew pornographer who besmirches the pure morals of the white Aryan world. Hitler would have thought of me as the Devil incarnate.” — Al Goldstein1
AS WE SAW in part 8…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 8: Jews and Film
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“As soon as the Jew gained control of the ‘movies,’ we had a movie problem, the consequences of which are not yet visible. It is the genius of that race to create problems of a moral character in whatever business they achieve a majority.”…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 7: Second-Wave Feminism
Some of the quotations and accounts of Jewish perversity in this article are disgusting and disturbing and should not be read by children or sensitive persons.
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“As activists, professionals, artists, and intellectuals, Jewish feminists…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 6: Wilhelm Reich and the Sexual Revolution
Some of the quotations and accounts of Jewish perversity in this article are disgusting and disturbing and should not be read by children or sensitive persons.
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“Reich antedated the attempt of the Frankfurt School to amalgamate sociology…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 5: Psychoanalysis, Sexology, the Frankfurt School, and the “New Left”
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“Jews in America have been sexual revolutionaries. A large amount of the material on sexual liberation was written by Jews. Those at the forefront of the movement which forced America to adopt a more liberal view of sex were Jewish.”…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 4: Opening the Floodgates
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“Under the [Hicklin test], any obscenity in a work, no matter how slight, contaminated the whole; under the [Roth test], any slight redeeming trait purified it.” — Leo Pfeffer1
THE FIRST MAJOR publication to reap the benefits…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 3: Roth v. United States
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“If Roth were not the opportunistic, irascible, and sometimes megalomaniacal idealist he was, the early 1960s advances in freedom of expression would not have happened when they did.” — Jay Gertzman1
SAMUEL ROTH (Hebrew name…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 2: The Great Comic Book Scare
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“Those in the know realize that Jews almost single-handedly built the comic-book industry from the ground up.” – Arie Kaplan1
THE MODERN DAY comic-book was created by the Jew Max Gaines (born Ginzberg), in 1933. He had been re-reading…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 1: The Battle Begins
by Benjamin Garland
NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
THE JEWS NEVER FACED much anti-Semitism in America. This is due, in large part, to the underlying ideologies it was founded on; namely, universalistic interpretations of Christianity and Enlightenment ideals of freedom, equality…