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USS Liberty: Our Masters Reserve the Right to Kill Us at Any Time
Ernie Gallo speaks during one of the many events set up to get justice for the Americans attacked by Israel on 8 June 1967. A classic American Dissident Voices broadcast appropriate for this ominous anniversary…
Non-Whites, Traitors, Zionists Dominate UK Politics
Munira Mirza with Prime Minister Boris Johnson: her resignation could be the beginning of the end for his premiership The strange alliance bringing down Britain’s Prime Minister THIS WEEK a possibly fatal blow was landed on the embattled Prime Minister Boris Johnson – a blow from what is in theory his…
Spies, Crooks, and Prime Ministers: Strange Zionist Connections to Actress Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren (above left) portraying notorious Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir (above right). Jewish actress Maureen Lipman has objected to a non-Jewess being cast in this role. CONTROVERSIAL Anglo-Jewish actress and Zionist propagandist Maureen Lipman has ignited a row over ‘integrated casting’…
“A Land without a People”? Palestine in 1880
Introduction by Hadding Scott ZIONIST JEWS like to pretend that Palestine was relatively unpopulated and/or barren prior to their arrival and seizure of the territory. Some of them also like to claim that Jerusalem was already a Jewish city in the 19th century. I am offering this information from a…
Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944
Adolf Eichmann BOSTON UNIVERSITY’S director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in…
Virginia Goes Zionist
Treason. POLITICIANS, bureaucrats and media talking heads have long turned a blind eye to legislation and policies that benefit the state of Israel to the detriment of United States’ interests. The U.S. Treasury is plausibly describable as a gift that never stops giving to the people and governments…
Either We Destroy the Republican Party or It Will Destroy Us
THERE’S NO QUESTION that American bastions of power — business, courts, intelligence services, media, ivy league universities — are firmly in the grip of Jewish oligarchs and the 10-15% of upper middle class professionals that form their second estate. Conservatives, with the exception…
Why Zionists Who Know the Situation are Afraid to Attack Iran
by Hadding Scott E. MICHAEL JONES makes a lot of sense, not in every subject, but certainly when he talks about U.S. foreign relations. It is puzzling, how much publicly available information Zionist warmongering seems to ignore. For example, how could they not have known that the elimination of Saddam…
A Realist’s Guide to American Politics
by David Sims YOU WHO ARE not Americans need a guide to understanding US politics. Basically, it is entirely a game between (ostensibly) “rival” groups of Jews. The Democratic Party is the party of the Marxist Jews. The Republican Party is the party of the Zionist Jews. Either way, though,…
Zionist Money Already Corrupting the 2020 Elections
by Eric Striker WATCHING THE last Democratic debate, you would think the candidates were vying for an electorate that is 90% Black and illegal alien. Issues like jobs, infrastructure, even foreign policy were largely ignored. The novel, populist positions of Bernie Sanders have been canceled out…