Posts Tagged
Woodrow Wilson

America after the Holy War, part 3
The blatherings of Woodrow Wilson being largely ignored during his inauguration read part 1 read part 2 by Revilo P. Oliver THIS WILL SEEM ODD, perhaps even improbable, to younger readers today, but, as my elder teachers assured me when they spoke of Tango Time, those halcyon days of Western civilization…

The Hidden Tyranny Revealed, part 2
American Dissident Voices program of 22nd October, 1994 by Benjamin H. Freedman introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY WE CONTINUE the amazing revelations of one of the most astounding individuals of the 20th century, a man whose memory and writings have been almost entirely obliterated from the…

The Hidden Tyranny Revealed, part 1
American Dissident Voices program of 15th October, 1994 by Benjamin H. Freedman (pictured) introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom EDITOR’S NOTE: Because of its importance for every patriot’s understanding of American history, we offer this special transcript based on Benjamin H. Freedman’s…

Benjamin Freedman: Defector from Jewish Supremacism, Part 3
To comprehend the actions of the neocon war party who control the Bush administration, it is important to understand that they are just the latest actors in a drama that goes back to the Woodrow Wilson presidency. by Kevin Alfred Strom ON LAST WEEK’S BROADCAST I began the long-lost 1975 article…

The Style of Woodrow
A long out-of-print review by the great H.L. Mencken; a National Vanguard exclusive. by H.L. Mencken (pictured) EDITOR’S NOTE: This review, originally written in 1920, is highly relevant today. The type represented by Woodrow Wilson is all too common in academia, politics, journalism, and…

A Jewish Defector Warns America
Benjamin Freedman’s warning is one of the most important documents of the 20th century. by Benjamin H. Freedman listen to the speech (43 minutes; mp3) Introductory Note: Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr. Freedman, born in 1890,…

The Style of Woodrow
A long out-of-print review by the great H. L. Mencken; a National Vanguard exclusive. by H.L. Mencken (pictured) EDITOR’S NOTE: This review, originally written in 1920, is highly relevant today. The type represented by Woodrow Wilson is all too common in academia, politics, journalism, and…

The Spurious Shekel
Communism is a secularized religion which only pretends to be materialistic and rational. by Revilo P. Oliver ONE OF THE FOUR principal strategic weapons used in the Judaeo-Communist occupation and subjugation of the United States was the Marxian Reformation, which was made effective by two propaganda…