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Should Lauren Southern Be Married?
Plus, the story behind the pretty face
by Andrew Hamilton
THE QUESTION in the title applies to all young White women roughly Lauren Southern’s age. (She’s 22.) I’m playing off her recent YouTube video “Why I’m Not Married” (November 23, 2017; 315,000 views) because it offers a useful hook.
Women in the Christ Business
by Revilo P. Oliver
IF YOU PREFER to read gospels and rhapsodies about Jesus and his dad rather than better-written and coherent stories of the supernatural by Robert Howard, Clark Ashton Smith, and Tolkien, you will be pleased to learn that a fresh bundle of your favorite fiction has just become available…
Danish Politician Faces Charges After Handing Out ‘Migrant Spray’ Over Sex Assault Fears
A DANISH politician faces criminal charges after handing out ‘asylum spray’ cans to women to ward off suspected sex attacks.
Daniel Carlsen, leader of the nationalist Party of the Danes, has allegedly been charged with racist offences after a stunt last month.
Some 137 cans of hairspray, seemingly…
Female Contraception Linked to Serious Risk for Depression
Is it any surprise that profound unhappiness results from contravening our basic needs and inner nature?
A NEW STUDY has provided compelling evidence that women who regularly use the most common type of contraceptive pills — those combining two hormones — are 23 percent more likely…
Denmark: Danes Party Distributes “Anti-Asylum-Seeker” Spray to Women
The debate continues on the video well past the point at which the transcript ends
NON-EUROPEAN immigrants are highly over-represented in Danish rape statistics, Daniel Carlsen, founder and chairman of the anti-immigrant Danes’ Party, told RT. Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of the UK’s…
17-Year-Old White Girl, Missing Since 2009: Raped, Prostituted, Murdered, and Fed to Alligators by Blacks
Update: Father says Black thugs preyed especially on White girls.
A TEENAGER who vanished from Myrtle Beach, S.C., in 2009 was repeatedly raped in a gang “stash house” for several days — then she was shot dead and fed to alligators when her disappearance generated too much media attention, the…
Sweden: The Stone Ships and Goddess Cult of Västmanland
IN SWEDEN, while Uppland boat burials are all for men, in Tuna, Västmanland, the boat burials contain women. The only runestone dedicated to a woman, the Odendisa stone, is also in Västmanland. By the 1st century AD, the Nordic boat cult was expressed in this area in the form of ship-shaped stone…
Pure Hatred, Regretfulness, and Bitterness
by Varg Vikernes
HERE IN FRANCE, we get so much positive feedback from the Frenchmen we meet in relation to our children. Everybody seems to love blonde and blue-eyed children here. Except one group: female boomers.
Whenever we are somewhere with our children and we meet some female boomers, they have…
Loyalty and Support
by William White Williams
Chairman, National Alliance WHEN I MET my wife Svetlana in Russia in 2003, she was given full disclosure of my “Politically Incorrect” racial politics. Although apolitical, Lana married me anyway — but told me she couldn’t be my Krupskaya. (Vladimir Lenin’s wife, Nadezhda,…
Chairman, National Alliance WHEN I MET my wife Svetlana in Russia in 2003, she was given full disclosure of my “Politically Incorrect” racial politics. Although apolitical, Lana married me anyway — but told me she couldn’t be my Krupskaya. (Vladimir Lenin’s wife, Nadezhda,…
Russian MPs Sponsor Bill to Pay Women NOT to Have Abortions
Last year, the majority of the Russian parliament drafted a bill to limit state insurance payments for abortion, ban private clinics from performing them, and only allow women to buy morning-after pills after they received a mandatory health check up and received a prescription from the supervising…