Posts Tagged
Winston Churchill
The Lies About World War II
US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in Casablanca, Morocco, January 22, 1943 Nothing is so little regarded in the West as free thought and truth. Explanations are controlled to advance the agendas of the ruling interest groups. by Paul Craig Roberts IN…
Did Hitler Try to Make Peace with Churchill Several Times?
by Chris Crookes ADOLF HITLER made repeated and extremely generous peace overtures to Britain. The details of his final peace offer to Churchill are still protected under the British Official Secrets act, which was due to become public in 2017, but which has been extended for another unprecedented…
The Darkest Hour Just Got Darker: Race-Mixing Propaganda Even in WW2
LAST NIGHT I watched The Darkest Hour. I’ve been a despiser of Churchill since even before I was JWoke and it’s certainly interesting that in both this film and, even more, last year’s Churchill, the great man is now being portrayed (accurately) as a kind of doddering, drink-besotted buffoon, lapsing…
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2
by Thomas Dalton
IN Part 1 of this article, I provided an account of the Jewish role in the events leading up to World War One, with an emphasis on their influence in the UK and United States. Woodrow Wilson was shown to be the first American president elected with the full backing of the Jewish lobby, and…
Relentless Rebecca
by Revilo P. Oliver THE NEW MEANING OF TREASON, which I cited in the foregoing article [see Liberty Bell, June 1988], is a peculiar book. It poses a psychological problem of some interest. Cicily Fairfield, later Mrs. Henry Maxwell Andrews, chose to call herself “Rebecca West,” taking…
Carnage and Cover-Up
by Michael Walsh WHAT FOLLOWS is a documented authentic eyewitness account. The accredited report is that of Leonora Geier (née Cavoa born October 22, 1925, Sao Paulo, Brazil). It was placed before Dr. Trutz Foelsche, Ph.D. Present was Bernard Wassmann, Reiner Halhammer, Manfred Haer, Kyrrill…
Sir Oswald Mosley: Briton, Fascist, European
by Robert Row LATE IN 1932, about a year after the financial crisis that rocked Britain to its foundations and heralded the great depression of the thirties, George Bernard Shaw said at a Fabian meeting in London: “You may remember the eloquence with which Mr. Ramsay MacDonald begged the nation…
The USSR Did Not “Save the World” from Fascism; the Soviet Union Was Saved from a One Front War with Germany
In May of every year, the successor state to the USSR inflicts on itself and other nations the exasperated delusion that it “saved the world” from fascism. Had Britain not given Poland a war guarantee, there would have been no war in the West, no German invasion of France or the Low Countries,…
Sir Oswald’s Remarkable Lady
DIANA MOSLEY’S (pictured) A Life of Contrasts (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1977) is an extremely important book. It provides an intimate picture of the age we have lived through, written from the vantage point of a member of one of its foremost political and literary families. Within the overall…
George Lincoln Rockwell Speaks at UCLA, 1967
Only three months before his assassination, George Lincoln Rockwell reaches out to American students on the dangers of Jewish subversion GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL, in this very good quality recording from May 16, 1967, tells students at UCLA the basic facts of Jewish influence. Despite the fact…