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Video of the Day — The Ongoing Persecution, Show Trial, and Martyrdom of Julian Assange
Talk about human rights violations. The ongoing persecution of Julian Assange is totally criminal and utterly disgraceful. As far as I’m concerned, Julian Assange is a bonafide legend, a hero and an icon, and for whatever it’s worth, I salute him. — Dissident Millennial Trump’s…

The Lesson of Julian Assange
by Karl Radl WHEN Julian Assange was physically removed by British police from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London recently, it provoked a storm of outrage from the grassroots activists of both the political left and right. It was one of those watershed events that informs an era because while everyone…

Now Confirmed by Wikileaks: CIA Funded, Controlled Leftist Publications
These massively and secretly funded agencies also infiltrate and control elements among racialists and every other social movement of significance.
IN MAY of 1967, a former CIA officer named Tom Braden published a confession in the Saturday Evening Post under the headline, “I’m glad the CIA is ‘immoral.’”…

Candidate Trump: ‘I Love Wikileaks.’ President Trump: ‘Arrest Assange!’
Introductory Note by John I. Johnson: The Trump Administration’s characterization of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a “coward” beggars belief. The greedy, evil politicians governing the world’s most powerful totalitarian regime calling one of the most courageous…

Actual Journalist, Actual Reality Check
by John I. Johnson ABOVE is a local TV news report, six minutes long, summarizing the basic facts about Pizzagate and the Comet Ping Pong restaurant in Washington D.C., an establishment linked to the hardcore Left and powerful people in the Democratic Party. I don’t know when it aired, but it was…

What Could Be Less Trustworthy Than an Anonymous Leak From the CIA? by Hadding Scott THE CIA does not vouch for the accusation that the Russian government was responsible for the disclosures of email messages among high-level Democrats, which are thought to have eroded some of Hillary Clinton’s support.…

Iceland Reveals US Plot To Frame Julian Assange
Interior Minister of Iceland, Ogmundur Jonasson, reveal details of a 2011 plot by the Obama administration to frame Julian Assange.
THE US sent a “planeload of FBI agents” to Iceland in 2011 to frame WikiLeaks and its co-founder Julian Assange, according to a former Icelandic minister of interior,…

Julian Assange Ends The Suspense: “The Source Of Hacked Emails Is Not Russia”
WITH COUNTLESS HOURS of media and Clinton campaign speculation and accusations that the source of hacked Wikileaks Democratic emails is none other than Russian president Vladimir Putin, Julian Assange has decided to close the book on that particular loose end, and as RT reports, in a John Pilger…

Collapse of the Clinton Apparatus?
With one week left in the most chaotic and dangerous presidential contest in American history, the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign is damaged and sinking. Even the propaganda protection of the Clinton-controlled mainstream corporate media is starting to buckle.
HILLARY CLINTON (pictured) …

Assange’s Fate
The left turns on him, the right embraces him THE SAGA of Julian Assange seems to be drawing to a climax — one that will decide the fate of this historic whistleblower who, for years, has been a giant thorn in the side of governments everywhere. His role in exposing the machinations of the US government…