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New York Psychiatrist: ‘I Dream of Unloading a Revolver Into the Head of Any White Person Who Gets in My Way’
A NEW YORK-BASED psychiatrist who was invited by Yale University to give a talk titled “Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind” told the audience that she had fantasized about ‘unloading a revolver into the head of any white person’ who got in her way.″…

Guess Who’s Psychologically Abusing White Children?
Often, even relatively innocuous-looking Jews are not innocuous: Mark Federman and the “scale” force-fed to students by him, extolling Whites who want to abolish their own race and condemning those who do not, created by anti-White Congoid Barnor Hesse. by David Sims SOME OF US White…

I Live Whiteness
…and it is my religion. by H. Millard MY RELIGIOUS views are so wrapped up in Whiteism and evolutionary truths and beliefs about evolution and the fact that Whites are a selected kind by the First Cause that I wonder if discrimination against me based on my deeply held religious beliefs would stand…

We Know from the Sacred Teachings
A few of the important things that we know from the Sacred Teachings by H. Millard WE KNOW from the Sacred Teachings that God made us White because He wants us to be White and He wants us to stay White and practice Whiteness in all ways. We know from the Sacred Teachings that God gave us a level of free will so…

Don’t Be Confused
Separate from all non-Whites so your genome can live. No intent is needed to harm you on the part of some other organisms, including non-White humans, as their very presence may harm you. by H. Millard WE ALL KNOW that certain germs can harm or kill us and we also know that they have no intent to harm or kill…

Scotland: University Hosts “Resisting Whiteness” Conference
RT reports that the University of Edinburgh allowed an anti-White conference to take place on school grounds despite mass outrage at the discriminatory nature of the conference. According to the report, The conference, aimed at raising awareness about “the importance of anti-racist action in the…

Is This Good for White People and the White Genome?
by H. Millard WE FEEL SORRY for our fellow Whites who are unawakened. They understand little about existence and many have internalized false beliefs about Nature and the nature of man. They do not understand why Whites should remain separate from other races for all time. We are sorry to lose many of…

Whiteness Is Commanded of Us by the Creator
by H. Millard WHEN WE WORSHIP Whiteness as a product of our DNA code, containing therein a spark of the Creator, and treat other White people with love and kindness, we automatically worship the Creator who has made us White and who commands us to reproduce ourselves and become ever more pure White and…

I am a White Person
by H. Millard I AM A White person. My parents were White. My grandparents were White. My great-grandparents were White. My great-great-grandparents were White. My White line goes back pure White as far as I have been able to check. And my DNA test says I’m 100% non-Jewish White (they call it 100%…