Posts Tagged
White Supremacy

Jews, White Supremacism, and White Nationalism
Artist’s conception of sleek antibodies fighting angular disease organisms in the bloodstream: Racial-nationalists are society’s antibodies against invading alien cells; support them! by David Sims I LIKE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS that seekers ask on Quora, a widely read Web site. Here…

The White Race, the White Race, the White Race
While we are not at all “White supremacists” in the sense of wanting to rule over other races, it has to be said that our race is supremely good in many important ways. by David Sims RECENTLY ON Quora, the question was posed: “Why is White supremacy a delusion?” The phrasing of…

Peace Is White Supremacy
PLEASE WATCH THE AMAZING video above. Muh Biden Sign. Believe it or not, the fact that you and many of your dead relatives voted for a loathsome pedophile scumbag is not going to protect you from the dark mobs.…

White Teacher “Cancels” Herself
Jessica Bridges (lower left) and other participants in self-flagellation and hatred of their own people Introduced and with a note
by Jim Mathias RECENTLY Jonathan Turley’s (Republican-leaning and mind-numbingly Politically Correct on racial matters) Web site reported: We have seen in…
by Jim Mathias RECENTLY Jonathan Turley’s (Republican-leaning and mind-numbingly Politically Correct on racial matters) Web site reported: We have seen in…

In Defense of White Supremacism
by Gordon Bakken I HAVE KNOWN many people who support White people more than they support people of other races. Never have I seen them call themselves “White supremacists.” That is a label that is attached to them by their enemies. For that reason, it is hardly necessary to defend it. Yet I will attempt…

After Being Banned by Anti-White Jews, Molyneaux’s Response Is “But I’m Not a White Supremacist!”
by David Sims STEFAN Molyneux: So we’re now posturing as Politically Correct, are we? “Contrary to what my detractors say, I am not a white supremacist.” I might play Devil’s Advocate and argue for why you should be a White supremacist, if you can by any means qualify for that…

Definitions and the High Ground
by David Sims THE FBI’s definitions for “White nationalist” and “White supremacist” are surprisingly accurate. What follows in quotes is from a US House of Representatives resolution. “A 2006 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assessment defined a…

Not a Satire: Black Woman Oppressed by Watermelon Shame Thanks to Legacy of Slavery
Can you believe this is allowed to happen in The Current Year? Clearly we need to have a National Conversation about this. Follow me on Twitter to get it started. On eating watermelon in front of white people: I’m not as free as I thought
Racism has a powerful, sneaky way of inflicting shame. by Cythnia…
Racism has a powerful, sneaky way of inflicting shame. by Cythnia…

White Nationalism, White Supremacy, and White Superiority
by David Sims THERE ARE three distinct viewpoints that often are confused with each other: White supremacy, White superiority, and White nationalism. White supremacy includes White superiority, but it goes a step further. In addition to asserting that Whites are superior to other races, a White…

Jared Taylor vs. CNN’s Forthcoming Hatchet Job on White Nationalism
Jared Taylor on CNN’s “The State of Hate” In April, CNN asked me for an interview with one of its hosts, Fareed Zakaria, as part of an hour-long program on “white nationalism.” I was reluctant. Programs of this kind don’t try to understand why people become “white nationalists.”…