Posts Tagged
White Society

WLP90: Toward a Healthy Society
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

Diversity Is Fatal
by Douglas Mercer ROBERT PUTNAM IS A descendant of Massachusetts Pilgrim folk — and is also both a convert to Judaism and a ruling class stink-sniffer. He has one of the most “powerful” names in American social science, but it will always be his lot to go down in history as the one who…

Toward a Racial-Nationalist Society
by T.S. Francis What is Society? SOCIETY is the social organization of any like-minded, blood-related, indigenous people. And since man’s nature is that of the social animal we must have societal structure of some kind, for our very survival and for our progress. The level of culture, progress and…

Stopping the Hijacking of America
by Dr. William L. Pierce TODAY I WANT to simply state a few facts — and make a few simple statements about what I believe. First, I want to tell you why I make these broadcasts every week. I make these broadcasts because America is being hijacked, and I want to stop the hijacking. America used to…

Where a Negro Can Be a Negro
LONG BEFORE THE FIRES, the pack attacks and the tribal warfare begins, “diversity” annihilates the trust and civility we take for granted in a White society. We don’t notice this unspoken cooperation any more than a fish notices the water it’s swimming in, at least until…

Defying the Censors
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of November 4, 2000 by Dr. William Pierce DID YOU notice a small news item a few weeks ago in some U.S. newspapers? Lucie Blackman (pictured), a 21-year-old English girl, disappeared in Tokyo. Her father, Tim Blackman, a very wealthy real-estate developer in Britain,…

Freedom: Use It or Lose It
Free Speech magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, February 1995 by Dr. William L. Pierce PERHAPS YOU already know this, but this program is broadcast 22 times a week on 15 different stations in the United States. It’s also carried around the world by powerful shortwave transmitters. I don’t know exactly…

White Women are Getting Fed Up
WE ARE SICK and tired of having our countries ruined, seeing our folk demoralized, and being hated and blamed for all of the worlds problems. We are speaking out, and standing up for our people. We will not let this continue.
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EDITOR’S NOTE: This video has the potential to go viral, so please copy…

Creating a New Society
by Dr. William L. Pierce A WONDERFUL THING about the philosophy which governs our movement is that it is very simple — it is completely summed up in our Affirmation — and yet it is all-inclusive. It tells us everything we need to know. Everything is derived from it. It tells, for example,…

The Good Society
The following is a transcript of a presentation by Matt Koehl to students of a senior Political Science class at a high school in Worthington, Ohio, on January 11, 2005: I WANT TO thank you for giving me this opportunity to discuss with you a few ideas, which I hope will prove both stimulating and challenging.…