Posts Tagged
White Slave trade
The Rubes and the Carnies
by Dr. William L. Pierce IN OUR LAST TWO broadcasts we have talked about the Jewish trade in White slaves and about why the Jews engage in such activity. Today we’ll expand that discussion to some related subjects. First, however, let me tell you that after last week’s broadcast, just as…
Dutch Jews and the White Slave Trade
IN THE British West Indies much of the early capital to finance White slavery came from Sephardic Jews from Holland. They provided credit, machinery and shipping facilities. In the 1630s Dutch Jews had been deeply involved in the enslavement of the Irish, financing their transport to slave plantations…
Jew Slaving
by Tanstaafl You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. – Isaiah 60:16 WHAT FOLLOWS here is a post-length response to an insightful comment from High Arka concerning Janissaries, the kidnapped White slave-soldiers of the jihadi/Jewhadi joint venture commonly known as the Ottoman…
Jew Slaving
by Tanstaafl
You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts. — Isaiah 60:16
WHAT FOLLOWS HERE is a post-length response to an insightful comment from High Arka concerning Janissaries, the kidnapped White slave-soldiers of the jihadi/jewhadi joint venture commonly known…
What Really Started World War Two
by Dr. William L. Pierce DO YOU REMEMBER what started the Second World War? Initially it was just a territorial dispute between Germany and Poland. The Germans wanted back the German territory which had been taken away from Germany and given to Poland at the end of the First World War. But when the Germans,…
by Dr. William L. Pierce (2000) I’M THE CHAIRMAN of the National Alliance. I’m trying to build the National Alliance into a strong enough organization so that we can have a major influence on a number of policies which are important to the future of our people. We want to change the government’s…
What It Took to End the White Slave Trade
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THE WHITE SLAVE trade in Latin America was established and controlled by Jews, according to a book published last November by Oxford University Press. It has long been known and documented that Jews monopolized the importing of Black slaves from Africa to Brazil and other Latin…
Responding to Evil
by Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE RECEIVED more letters in response to last week’s broadcast than I have to any three other broadcasts, and I am very gratified. I expected that some of our Ukrainian and Russian listeners would respond well to what I said last week about the horrible fate…
Jews and the White Slave Trade
One of William Pierce’s most moving works by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) STEVEN SPIELBERG’S pseudo-historical film about a 19th-century mutiny and massacre aboard a Spanish slave ship, Amistad, and the subsequent trial of the Black mutineers is being praised by the reviewers. …
Aesop’s Fables and the Rules of Engagement
American Dissident Voices Broadcast of November 14, 1998 by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK I gave an interview to a news reporter from a television station in Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s station WSOC, channel nine, Michael Eisner’s ABC affiliate in Charlotte. The reporter…