Posts Tagged

White Racism


“‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ . . . This process of continuous alteration [of the past] was applied . . . to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold
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As population darkens, our monuments and heroes will be suppressed, censored, and forgotten.
MEMPHIS Mayor A.C. Wharton (pictured) has called for the removal of the grave of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest from a city park, along with an attached memorial. “These relics, these messages…
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EDITOR’S NOTE: In Jewish-dominated academia, for any current sociological study to be viewed as credible, at least one weaponized, leftist term must be utilized to subtly disparage Whites and elicit hostility towards them. In this study, the term “privilege” is used to imply…
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EDITOR’S NOTE: The Oregon Center for Educational Equity is linked to the “Southern Poverty Law Center” Jewish hate group. “WHITE PRIVILEGE” seminars are being implemented for Oregon school officials and teachers, to the tune of $100,000 taxpayer dollars, EAG News reported. …
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EssaysHadding Scott

by Hadding Scott THERE IS AN urban legend that has been floating around for some years now, that the word racist was coined by Leon Trotsky, for the purpose of cowing and intimidating opponents of leftist ideology. In his History of the Russian Revolution Trotsky applied the word racist to Slavophiles,…
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Whites should never care about their own survival, their own children, or their own future — only about non-Whites, says profoundly sick anti-White “professor.” A HIP HOP symposium recently inspired a professor at Lehigh University to develop a list of “Cracka Commandments”…
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Black thief is only given probation after holding a family at gunpoint and terrorizing a little girl who is deemed racist for now being scared of Black men, something that has nothing to do with the actual crime committed prior to her fear. Apparently, this White family ‘deserved’ to be
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EDITOR’S NOTE: Naturally the White students view White players as Americans — hence the “USA!” chants — and view the Mestizo players as foreigners. Mestizos even see themselves as a nation apart, and rightly so. That is Nature’s way, and there is no moral wrong…
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