Posts Tagged
White Privilege

Are Non-Whites Penalized More Harshly by the Justice System for the Same Crimes?
by Russell James ARE non-Whites penalized more harshly by the US criminal justice system for the same crimes? To the contrary, most evidence points to the fact that Whites are held to a much higher standard regarding crime than any other group. Crime is so rampant in some non-White communities that “minor”…

An Answer to Rev. Dr. John C. Dorhauer’s “Open Letter to White Men in America”
by David Sims Dorhauer: “Dear white men,” Me: “Yes?” Dorhauer: “You are persons of privilege.” Me: “We are not. Since you think that we are, you should identify the source of those privileges. Who’s privileging White people? Other than us, I mean.…

Gosh, Systemic Racism Does Exist After All
Damn straight by David Sims YOU DON’T have to prove a negative. The statement “Systemic racism does not exist” doesn’t need to be proved. The burden of proof is on those who say it does exist. And, in a sense, it does. However, the systemic racism that actually does exist are…

Whites at Sandia Nuclear Lab Revolt Against Anti-White Management
Introduction by David Sims: According to Christopher Rufo, the executives of Sandia National Laboratories who are considered most responsible for the promotion of “Critical Race Theory” — a Marxist doctrine that asserts that White men have “White privilege,”…

Our Democratic Processes
BY NOW WE’VE all seen the arrest footage of Saint Floyd. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, this incredible glimpse into the final days of a dying nation featured a creature straight from a nightmare blasted out of its primitive mind on drugs and long-suffering “racist” police…

Orwell Alert — L.A. Times: White Progressives Should Sacrifice Their Kids to End White Privilege
White progressive parents and the conundrum of privilege by Margaret A. Hagerman
Greg and Sarah live in a predominantly white neighborhood and send their children to a predominantly white private school. “I don’t want to believe we are hypocrites,” Greg tells me. “But if we say diversity is important…

The Greatest Demonstration of Strength
In the great span of world history, nearly all change and progress has come from an under-served and out-of-power group pushing, prodding, and pounding on those who hold power to expand it to include a wider and more diverse population. NO. Prior to the disastrous Jewish century and the Semitic doctrines…

Non-Jewish White Privilege?
4 Things I Enjoy About My White Privilege by Edgar Tru It is obvious, in twenty-first century America, that European-Americans are the most privileged group in the country. We essentially are the bees knees and everyone else is oppressed just because we exist. So, as a white man, I want to share how I…

Video of the Day: Orwell Alert — American-Clown World Edition
Welcome to the post-adult world of modern America. Question: Is the Left embarrassed by these kinds of episodes? Does this sort of certifiable insanity occasion any self-reflection on the part of trendy shitlibs whose politics consist of nothing more than virtue-signalling their support of White…

Math is “Racist”
THE STAGGERING ACHIEVEMENTS of the White race represent a very real expression of what our Jewish enemy calls “White supremacy.” It would take some amazing contortions to study the last five hundred years of world history and come to a conclusion that doesn’t concede our superiority.…