Posts Tagged
White prehistory

Brief Comments on the “Reconstruction” of Cheddar Man
by Hadding Scott
CHEDDAR MAN is the name given to a complete male human skeleton approximately 9,100 years old that was found in southwestern England. It constitutes evidence of what kind of people inhabited Britain in prehistoric times.
In the new reconstruction of Cheddar Man, the eyes are blue.…

Who We Are #7 — Ice Age Nordics
by Dr. William L. Pierce
Nordic Invasions 6,000 Years Ago Brought Masculine Spirit to Europe
Nordic Establish New Heartland in North
Language Gives Clues to Racial Roots THE NORDIC SUBRACE of the White, or European, race made its first appearance in Europe west of the Black Sea about 6,400 years ago.…
Nordic Establish New Heartland in North
Language Gives Clues to Racial Roots THE NORDIC SUBRACE of the White, or European, race made its first appearance in Europe west of the Black Sea about 6,400 years ago.…

Migrations into Europe and the European Race
Despite voicing PC views, Jean Manco’s study Ancestral Journeys shows that Europe has always been a land of the European race and that almost all the “migrants” cited came from within Europe — and even the ones who didn’t would be recognized as White today.
by John Law…