Posts Tagged
White Population

White Babies
by David Sims WHITE WOMEN should have more babies! Go ahead. Kids are fun. And you get somebody to call you Mommy and take care of you when you’re old. Besides, we don’t want our race to die out. Not even Hungary has a White birthrate that is above replacement level, which is 2.1 births per woman,…

Hungary Rejects Migration, Chooses More White Children
Lullaby by Anna Rose Taking steps to address the real existential threat. UNDER Viktor Orbán’s new pro-family budget, married couples who have three children will eligible to receive 30,600 euros by the Hungarian government. The government offer would come in the form of a 30,600 euro loan to couples…

Holes in the Demographic Transition Model?
by Andrew Hamilton THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION MODEL is an academic theory about population development. It was initially formulated to describe what had already taken place in developed (at the time, White) European countries. It has since entered into common usage much as the term “Industrial…

South Africa: Orania Schools Bursting at the Seams
THE AFRIKANER SETTLEMENT of Orania in South Africa — a project which has mapped out a survival strategy for Europeans in regions overrun by the Third World — is going from strength to strength and this year has seen its school population rise to unprecedented numbers. A Facebook post made by the Oraniabeweging…

Population Growth in France Prior to the French Revolution
by Abbé Augustin Barruel (1798) Introductory Note: The following extract from French ecclesiastic Augustin Barruel’s classic Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (French edition 1797; English translation 1798) highlights a noteworthy postulate of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s concerning…

Don’t Celebrate Too Much Yet
by Hadding Scott THE ELECTION of Donald Trump as President of the United States represents a temporary reprieve for the United States of America as a majority-White country. It could become much more than that, but it is not yet evident that it will. While Trump represents a move in the right direction,…

Whites: Reverse Course Now, or Die
Today, White men in the military fight all over the world, but they do not fight for the one thing that is most important to the survival of their kind -– who impregnates their women. by Richard Fuerle WHEN THE environment changes, behavior that was so adaptive that it made a population supreme may be so…

Why Europeans Are So White-Skinned
… and other possible outcomes of sexual selection in European populations by Peter Frost DID SEXUAL SELECTION alter the appearance of Europeans in a number of ways, and not simply by diversifying hair and eye color? (ILLUSTRATION: Figure 1. Distribution of skin color in Africa and Eurasia…

The Importance of Population Structure and Dynamics
by Andrew Hamilton IN TRYING to conceptualize what a current, or indeed ongoing, global head count of Whites would look like (no such reliable enumeration exists), it is imperative to keep in mind the age structure and reproductive profile of whatever population exists, as well as the dynamics of rapid…

Whites Are Being Replaced
Although this Brookings Institution article by truckler William Frey doesn’t admit it, Jewish-led social policies and agendas (such as mass immigration, racial mixing propaganda, promotion of abnormal sexual behavior, and moral condemnation of “racism”) are leading directly…