Posts Tagged
White liberals

Why do White Liberals Speak for Black People?
by David Sims THE REASON White “liberals” speak for Black people is because the liberal Whites are better-spoken — meaning they have superior language skills, as compared with the Blacks themselves. And the liberal Whites are cleverer liars than the Blacks are. That’s not to say…

By 2040, They Will Be Too Stupid to Stop Us
LIBERAL DEMOCRACY is ending with a collective whimper. White liberals have no will to live, almost by definition, and thus no will to fight in a way that matters. Liberal activism never actually does anything productive; it never builds anything. The best example of what liberals actually do, is the …

White Liberal Won’t Take Wife and Baby Out of Ghetto After Sexual Assaults, Says She’s a “Racist”
A WHITE liberal couple moved to a minority White ghetto to experience it. The woman was repeatedly sexually assaulted by neighbors. After begging to leave many times, she left with their six month old baby. Her partner screamed she was “racist” and demanded she came back. “So both ‘Randy’ and I are college…

Let’s Talk About Missouri
by Andrew Hamilton ORDINARY WHITES have some sacred cows, among them Jews, schools, the military, and cops. These individuals and institutions can do no wrong. White support for them is blind and unreasoning — at least until some unlucky soul is singled out as “racist,” “anti-Semitic,” or, possibly,…

The Making of a White Liberal
HAVE YOU EVER wondered why there aren’t more White Nationalists? There have been dozens of failed experiments in racial ‘equality.’ From the period of decolonialization to the fall of White South Africa we have seen these policies fail again and again. [1] In the United States…

Sacred Wounds
LET US cast a casual glance at an obscure footnote to Russian history:
“Skoptsy is a plural of ‘skopets,’ an archaic word meaning ‘castrated one’ in the Russian language. As their title indicates, the main feature of the sect was castration. They believed that after…

White Liberals to Become Extinct
When stronger hands arrive to pick up the pieces of a destroyed America, will they be our hands? by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured) REVILO OLIVER’S ESSAY on “liberalism” of the multiracialist variety — which has very little to do with classical liberalism — should be…

Liberal Cognitive Dissonance on South Africa
by Jack Sen A PECULIAR thing happened while my liberal sister and I were driving near a Black area of Johannesburg on our way back to Pretoria from RO Tambo International airport — Anne expressed a palpable fear of being in proximity to the very people she’d championed less than two decades earlier.…

A World Gone Mad
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) A FEW DAYS AGO I was looking through a batch of pamphlets and leaflets published by various groups at Portland State University, which M.S. brought here with him from Oregon. Some of the material was published by a homosexual group calling itself “Men’s Resource Center,”…