Posts Tagged

White dispossession


Looking at the YouTube view counts, this worthy Elections Canada campaign is really making an impact and is definitely worth the millions it doubtlessly cost the White taxpayers of Canada. by Richard Ward IN A 30 second commercial that has been filling TV screens for a week now, Elections Canada encourages…
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by Max Musson IN A SOMEWHAT unprecedented move, the BBC, that bastion of political correctness, is set to mark if not mourn the passing of the Cockney folk who have for centuries characterised the East End of London. In a programme to be broadcast on 24th May, the ‘Last Whites of the East End’, the BBC will…
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Dispossession of White family garners neither tears nor notice from anti-White US government THE WEALTHY black General Practitioner living in the UK who seized a tobacco farm from a white Zimbabwean family today refused to apologise to them — as the plantation he has taken over stood deserted…
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