Posts Tagged
White Cucks

Christianity: Suicide as God
by Blake Hood For two thousand years the Christian religion, with its hatred of the world, has found its symbol of life in the self-crucifixion of the creator of that world! — Ludwig Klages THE ‘ideal’ that is presented to our people is endless apology, subservience, and meekness (cucking) to all other…

Our Inescapable Duty
Archbishop Joan-Enric Vives of Urgell, Catalonia, said in a letter Sunday that European nations have the “inescapable duty” to welcome migrants and refugees who are trying to find a better life for themselves. THE 11th Commandment: Thou shalt commit national suicide for the Jew. You have no choice…

Cucktianity: The “New Clientele”
WE’RE IN A WAR against the dark biological weapons aimed at our race, but also against spiritual wickedness in high places. As long as Whites remain debased in Jew-promoted evils, as long as we sit in false churches preaching the Kosher gospel of cultural Marxism, there will be no salvation for…

The Home of the Slave
IN THE U.S.S.A. it’s almost time for debased, pitifully obese and generally broken White loser cuckolds to sit paralyzed in front of the talmudvision watching the Negro ball. They’ll have on their Chinese jersey with the name of a 70 I.Q. criminal on the back, they’ll be inhaling…