Posts Tagged
White Birth-rate

The Exterminators
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 July, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom A FEW YEARS AGO I discussed on these airwaves the utter absurdity of the claim, commonly heard on the controlled media and in modern…

White Babies
by David Sims WHITE WOMEN should have more babies! Go ahead. Kids are fun. And you get somebody to call you Mommy and take care of you when you’re old. Besides, we don’t want our race to die out. Not even Hungary has a White birthrate that is above replacement level, which is 2.1 births per woman,…

Promoting Large Families
JEWISH-CONTROLLED media constantly send the message that the world is overpopulated — which we agree is true in some areas such as India and Africa. When it comes to European Whites however, it is not true — we are in dire straits. We are not replacing ourselves, in fact, we aren’t…

How Europe’s Demographic Winter Can Be Reversed
An eye-opening article that suggests that cheap housing for young Europeans — something instituted by the German National Socialists — would go a long way toward increasing White birth rates. What the author should have added, however, is that access to such housing should be restricted…

What We Must Have
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 14, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom EVEN THE WALL won’t be nearly enough — if we ever do get a wall. And “vetting Muslims” — if we ever do start vetting Muslims…

Reversing America’s Decline
WE HAVE BEGUN the long road back by rejecting the false Jewish song of globalism and cremating the remains of the U.S.S.A. The victories seem almost unbelievable when one considers just how defeated and disorganized the White resistance was just a few years ago. The future is unwritten and what seems…

More White Deaths Than Births in One Third of US States
Studies now show that many White deaths are directly attributable to globalist economic policies. What this article from Britain’s Daily Mail does not tell us is that White births are already a minority in the United States and have been so for several years.
MORE WHITE PEOPLE are dying than…

Italy: Anti-White Feminists React to Fertility Day With Hate and Rage
What the Jews and “feminists” really hate is White children. ALTHOUGH ITALY’S birthrate is well below replacement level, radical feminists have attacked the country’s Fertility Day campaign to encourage women to have more children, comparing it to Mussolini’s Fascist government.…

On Family
by Andrew Hamilton A MYTH of our time is that the Western family still exists. We assume it does despite abundant evidence to the contrary. This can be accounted for by the psychological persistence of outdated experience, and mass media that subconsciously insinuate false perceptions. (ILLUSTRATION:…

Poland: Child Subsidies Encourage Births, Help Families
Less careerism, more White children and growing, healthier families will be the happy results. POLAND’S 500+ subsidy, introduced in April and named after the monthly 500 zlotys ($126) per child it offers, is proving very popular among Polish women and families. But Jewish groups and Cultural…