Posts Tagged
Which Way Western Man?

Canada: Low-IQ Bureaucrats Target Genius Philosopher
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 January, 2024 by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK THE cowardly, treasonous, and disgusting government of Canada decided to “protect” its citizens — not by stopping Black rapists or Israeli porn merchants or Mestizo gang leaders from crossing…

The Difficulty of Finding Oneself
Keep this passage in mind when you get doxxed… “Dare only to believe in thyself — in thyself and in thine inward parts! He who doth not believe in himself always lieth! What saith thy Conscience? — ‘Thou shalt become what thou art.’” But over and over again Nietzsche stressed the difficulty of “finding…

Our New Religion
Man sleeps in the forest. When he awakens and realizes his power, then order is reconstituted. — Junger OUR SUPREME NEED is for a new religion, a religion that is our own, consonant with all the best in our past, equal to all the exigencies of our present. But I am convinced that no amount of negative…

How Jewish We Have Become
IT MUST BE MANIFEST, I think, that the claims of Mr. Ravage back in 1928 were hardly exaggerated. In fact, even fifteen years before that, Werner Sombart asserted, as already quoted, that the United States had become the distilled essence of Judaism. It is all too plain that the Jew has not only subjugated…

The Church Has Been The Great Enemy Of Life
by Willian Gayley Simpson
from Which Way Western Man? AND THIS IS the worst of the matter. The worst is not that the Church has perpetrated upon mankind a pious hoax, and turned the life and teaching of Jesus into a piece of hocus-pocus, an imaginary transaction to counteract imaginary sin to get people…
from Which Way Western Man? AND THIS IS the worst of the matter. The worst is not that the Church has perpetrated upon mankind a pious hoax, and turned the life and teaching of Jesus into a piece of hocus-pocus, an imaginary transaction to counteract imaginary sin to get people…

Our Hour of Deadly Peril
AT THIS moment of writing, I am too deeply concerned about the fearful catastrophe that hangs over my people to bother with what Gobineau, Spengler or James Burnham, the philosophers of history, might say about the situation. It is a matter of life or death that we are confronted with, and if life, then…

The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds Audio Book: William Gayley Simpson
by Bradford L. Huie for The American Mercury CHAPTER 20 of Robert Griffin’s The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds — read this week by Vanessa Neubauer in our continuing series — deals with Dr. William Luther Pierce and his publication of Which Way Western Man? by philosopher William…

One Man’s Striving: Part 4
by William Gayley Simpson Part 4 of 7
The author of Which Way Western Man? eventually came to understand that the liberalism and egalitarianism he had imbibed from Jesus’ teachings were as alien to him as the Semitic theology he had rejected earlier.

One Man’s Striving: Part 2
by William Gayley Simpson Part 2 of 7 The author of Which Way Western Man? rejected Christian theology before the end of the First World War, but he retained a commitment to Christian ethics for several more years. (ILLUSTRATION: SPEAKING to groups of young people was an activity to which William Simpson…

One Man’s Striving: Part 1
EDITOR’S NOTE: This seven-part series from the unpublished autobiography of William Simpson, was originally published in the March, June, and August 1983 and March, August, and December 1984 issues of National Vanguard magazine. This is a deeply moving, hard-hitting, no-holds-barred…