Posts Tagged

Western Civilization


We do not agree with this author’s tentative conclusion that ethnic and “meritocratic” nationalists can or should “meet each other halfway.” Only a thoroughgoing, absolute racial-nationalism can save and sustain us. Nevertheless, the author makes many valid
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White Europeans have a new reality to confront; like the African elephant, once powerful in the animal world, we risk being wiped out as a species. The great question now to be answered is whether we’ll realize what’s happening before it’s too late to do anything about it. by Eric…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred StromRevilo P. Oliver

by Revilo P. Oliver Editor’s Note: Dr. Revilo P. Oliver was a distinguished Classics professor at the University of Illinois for 32 years, was a founder of both the John Birch Society and National Review magazine, and was a leading partisan of our race in the latter half of the 20th century. This…
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THERE ARE NO thoughts or prayers, no empty gestures (Imagine there’s no heaven…), no faceberg filter that puts a German flag over your duck-face selfie. No known motive, no explanations, no clue why this is happening. It would probably be best if you just ignore it. The West isn’t…
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Classic Essays

The Self is but a brief transition from and to nothingness; we can achieve self-actualization only within a natural community of racial kin. WESTERN MAN’S most persistent difficulties have centered around his striving to attain a valid self-conceptualization, that is, to see himself as…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE PART of the Jewish race that interfaces with us is very clever, having an average intelligence that surpasses our own. But it’s a cleverness that frequently presumes too far, and the quality of the Jewish race that most characterizes them is their presumptuousness. It shows…
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by László Toroczkai, Mayor of Ásotthalom ÁSOTTHALOM is a small town with only 4 thousand inhabitants, but with a huge territory. We have the fifth biggest territory in Hungary which is 122 square kilometer. In comparison, it is exactly twice as much as the territory of San Marino, it is sixty times…
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Classic Essays

by Cholly Bilderberger (also see this series by the same author) THOUGHTS in the night: We deplore our pathetic world intellectually by day, but only realize the full horror viscerally in the dark. It is then that the questions come. Doesn’t any person capable of feeling and perception (sentient,…
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Classic Essays

by Brian Smith Introductory Note THE OTHER DAY I received a letter — not a letter addressed to me, but a copy of a letter which was sent by National Alliance member Brian Smith of Boise, Idaho, to his mother, in which he tries to explain to her what he believes and why he believes it. The letter is very…
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THE MIGHTY DEAD: Why Homer Matters is an example of that non-fiction genre so reviled by the anti-White establishment: books that celebrate the European past and the rich and world-transforming culture that emerged from it. Foundational to this culture are the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey
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