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Black Slavery and Questions With Embedded False Assumptions
Like the majority of the Black slaves shipped to the Americas, this African was first captured and enslaved by his fellow Blacks, and only later sold to Jewish, Arab, or European slave traders. by David Sims HERE ARE SOME RELATED questions from Quora:
“How can individuals and communities support…

Canada: Bleeding the Whites Until There’s Nothing Left
Long ago and far away, there was a happy land. by Douglas Mercer OF LATE THE AMERINDIANS are getting all the glory up in Canada — it’s hard to beat fake Indian kids in fake graves — but the Blacks are no slouches there either when it comes to poking their thumbs in the White man’s…

Dragging Us to Death
by David Sims SEVERAL MONTHS ago, I wrote about the Great Filter our civilization is undergoing in my article “Will We Survive the Great Filter?” I said, in part: I propose that there is an obvious Great Filter that comes somewhere between the rise of civilization and interplanetary colonization.…

Hierarchy of Systematic Looting by Inferior Races
by David Sims THE CONTROLLED media in the United States lie a lot, and one of the subjects upon which they lie frequently is the racial breakdown of people who subsist on public assistance programs, which are run by the government and which are subsidized by taxing the earnings of working citizens. Here…

Life of Young Entrepreneur and Prolific Family Man Cruelly Cut Short
IT SEEMS THAT every couple of days New Orleans loses one of its treasured
“entrepreneurs.” Let’s get the players straight before we go on with this. First: Larmondo “Flair” Allen, the protagonist His companion: Kawanner Armstrong His sons: Christian Allen, Kwan Allen,…
“entrepreneurs.” Let’s get the players straight before we go on with this. First: Larmondo “Flair” Allen, the protagonist His companion: Kawanner Armstrong His sons: Christian Allen, Kwan Allen,…

Parts of New Jersey, New York, a Pressure Cooker as Hasidic Jews Take Over
Though living among such beings is extremely undesirable for us, and their dishonorable methods are disgusting and unacceptable, we can still learn from their determination to remain separate. IT IS, BY CHOICE, an intensely isolated and insular group, in which a brood of 10 children in one Hasidic…

Welfare: A Way of Life for Non-Whites
by David Sims WHEN YOU combine federal and state expenditures for welfare programs, the total comes to about $1.2 trillion per year. That’s a lot of money. If we were to imagine that working Americans paid an equal amount to cover that welfare cost, it would amount to $10,000 from each working citizen.…

The Looting of America
by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF THE more interesting aspects of the ongoing saga of illegal campaign contributions and money-laundering in the Clinton administration is the Asian connection. A temple full of Buddhist nuns who cannot speak English but who have handy checkbooks, Clinton buddy Johnny…

Blacks are Several Times More Likely to be on Public Assistance, as Compared with Whites
by David Sims FEW SUBJECTS are more muddied by leftists than the matter of which race is the most likely to be on welfare programs. The correct answer is “blacks.” But the liberals never seem to tire of finding ways to obfuscate. One of the commonest methods they use, in order to convince…