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While America and Europe are yoked to insane Jewish “wokeness” and Afromania, and are busy exterminating their founding race, China is serious about power, wealth, and racial-national survival. They will be merciless. THE LISTING OF the world’s biggest companies saw 133 Chinese…
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DECIDE WHAT YOUR path in life will be. Some of us give our all to a great cause, like Kevin Strom and Will Williams are giving their all to bring about the renaissance of our race and a new spiritual basis for our society. That is a sometimes lonely, often dangerous, but immensely important path that they…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

What is money, really? What is wealth? And what do ‘economic stimulus’ and war and foreign aid do to our wealth? by Kevin Alfred Strom based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 10, 2004 IN 1957, Julian Huxley wrote about the dangers the world might face in 2007. He told of a world wracked by…
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David SimsEssays

A debate with a libertarian, Ockjay, on the merits of the system that is failing us, and would fail us even more if it were unrestrained by David Sims My Opening Statement CAPITALISM has proved to be another system for economic organization that fails in the long run. Both capitalism and socialism work…
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Classic EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

What is money, really? What is wealth? And what do ‘economic stimulus’ and war and foreign aid do to our wealth? by Kevin Alfred Strom based on the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 10, 2004 IN 1957, Julian Huxley wrote about the dangers the world might face in 2007. He told of a world…
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