Posts Tagged
Wartime Propaganda

There Once Was a Man Who Fought Against Hitler
THERE ONCE WAS A MAN who fought against Adolf Hitler. In 1940 he left college to join the U.S. Navy, so he could fight and kill Germans and help destroy their Leader. Starting out as an ordinary recruit, he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming a full naval commander. Serving in two wars, he won nine…

Debunking A Century of War Lies
How the Washington regime, Jewish manipulators, ambitious psychopaths, and others have lied to enable their murders of uncounted millions. Introduction by David Sims YOU SHOULD always be skeptical when your government calls for war. Its reasons are very likely to be lies. Governments are habitual…

Fake Hitler Quotes in a U.S. Army Film
by Hadding Scott WHY WE FIGHT is a series of short films that was produced by Frank Capra’s Liberty Films for the U.S. Army Special Service Division in 1943, with Capra directing most of the episodes. You may have seen parts of this series on some unaffiliated UHF television station that had time…

Goebbels’ Place in History
by Mark Weber NO OTHER NAME is so firmly associated with the term propaganda, conjuring lies and deceit, than that of Joseph Goebbels. But the popular image of this man, particularly in the United States, is a crude caricature. Following his birth in 1897 in Rheydt, a medium-size city in the German Rhineland,…

The “German” Attack on Pearl Harbor
by James Harting
“When the Japanese air forces attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, the Culture-distorters did not know that Europe would take this occasion to retaliate against the undeclared war which the Culture-distorting regime in Washington had been waging against…

Ilya Ehrenberg — The Man Who Invented the “Six Million”
HE WAS A PROLIFIC WRITER, celebrated author of various novels and other works of fiction. He was the top Soviet propagandist during the Second World War. He was a notorious liar and a pathological monster. He was a Jew. As a a leading member of the Soviet-sponsored Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, …

Neuron Bombs: The Holocaust and Other Atrocity Stories
More atrocious than the atrocity itself is the atrocity-mongering WORLD WAR I atrocity tales of Huns tossing Belgian babies on their bayonets and of Hunnish chemists transmuting Belgian corpses into soap had a rather short life. Even before the end of the war hardly anyone believed them. Other atrocity…

Auschwitz: Myths and Facts
by Mark Weber (pictured) AUSCHWITZ is regarded as the most notorious Nazi extermination center. During World War II, we are told, hundreds of thousands of prisoners — most of them Jewish — were systematically killed there, especially in gas chambers. Auschwitz was unquestionably a place of horror,…

The Cheerleaders
“THE FIRST casualty when war comes,” said noninterventionist Senator Hiram Johnson in 1917, “is truth.” Phillip Knightley’s (pictured) The First Casualty is a history of journalistic war reporting from the Crimean War to Vietnam. Of particular interest are…