Posts Tagged
War propaganda

Never Stop Debunking Jewish Lies: Quora Edition No. 3,873
Someday, newspapers will print this great news — after which the percentage of truth in their pages will skyrocket. A sneering contempt for non-Jews oozes out between the lines of Jewish propaganda: “Never question your betters.” by David Sims ONE TRENDING QUESTION on Quora recently…

Who We Are #25 — The Second World War: The Great Watershed in the Collapse of the West
Editor’s Note: The chapter below explaining the devastating racial consequences of the Jews’ victory in World War Two is the most important section of Pierce’s Who We Are series. It’s impossible to understand the decline and fall of Western Man without understanding what…

The “German” Attack on Pearl Harbor
by James Harting
“When the Japanese air forces attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in December, 1941, the Culture-distorters did not know that Europe would take this occasion to retaliate against the undeclared war which the Culture-distorting regime in Washington had been waging against…

World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 4
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 15, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
THE ALT-RIGHTERS who led the Trump train to victory would be spinning in their graves — if they weren’t still alive, a fact of which neither they…

World War 2: Battling the People of the Lie, part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 8, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
YESTERDAY, Donald Trump was turned by the Jew-dominated War Party and launched a missile attack on Syria — the same Donald Trump who said we should…